Don't fool yourself - Making money based on SEO traffic is a myth

Anil Kint
Profile picture of Anil Kint
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
61 replies
Ya . sure. This is what i have realized recently after 4 years of my SEO escapades. How many of the IMers are making CONSISTENT money from SEO based traffic.


I have never seen a GURU becoming a guru from SEO based traffic. If you are purely dependent on the ranking of the sites in search engines - Google or Anything , then beware - you are doomed. ( if not already then about to be)

SEO based traffic model is not sustainable. Ofcourse, in any business you can not predict how the future will be , but especially in SEO, these changes are very rapid and the website owner is completely at the mercy of the search engine - especially Big G.

Google slaps your website everytime they dont like something. Call it with different names , panda,penguin etc.etc. probably their next update would be named as possum. Google has a knack for making the harmless animals look like deadly beasts.

If you own a site in any niche i am sure you have experienced one of these things in the recent past

1) A serious drop in the rankings of your website with out any reason
2) You have excellent content but some crap facebook page ranks ahead of
your site.
3) Traffic to your site suddenly dropped.
4) After the google slap, some panda-killer-WSO told you to add insane volumes of QUALITY content to your site - and you did it.
5) Still your website is nowhere in the rankings.
6) You felt like a lunatic marooned on a treeless island.

Welcome to the world of SEO.

Its better to ditch the rankings model and search for something that is consistent.
#based #fool #making #money #myth #seo #traffic
  • Profile picture of the author SEO Haven
    SEO Haven
    Profile picture of SEO Haven
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    Originally Posted by Anil Kint View Post

    Ya . sure. This is what i have realized recently after 4 years of my SEO escapades. How many of the IMers are making CONSISTENT money from SEO based traffic.


    I have never seen a GURU becoming a guru from SEO based traffic.
    Speak for yourself man, there are quite a number of SEO professionals and IMs around who've been silently raking in thousands each month from proper SEO alone.

    It's no myth. The 'myth' is that "SEO is easy" or "gets results fast".

    Real SEO takes time and it's hard work, THAT'S why so many fail.
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    • Profile picture of the author Anil Kint
      Anil Kint
      Profile picture of Anil Kint
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      Originally Posted by SEO Haven View Post

      Speak for yourself man, there are quite a number of SEO professionals and IMs around who've been silently raking in thousands each month from proper SEO alone.

      It's no myth. The 'myth' is that "SEO is easy" or "gets results fast".

      Real SEO takes time and it's hard work, THAT'S why so many fail.
      I am talking about consistent money. Sure there are some IMers making money purely based on SEO traffic, but it keeps changing. I make significant amount from SEO - but the effort I put into making that money is far more than other methods.

      Every IMer eventually want to free him/her self from doing the work month after month to keep seeing the same results.

      Originally Posted by SEO Haven View Post

      It's no myth. The 'myth' is that "SEO is easy" or "gets results fast".
      Real SEO takes time and it's hard work, THAT'S why so many fail.
      Agreed. But the problem is, even after putting so much work for so long - there is no guarantee that its going to work the coming month.
      • Profile picture of the author SEO Haven
        SEO Haven
        Profile picture of SEO Haven
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        Originally Posted by Anil Kint View Post

        Sure there are some IMers making money purely based on SEO traffic, but it keeps changing. I make significant amount from SEO - but the effort I put into making that money is far more than other methods.
        And that's what makes SEO fun
        All-In-One SEO & Marketing Service
        If you want the upper hand over your competitors, here's your chance.
        SEO, SMM, Google Local Optimization & Professional Internet Marketing done-for-you.
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    • Profile picture of the author illianafrazer
      Profile picture of illianafrazer
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Very well said "SEO Haven"
    • Profile picture of the author awj888
      Profile picture of awj888
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      Originally Posted by SEO Haven View Post

      Speak for yourself man, there are quite a number of SEO professionals and IMs around who've been silently raking in thousands each month from proper SEO alone.

      It's no myth. The 'myth' is that "SEO is easy" or "gets results fast".

