by jm300
4 replies
  • SEO
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Hello all,

I have been using WordPress for a little over 3 years now. I've used mainly free themes besides one theme that was purchased from mojothemes. I made some custom changes to the one purchased from mojothemes (added extra div tag(s), etc.)

Just recently I think I may have my first paid gig and I am debating whether to use a theme from Woothemes or buying the Genesis framework and a child theme. The backend interface on the premium theme I currently use is horrible so I am not planning to purchase anything from themeforest. For someone with a little over 3 years of WordPress experience and decent knowledge of HTML and CSS, would you recommend Genesis or Woothemes? My concern is the little amount of PHP I know.

My client told me that SEO is not much of an issue.
#genesis #woothemes
  • Profile picture of the author yukon
    Originally Posted by jm300 View Post

    Hello all,

    I have been using WordPress for a little over 3 years now. I've used mainly free themes besides one theme that was purchased from mojothemes. I made some custom changes to the one purchased from mojothemes (added extra div tag(s), etc.)

    Just recently I think I may have my first paid gig and I am debating whether to use a theme from Woothemes or buying the Genesis framework and a child theme. The backend interface on the premium theme I currently use is horrible so I am not planning to purchase anything from themeforest. For someone with a little over 3 years of WordPress experience and decent knowledge of HTML and CSS, would you recommend Genesis or Woothemes? My concern is the little amount of PHP I know.

    My client told me that SEO is not much of an issue.
    Really you need to pick something your client is comfortable with, unless you'll be the one doing all the site updates (new content, etc...).
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    • Profile picture of the author jm300
      Thanks for your response! She was talking about wanting to do content updates herself. It is definitely a hard choice between Woothemes and Genesis. On both frameworks I am pretty sure they just use regular WordPress pages so updating content should probably be a breeze either way. Making bigger changes on Genesis would probably more difficult though I am assuming.
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  • Profile picture of the author Schnitzel
    Genesis is cool and easy if you ask me.
    I use Genesis for over 2 years now.
    I 'might' purchase 3 woothemes now because they have a design that i need right now. Other than that I wouldn't use anything else than Genesis.
    Just my opinion.


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  • Profile picture of the author Mantasmo
    The themes over on are all different... By that I mean different level of customization options, etc. I have built hundreds of sites using their themes.

    Genesis is great, but you'll probably need a child theme as well. Easy to use, same as woothemes.

    As for customizations: woothemes use a simple structure - you can make any needed mods by understanding basic HTML/CSS.

    Genesis is a bit different. If you want to change around site elements, you may need to read through their manual and learn about "hooks" or "functions" (you add/remove them, etc). It's pretty simple, they have a long list of examples and all that. Or you could get a child theme called "Prose" (I think?) which comes with tonnes of menu options for nearly anything. It's a bit blank, but you can customize is from the dashboard and make it look nice.

    You can't really go wrong with either. Updating content in WP is a breeze.
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