Can I Write Paid Reviews on a Blog showing Adsense Ad ?

Profile picture of Robinsh123
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
4 replies
Please let me know if I will start "writing paid" reviews by promoting my advertisement page including a section paid reviews or sponsored post will be ok for my already running adsense ads at the same blog.

You can add helpful link also !!
#adsense #blog #paid #reviews #showing #write
  • Profile picture of the author stoltingmediagroup
    Profile picture of stoltingmediagroup
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Technically you can and should do anything you want without asking for anyone's permissions or advice on whether to do so or not.

    As long as something is not illegal, or against certain terms of services, then go for it and see if it works out the way you intended.

    If there's no revenue being created, then simply try something else until you find a formula that works.

    Asking anyone else but yourself if it's ok to do something or not will only delay your experiment.

    Plus you will get lots of confusing and contradicting feedback and opinions from some folks who have not sold a penny of income as of yet online. So in short, just go for what you want to try and see if it works.

    Then come back here and sell the book on how you made millions writing paid reviews on a blog showing adsense ads, which will be purchased by all those that told you not to do it.

    Arnold Stolting
    Stolting Media Group - Premium Quality Music, Multimedia Products And Services.
    Arnold Stolting - Stolting Media Group
    "I LOVE The Song! The Vibe Is Positive And Firm!" - Kymani Marley. (Son of Bob Marley).

    "Very High Quality!" Jeremy Harding - Manager / Producer. Sean Paul.
    "They Are FANTASTIC!" - Willie Crawford.

    • Profile picture of the author Robinsh123
      Profile picture of Robinsh123
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hey Arnold,

      Actually I'm getting some emails asking for writing sponsored posts on my various blogs and hence I came out to make it another source of revenue from the blogs where the Adsense Ads are running and the fact is that I don't want to loose my Adsense Account so seeking expert suggestions.

      You can save upto 75% on this awesome deal, so hurry up and GRAB it before the price hike.
    • Profile picture of the author paulgl
      Profile picture of paulgl
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      A paid review is something entirely different.

      You could get into trouble by not following guidelines,
      especially if you are in the United States.

      This came up a couple of years ago, and sent online
      marketers on a tizzy. Not much has changed. People
      still lie, cheat, steal, to get a sale or promote a

      Even though I don't exactly like quoting wikipedia,
      "In essence it is now illegal to use testimonials that "...mislead consumers and affect consumers' behavior or decisions about the product or service."

      Is that what your "paid reviews" are going to be?

      Remember, people forget one of the biggest adsense TOS out there.
      In fact, people ignore it. But a very BIG adsense TOS is to follow
      all google webmaster guidelines. Google has made it clear what they
      think a person should not do with their website.

      Funny about confusing. People just shake their heads and say,
      "Sure, why not"? If it helps, it can't be bad, right?

      There is no good reason to use paid reviews. None. You had
      better put all sorts of disclaimers on them, certainly tipping people
      off that the review is paid.

      But, what do I know. I just value my adsense account and want
      people to keep theirs.

      We'll see how many haters I I'm worried about is falling...


      If you were disappointed in your results today, lower your standards tomorrow.

  • Profile picture of the author radivoj
    Profile picture of radivoj
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    sure why not I don't see any problem with that...

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