      Real SEO takes time and it's hard work, THAT'S why so many fail.
      word. Its been proven many times over as the most cost effective and best way to get lead generation - anyone who thinks its impossible is either doing it wrong, or has been given misguided information. There are plenty ways to make bank from rankings
      - ofcourse logically its flawed to be 100% dependent on 1 search engine to be your income stream, but its also bad to not include it in your revenue model!

      :: AWJ of Thinking Creativity :: My wifey is a photographer, check out her work @ OLEXIE ::

  • Profile picture of the author TotalWebsiteControl
    Profile picture of TotalWebsiteControl
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    So is it "Hey my EMD got smacked and now im going to have to get a real job and quit because google sucks" kind of thread?
    • Profile picture of the author Anil Kint
      Anil Kint
      Profile picture of Anil Kint
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      Originally Posted by HenrySEO89 View Post

      So is it "Hey my EMD got smacked and now im going to have to get a real job and quit because google sucks" kind of thread?
      Not at all Henry. I am no pessimist.

      Are you suggesting - " Keep getting banged from search engines , but continue with the same model "
      • Profile picture of the author TotalWebsiteControl
        Profile picture of TotalWebsiteControl
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        Originally Posted by Anil Kint View Post

        Not at all Henry. I am no pessimist.

        Are you suggesting - " Keep getting banged from search engines , but continue with the same model "
        Here's a fact. SEO changes all the time. So either roll with the punches or get knocked out
      • Profile picture of the author tinknocker
        Profile picture of tinknocker
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        Originally Posted by Anil Kint View Post

        Not at all Henry. I am no pessimist.

        Are you suggesting - " Keep getting banged from search engines , but continue with the same model "

        Your right it's not consistent as a business model, at least not the way I have been doing it. My niche sites took a major hit Friday @ around 8pm and the clicks & cash are 0 now.

        I think the very experienced SEO's can accomplish a much more stabler rankings and income but like the old saying goes "don't put all your eggs in one basket" and the real guru's are the guys like Yukon,Mike Friedman,Mike Anthony,Paulgl etc...These are the people I read what they say and take their advice.
  • Profile picture of the author John34
    Profile picture of John34
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    I do not agree with you, there are many who still make good money with SEO traffic.

    Yea, some newbies do give up or expect fast results.
    • Profile picture of the author movemaker
      Profile picture of movemaker
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      I beg to differ.

      There a few people that I know of personally that are banking with SEO on a consistant basis.

      It's all about how you and what markets you get into. I have seen where people who are so good at SEO that they can get sites ranked in a few weeks and start generating at least 60-100 a day.

      Of course not every site they build is not a home run but they def have the ability to generate some real passive income.

      If their is anything that I have learned regarding SEO I have learned that they key to fast rankings in the search engines is about finding Keywords that have the least competition.

      Fighting with the big boys that have HUGE budgetes for SEO campaigns is not the best idea if your a newb.

  • Profile picture of the author Zeus66
    Profile picture of Zeus66
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    What do "real" businesses do? They don't rely on one-time traffic to their store, that's for sure. They build relationships and thrive on repeat customers. Or they perish.

    SEO was always just a means to an end. If you are not smart about what you DO with that traffic (any traffic, for that matter), you get what you get. Getting one crack at a visitor is just foolish unless you have a sky-high conversion rate on whatever you're selling or affiliated with.

    Think sales funnel and relationship marketing. Those are the keys. That's how "real" businesses around the world go from start-up to successful. Niche doesn't matter. Traffic source doesn't either.
    • Profile picture of the author thebitbotdotcom
      Profile picture of thebitbotdotcom
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      Originally Posted by Zeus66 View Post

      What do "real" businesses do? They don't rely on one-time traffic to their store, that's for sure. They build relationships and thrive on repeat customers. Or they perish.

      SEO was always just a means to an end. If you are not smart about what you DO with that traffic (any traffic, for that matter), you get what you get. Getting one crack at a visitor is just foolish unless you have a sky-high conversion rate on whatever you're selling or affiliated with.

      Think sales funnel and relationship marketing. Those are the keys. That's how "real" businesses around the world go from start-up to successful. Niche doesn't matter. Traffic source doesn't either.
      Touche! This is totally correct. SEO and the traffic that comes from it is best used as a lead generation method.

