Want to Become an Expert on E-Commerce and SEO Help Me Out!!!

Profile picture of AymanGham
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
2 replies
Hey, I Want to Become an Expert on E-Commerce and SEO and I Need Your Help!

I am Looking for Resources on SEO more Specifically, but any other Traffic or Conversion is Welcomed.

From what I heard the New Google Panda Update seem that it's almost impossible to use software to get rank now. Please Feel Free to correct me if I am Wrong.

So what i want is some book, courses or resources about how I can Become the SEO Expert. I don't mind paying for the information. Everything come with cost.

I prefer receiving resource of Whitehat SEO because the Blackhat will be impossible in future.

So please Give your suggestion and your why should i go and pickup your resources!

Thank you in Advance!
#ecommerce #expert #google #markerting #online #seo
  • Profile picture of the author CyborgX
    Profile picture of CyborgX
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    The best way to learn search engine optimization is actually doing it. There is a wealth of information available online. You can start up a simple website on topic you are interested in and start learning and practising SEO on that. There are may good SEO blogs like SEOMoz or SEOBook and you can learn a lot by participating in online forums like WarriorForum. SEO is changing constantly and very fast and there are new practises and guidlines being introduced every week so to keep on top of it all, is to be involved in relevant online communities. I don’t think that actual classroom based training course is needed to learn SEO.
  • Profile picture of the author samual james
    samual james
    Profile picture of samual james
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    you can learn seo through various blogs, forums.
    SEO: The Free Beginner?s Guide From SEOmoz
    you can use beginners guide to know what exactly seo is

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