Buying Link Building

Profile picture of bluelightning
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Hey guys,

Does anyone have experience outsourcing link building? I don't mean article writing, but actual link building (I assume they do something other than articles?)

A lot of the freelance sites offer this, and seem to have a comfortable, established ecosystem for it.

One of the problems daunting me about it, is it's just such an ill-defined service. Very hard to quantify. Looking through other listings, some people do try though - eg. requesting a specific quantity of a certain PR link.

If I want to go down this route, 1) is it likely to yield a good SEO return on investment, and 2) what exactly would be a good listing to make. (Do I specify a quantity? A PR?)

Some seemingly good value to be had (although again, difficult to quantify) if people are getting what they pay for. A good idea to get one of these firms on retainer?
#building #buying #link

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