      SERP rankings come and go and always will. What you do with good SERP positioning (while it lasts) ultimately determines how quickly you achieve success in a niche, IMO.
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  • Profile picture of the author rahmanpaidar
    Profile picture of rahmanpaidar
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    There's lots of bussiness that earn money solely from internet traffics.
    Google, Facebook, and a lot more sites.

    Just search Alexa for top 1000 sites in the world. Everyone that tell you
    those sites don't make money online, is lying you.

    But there's a big difference. All those sites have something special to offer.,,,,,, ...

    People will visit sites not for the sake of it's being SEO'd but because it solves
    some problem and most you guys think vice versa. Those sites barely have been
    optimized for search engines but they still dictate search engines what authorative
    sites should be since they have visitors and trust in public.

    I don't claim that you can't base your life and your family's life on SEO income.
    But you think wrong if you think you can build up your dream and palace on only
    SEO without real bussiness and or organization.
  • Profile picture of the author sprice
    Profile picture of sprice
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    People make full time incomes from SEO, it's called having an authority website.
  • Profile picture of the author jfambrini
    Profile picture of jfambrini
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    It is not always possible to get consistent traffic from organic searches. Google has thrown SEO world in havoc this year. Prior to this it was pretty simple. SEO still works in Bing and Yahoo.
    • Profile picture of the author Anil Kint
      Anil Kint
      Profile picture of Anil Kint
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      Originally Posted by John34 View Post

      I do not agree with you, there are many who still make good money with SEO traffic.

      Yea, some newbies do give up or expect fast results.
      Good money is different and CONSISTENT MONEY is different. I still make good money with SEO traffic. But as an IMer i would like systems/methods that give constant money with minimal effort. We dont mind putting huge effort at the beginning in return for long term benifits. Here in SEO the problem is even after putting those long efforts there is no guarentee they will be rewarded. For eg. Can a SEO expert guarentee the rankings will stay same 3 months down the line ?

      Originally Posted by movemaker View Post

      I beg to differ.

      If their is anything that I have learned regarding SEO I have learned that they key to fast rankings in the search engines is about finding Keywords that have the least competition.

      Those days of finding least competetion are over. You will find complete businesses dedicated to finding VERY LONG TAIL KEYWORDS and creating EMDs around them. Two such enterpreneurs that come to my mind immediately are Adsense Flippers & WSO Testers - they are thriving on this model at this moment. But the most important thing about their business is - they sell the sites after ranking them. AND EVERYONE SEEMS TO MISS THAT POINT SOMEHOW. The money depends NOT on making money from ranking ( aka SEO traffic) but actually on "CREATE A SITE FOR LONG TAIL KW -> RANK IT FAST -> SELL IT . They are pretty successful at this moment.

      Originally Posted by tinknocker View Post

      Your right it's not consistent as a business model, at least not the way I have been doing it. My niche sites took a major hit Friday @ around 8pm and the clicks & cash are 0 now.
      Sorry to hear that. Unfortunately this forum is filled with posts related to EMD algo hit at this moment. I hope you recover fast. I would not be surprised if i see a WSO tomorrow titled " HIT GOOGLE BACK - RECOVER FROM EMD ALGORITHM SLAP"

      Originally Posted by Zeus66 View Post

      SEO was always just a means to an end. If you are not smart about what you DO with that traffic (any traffic, for that matter), you get what you get. Getting one crack at a visitor is just foolish unless you have a sky-high conversion rate on whatever you're selling or affiliated with.

      Think sales funnel and relationship marketing. Those are the keys. That's how "real" businesses around the world go from start-up to successful.
      Thanks for pointing that out. But many IMers think that SEO traffic itself is the end. This itself is a business model. 90% of the webmasters fail to see the funnel model.

      So, everyone says build a website -> rank it -> EITHER SELL IT Or Keep dancing to google's tunes . If a successful IMer is depending on SEO traffic , there is definitely a big sales funnel,upsells are making money. Making money on the site where the SEO traffic is targeted is rather difficult.

