Need your advice about SEO alternatives...

by 22 replies
Hello Warrior Forum! I am new here, this is my first post, I love this forum!

I need some advice from you more experienced marketers. I am just starting out for the first time, and after looking at the competition levels in my niche, it is clear I won't make to the front page of google on any topic even vaguely related to my market for a year at least. (I have been using Market Samurai.)

My first question is this; how much success have you guys had with alternate marketing methods then just SEO? What methods have been the most effective for you? In other words, if you have built an email list, how did you generate traffic to your sign up page?

My second question: Is it better to have a site oriented at a small niche and miss out on the big traffic of a larger market, or orient the site towards a large market but write articles about specific topics that have low competition levels in google, etc?

(By the way, I am selling a video series, I am not looking to affiliate market at this time.)

Thanks so much for any leads/links/advice you might have!


#search engine optimization #advice #alternatives #seo
  • Profile picture of the author MisterBen
    Just to clarify, I mean I am not looking to make $ just through affiliate promotion of others products only, I am selling an original product. (I am open to affiliate with others though.)
  • Many people don't get their traffic at all or don't depend on SEO to get traffic.

    I do article syndication
    forum posting
    social networking
    video posting
    have started doing ads
    joint ventures
    offer an affiliate commission and get affiliates
    and the list goes on and on...
  • Hey there Ben...Before you totally dismiss SEO, I highly recommend you take some time to learn about "long tail keywords"; they are a gold mine.

    Basically, these are the millions of phrases that will never come up in Market Samurai or GKWT because they're too long, too specific, or too infrequent all on their own. However, these long tail phrases also make up an estimated 60% to 75% of all Internet searches, and are generally very easy to rank for very quickly. Think about what this means for just a moment...It represents another side of SEO that very few people are taking advantage of, even your competitors!

    It's hard to go over everything about long-tail SEO in just one forum post, but I hope that you will look into it.

    Outside of SEO I personally enjoy article marketing as my preferred promotional tool of choice, however there are plenty of other options:

    • Forum Marketing
    • Blog Commenting
    • Press Releases
    • Web 2.0 sites (Squidoo, Hubpages, etc)
    • Social Networks
    • Video Marketing (you said you were doing a video series, right? Could be very relevant...)

    ...Not to mention the plethora of paid advertising opportunities available online. If you got seed money you can look into ad swaps, pay per click, banner advertising and more.

    I hope that helps!
  • Banned
    My business model (along with a lot of other successful marketers on here) is based on article marketing. It effectively allows you to bypass the need to depend on SEO, while still getting residual benefits from it.

    Read this thread front to back, I think it covers almost all of the bases: Article Writing & Syndication Explained

    Any lingering questions can be answered through the search function or by asking one of the many article marketers here. They'll find you.
    • [2] replies
    • Hey man.

      F**k SEO.

      I think with the way the web is going the biggest thing you are going to need to help make you money online is social proof.

      Anyone can learn seo tricks and try manipulate the search engines but you can't really fake what everyone thinks of you and what everyone is saying about you. Think about it. People buy, usually, based on who's selling, not what there selling!

      You should check out this girl, Kim Roach. She gets a s**tload of traffic and makes a ton of $$$$$ and doesn't bother with seo.

      You should also check out a book called, "how to win friends and influence people"

      Best of luck with everything mate,
      • [1] reply
    • By far the most powerful marketing method for me has been article syndication. Just a few articles leveraged over a wide swath of niche publications generates a combined readership of over 30 million, with daily subscribers now hovering at 42,000. My niches are in some of the most hotly competitive arenas where deep-pocketed SEO professionals and entrenched keywords make it prohibitively impracticable to rank above the murky depths in the SERPs. Over 90% of my traffic and sales are the direct result of this "old school" marketing model, which effectively by-passes nearly all competition. SEO in general and Google in particular are insignificant or even irrelevant in comparison to the virtually unlimited leveraging potential of article syndication.
      • [ 4 ] Thanks
      • [2] replies
  • Thanks so much for your advice guys, you are a smart bunch. This gives me a better idea of what the SEO alternatives are. (And long tail keywords seem like an important approach as well.)
    Seems like article writing is really an important key, which seems like a good way to give away a lot of value and attract the right kind of focused traffic. Social proof I understand in terms of in person social dynamics, but it is interesting how the entire internet has now been organized around this idea now. (Authority ranking, etc.)

    Thanks again guys for the terrific information that I will put to use!

    • [1] reply
    • Yes, but just don't rely on one method, like long tail keywords, or one site for article syndication.

      You do not want your entire business to rest of a single method or site than can change anything and everything without notice.

      Do article syndication on a few long standing sites.

      Do some long tail SEO.

      So some videos.

      Post in forums, blog comment, guest blog.

      Write a blog.

      When you've made some money and know what you are doing, do some paid ads.

      You really want diversity so if one method goes down, you don't lose all your income.

      It seems like a lot but it you systemize it to do something every day or every other day or once a week, after a while, doing all those steps doesn't really seem like much at all.


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  • 27

    Hello Warrior Forum! I am new here, this is my first post, I love this forum! I need some advice from you more experienced marketers. I am just starting out for the first time, and after looking at the competition levels in my niche, it is clear I won't make to the front page of google on any topic even vaguely related to my market for a year at least. (I have been using Market Samurai.)