Social bookmarking Question

2 replies
  • SEO
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Hi all, beginner SEO here and I have a question about social bookmarking.

1.) once you bookmark a site in a social bookmarking site, is the bookmarking step/process over? i mean, is that it? it sounds pretty easy. is there a next step? like promoting the bookmark? is it also viewable in public?

2.) if a client asks you for a sample of your previous works (on social bookmarking), what do you show? a link? a screen shot?

3.) what are your social bookmarking strategies? what i do is create accounts on MANY do follow social bookmarking sites, then bookmark a site.

I only have 1 account for a bookmarking site though (say i dont create many accounts. i have thought about creating man accounts though.
#bookmarking #question #social #social bookmarking
  • Profile picture of the author matt78
    1) Yes. Basically that's all it is.
    2) You can show them both.
    3) That's how I do it too. I usually create 1 account on many social bookmarking sites (like Digg, Reddit, Delicios, Diigo etc). It will give you more backlink juice diversification.

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  • Profile picture of the author patco
    Well, this is not the whole process. You should pay attention that these Social bookmarks could not be indexed. So pinging them will ensure that these "backlinks" will be indexed by google bot and they will increase the number of quality backlinks to your website

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