  • Profile picture of the author Dr MaxIM
    Dr MaxIM
    Profile picture of Dr MaxIM
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    I will join people saying that it is possible to have a consistent income via SEO traffic only. If you play by Google's rules, your websitewould not be penalized by it.
    • Profile picture of the author Cosmit
      Profile picture of Cosmit
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      Originally Posted by Dr MaxIM View Post

      I will join people saying that it is possible to have a consistent income via SEO traffic only. If you play by Google's rules, your websitewould not be penalized by it.
      it's only possible if you have a moderate to large authority site that won't drop out completely after updates. you need a good amount of backlinks from authority sites, consistently growing, in order to not be affected by things like negative SEO. Once negative SEO can't affect your position, you're an authority site and will most likely maintain ranks for a while. no way can this type of model survive with micro niches.
  • Profile picture of the author pandadoodle
    Profile picture of pandadoodle
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    SEO is not a business model its a tool. To enable you to make money by promoting a product and or service.

    How does that saying go: "a bad workman blames his tools"
    Web Design Cardiff - Panda Doodle
  • Profile picture of the author manicmethods
    Profile picture of manicmethods
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    You really are deluded aren't you?

    A LOT of people make money solely from the traffic they gain from ranking in Google, whether this be in the IM world, Online Stores or whatever...

    Google get's somewhere around the 300-350 million hits a day mark. So are you saying that NONE of these 300-350 million hits are monetizable?

    You've clearly had the wool pulled over your eyes by some so-called Guru because claiming you can't make money from Google traffic is like saying a Supermarket can't make money from people who come in their shop... Plain right STUPID!
  • Profile picture of the author yukon
    Profile picture of yukon
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Haven't you heard, SEO is dead. :rolleyes:
  • Profile picture of the author 36burrows
    Profile picture of 36burrows
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    I will listen because you used large fonts and colors in your post to prove yourself.
  • Profile picture of the author Jason Perez O'Connor
    Jason Perez O'Connor
    Profile picture of Jason Perez O'Connor
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    SEO should be one of many strategies. Relying on it alone is a stupid move on your part. And I don't think it's a waste of time. All your services are dependent on other companies who can ban you at anytime. Aweber, hosting, content creation (if you outsource), PPC, PPV, everything unless done inhouse by your own company is reliant on these services.

    So why is Google any different?
  • Profile picture of the author dburk
    Profile picture of dburk
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    Hi Anil,

    Yes, there are many businesses that make a lot of money, very consistently, from Search Engine traffic. And any market where this is possible is going to be very competitive, so only the companies with the best marketing strategies, and tactics, are going to succeed at it on consistent basis.

    It sounds like you are experiencing the fatigue cycle that most black hat marketers go through. Eventually they realize that everything they build is systematically being devalued by search engines that are fighting web spam and other successful black hat tactics.

    Eventually, every black hat marketer comes to the realization of just how endless their chosen strategy is, as compared to the white hat marketer. While a white hat strategy builds in value over time, the black hat marketer must constantly rebuild their devalued efforts just to maintain their current positions. The white hat marketer eventually pushes past and leaves the black hat in the dust, exhausted and broken by his sisyphean task.

    If you want it to be easy, then outsource it to full service agency that knows what they are doing. Otherwise, the better marketer is going to bury you. Up your game, or get out!
    • Profile picture of the author awj888
      Profile picture of awj888
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      Originally Posted by dburk View Post

      Hi Anil,

      Yes, there are many businesses that make a lot of money, very consistently, from Search Engine traffic. And any market where this is possible is going to be very competitive, so only the companies with the best marketing strategies, and tactics, are going to succeed at it on consistent basis.

      It sounds like you are experiencing the fatigue cycle that most black hat marketers go through. Eventually they realize that everything they build is systematically being devalued by search engines that are fighting web spam and other successful black hat tactics.

      Eventually, every black hat marketer comes to the realization of just how endless their chosen strategy is, as compared to the white hat marketer. While a white hat strategy builds in value over time, the black hat marketer must constantly rebuild their devalued efforts just to maintain their current positions. The white hat marketer eventually pushes past and leaves the black hat in the dust, exhausted and broken by his sisyphean task.

      If you want it to be easy, then outsource it to full service agency that knows what they are doing. Otherwise, the better marketer is going to bury you. Up your game, or get out!
      play by the rules not with the fools long term strategy.. its a business thing!

      :: AWJ of Thinking Creativity :: My wifey is a photographer, check out her work @ OLEXIE ::

    • Profile picture of the author Anil Kint
      Anil Kint
      Profile picture of Anil Kint
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      Originally Posted by dburk View Post

      Hi Anil,

      Eventually, every black hat marketer comes to the realization of just how endless their chosen strategy is, as compared to the white hat marketer. While a white hat strategy builds in value over time, the black hat marketer must constantly rebuild their devalued efforts just to maintain their current positions. The white hat marketer eventually pushes past and leaves the black hat in the dust, exhausted and broken by his sisyphean task.
      I liked the Sisyphean Curse analogy on black hat marketers. Thanks
  • Profile picture of the author JoshuaG
    Profile picture of JoshuaG
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    Just because SEO is a constantly evolving/changing industry doesn't make building a business on based on it any less viable. It just means to you have to adapt to the changing conditions. Which is true of any business. It's entirely possible to keep up with it and grow with it. Many SEO "techniques" that worked years ago still work today and will never change.

  • Profile picture of the author gearmonkey
    Profile picture of gearmonkey
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    Does this mean I have to refund the 5 figure income I've earned from SEO traffic???

    My Guitar Website | My SEO Blog - Advertising spots available.

  • Profile picture of the author Butazi
    Profile picture of Butazi
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    Originally Posted by Anil Kint View Post

    Its better to ditch the rankings model and search for something that is consistent.
    Yeah, like the strategy in your sig!

  • Profile picture of the author Geekgirl01
    Profile picture of Geekgirl01
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Sorry but I don't agree at all.
    NO business advertising/internet marketing is forever consistant.

    You could put an advert in a magazine for your online store or services and bank tons of money for 6 months, a new business could come along with better products/services/prices and you could lost a large % of your customers.

    You could have a shop in town and have hundreds of customers through the door for a year and the next year you could have 50 customers through your door every day....your still taking a drop in profits and its still not consistant.

    Remember the only guarantee in life is death and taxes!
    Other than that, no matter what you do to get your website out there will never be a guarantee of income forever and ever.
    You have to keep up with the times, keep up with what google wants and MORE importantly what YOUR visitors want and give it to them!
    Keep your visitors happy and interested in your website/service/product so they keep coming back for more.

    Turn a visitor into a customer = a customer for life!
  • Profile picture of the author shovonpk
    Profile picture of shovonpk
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    i like your post..... thank u..
  • Profile picture of the author camuk
    Profile picture of camuk
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    Originally Posted by Anil Kint View Post

    Ya . sure. This is what i have realized recently after 4 years of my SEO escapades. How many of the IMers are making CONSISTENT money from SEO based traffic.


    I have never seen a GURU becoming a guru from SEO based traffic. If you are purely dependent on the ranking of the sites in search engines - Google or Anything , then beware - you are doomed. ( if not already then about to be)

    SEO based traffic model is not sustainable. Ofcourse, in any business you can not predict how the future will be , but especially in SEO, these changes are very rapid and the website owner is completely at the mercy of the search engine - especially Big G.

    Google slaps your website everytime they dont like something. Call it with different names , panda,penguin etc.etc. probably their next update would be named as possum. Google has a knack for making the harmless animals look like deadly beasts.

    If you own a site in any niche i am sure you have experienced one of these things in the recent past

    1) A serious drop in the rankings of your website with out any reason
    2) You have excellent content but some crap facebook page ranks ahead of
    your site.
    3) Traffic to your site suddenly dropped.
    4) After the google slap, some panda-killer-WSO told you to add insane volumes of QUALITY content to your site - and you did it.
    5) Still your website is nowhere in the rankings.
    6) You felt like a lunatic marooned on a treeless island.

    Welcome to the world of SEO.

    Its better to ditch the rankings model and search for something that is consistent.

    Biggest load of rubbish I've read yet. You're just not doing it right! I make money, have done for a long time and will continue to do so! Whenever there is an algo change, I put my software to work and figure out what works and what doesn't. The key to longevity is flexibility!
  • Profile picture of the author Geekgirl01
    Profile picture of Geekgirl01
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Also to self employment or business income is consistant.

    If people want consistant money then they need to get a 9-5 job that pays the same wage every month.
    • Profile picture of the author camuk
      Profile picture of camuk
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by Geekgirl01 View Post

      Also to self employment or business income is consistant.

      If people want consistant money then they need to get a 9-5 job that pays the same wage every month.
      Even that isn't consistent nowadays! Redundancies, pay cuts! Nothing is consistent. We live in an ever changing world, why would SEO be any different. You've gotta be on top your game and keep up with the time in the world of SEO!
      • Profile picture of the author Geekgirl01
        Profile picture of Geekgirl01
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by camuk View Post

        Even that isn't consistent nowadays! Redundancies, pay cuts! Nothing is consistent. We live in an ever changing world, why would SEO be any different. You've gotta be on top your game and keep up with the time in the world of SEO!
        VERY true....which is why more people are seeking online ways to make money. Because the internet is the future and it will only evolve more
  • Profile picture of the author wfcharger
    Profile picture of wfcharger
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    If you're largely dependent on organic traffic you've been leveraged.
  • Profile picture of the author Matt Helphrey
    Matt Helphrey
    Profile picture of Matt Helphrey
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I doubt that you truly believe that there is not one person anywhere who earns consistent earnings from SEO. That's just a ludicrous statement. While its not 100% of my income, I have earned steady income from SEO alone over the last 4 years. But forget about me, what about sites like eHow, Amazon, eBay, Overstock, Wikipedia and cNet just to name a few. I'm pretty sure that the owners of these sites might be earning a decent income from consistent SEO traffic alone. I don't know for sure, but it seems plausible at the very least.
    My Advanced SEO Blog
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    • Profile picture of the author camuk
      Profile picture of camuk
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      Originally Posted by Matt Helphrey View Post

      I doubt that you truly believe that there is not one person anywhere who earns consistent earnings from SEO. That's just a ludicrous statement. While its not 100% of my income, I have earned steady income from SEO alone over the last 4 years. But forget about me, what about sites like eHow, Amazon, eBay, Overstock, Wikipedia and cNet just to name a few. I'm pretty sure that the owners of these sites might be earning a decent income from consistent SEO traffic alone. I don't know for sure, but it seems plausible at the very least.
      Very plausible. The OP doesn't make money and this is why he has this opinion!
  • Profile picture of the author Johnny Danes
    Johnny Danes
    Profile picture of Johnny Danes
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    Originally Posted by Anil Kint View Post

    Ya . sure. This is what i have realized recently after 4 years of my SEO escapades. How many of the IMers are making CONSISTENT money from SEO based traffic.


    I have never seen a GURU becoming a guru from SEO based traffic. If you are purely dependent on the ranking of the sites in search engines - Google or Anything , then beware - you are doomed. ( if not already then about to be)

    SEO based traffic model is not sustainable. Ofcourse, in any business you can not predict how the future will be , but especially in SEO, these changes are very rapid and the website owner is completely at the mercy of the search engine - especially Big G.

    Google slaps your website everytime they dont like something. Call it with different names , panda,penguin etc.etc. probably their next update would be named as possum. Google has a knack for making the harmless animals look like deadly beasts.

    If you own a site in any niche i am sure you have experienced one of these things in the recent past

    1) A serious drop in the rankings of your website with out any reason
    2) You have excellent content but some crap facebook page ranks ahead of
    your site.
    3) Traffic to your site suddenly dropped.
    4) After the google slap, some panda-killer-WSO told you to add insane volumes of QUALITY content to your site - and you did it.
    5) Still your website is nowhere in the rankings.
    6) You felt like a lunatic marooned on a treeless island.

    Welcome to the world of SEO.

    Its better to ditch the rankings model and search for something that is consistent.


    Stop chasing rankings and just start providing content. That's how it was intended to be. The system was never supposed to be what IMers have turned it into----manipulating the SERPS. It's time get get real and stop assing around. Ken Evoy has been preaching this for years-----CONTENT, CONTENT,CONTENT.

    Let the search gods take care of the rest. The only linking I do is I submit each new blog post to onlywire,that's it.
    • Profile picture of the author camuk
      Profile picture of camuk
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by Johnny Danes View Post


      Stop chasing rankings and just start providing content. That's how it was intended to be. The system was never supposed to be what IMers have turned it into----manipulating the SERPS. It's time get get real and stop assing around. Ken Evoy has been preaching this for years-----CONTENT, CONTENT,CONTENT.

      Let the search gods take care of the rest. The only linking I do is I submit each new blog post to onlywire,that's it.
      Wrong. As long as there is a google algorithm, IMers will always be trying to manipulate the SERPs. It's not content, content, content. I once got a site ranked #1 with a competitive niche with 2 words it said 'hello G' using xrumer. And that was after the Google Panda Content algo update! You keep posting to onlywire and see where that gets you.
      • Profile picture of the author Johnny Danes
        Johnny Danes
        Profile picture of Johnny Danes
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        Originally Posted by camuk View Post

        Wrong. As long as there is a google algorithm, IMers will always be trying to manipulate the SERPs. It's not content, content, content. I once got a site ranked #1 with a competitive niche with 2 words it said 'hello G' using xrumer. And that was after the Google Panda Content algo update! You keep posting to onlywire and see where that gets you.
        WRONG. It is content content content

        LOL..I don't post to OW for links per say i do it to syndicate my content.
  • Profile picture of the author scenicrearview
    Profile picture of scenicrearview
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    If SEO standards never changed THEN we'd all be in trouble. No one new would ever be able to break into the top 10. If you are looking for security you are in the wrong business. go get a union job. If you wish to stay free of the corporate noose then learn to adjust.

    Walls only keep out lesser men
  • Profile picture of the author satrap
    Profile picture of satrap
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    Originally Posted by Anil Kint View Post

    Ya . sure. This is what i have realized recently after 4 years of my SEO escapades. How many of the IMers are making CONSISTENT money from SEO based traffic.
    I don't know about how many and who else, but i do know that since I started building sites and since I got my site to rank in a rather competitive niche (make money online), I have been making money with it consistently for the last 2-3 years.

    And by consistently I mean real money day in and day out to the point where I am making a more than comfortable living with my sites without even relying on my offline business.

    I didn't spend a dime ranking my keywords. I did everything manually and free. Sure, now that I am making money I use paid tools and outsource once in a while.

    So, yes you can make consistent income with SEO traffic. You just have to work for it!
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  • Profile picture of the author Suir1980
    Profile picture of Suir1980
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    SEO is very very very similar to Forex. The only ppl making money are:

    * The 1% who never shares their secret.
    * The 10% called the "gurus" who sell their "secret" (aka WSOs)
    * The 89% who don't fall in the first two criteria.
  • Profile picture of the author johnben1444
    Profile picture of johnben1444
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    The biggest myth I have ever seen is this thread.

    I wonder where he got his figures from?
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  • Profile picture of the author Steve L
    Steve L
    Profile picture of Steve L
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    SEO has changed a lot, but all I know is that my Google traffic continues to climb with what I'm doing. I don't actively hunt for backlinks, I don't think about what keywords to use, all I do is write about topics that I am currently interested in, and make it easy to share via social media. That's it!
  • Profile picture of the author pbp1955
    Profile picture of pbp1955
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    OK - so what is your point or frustration. SEO alone will not make you rich? Well that surely is not so surprising. SEO is one of a large number of techniques that are used as part of an overall marketing approach it is an important part of a number of elements utilized to push the odds in your sites favor. Why are you starting from the point that it may not be the sole solution to your marketing of a web site? You say " it is better to drop ranking models and find something else". If you don't rank you don't earn and that may suit you but for many people they want to earn money from what they do, so ranking is important to them. The market makes the rules we learn to master them and we can then earn money from our endeavors or we blog/facebook twitter etc for fun. Those who want to earn come to places like this to see what can be done to master the market and learn how to become competitive with our web based business efforts. I really hope my comments help as we all become frustrated from time to time as part of the learning process.
  • Profile picture of the author Datingport
    Profile picture of Datingport
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    After Google slapped me back in 04, I learned SEO isn't the business model. I had to rethink my strategy and move forward. Now my EMD sites didn't even get touched. But more importantly most of my network is update proof because I learned there are multitudes of other tools besides just SEO.

    Google is like an interstate highway. You get there faster but you miss all the quality sights that you would get taking the scenic route. What I'm saying is although my $$ may be coming in a little slower, I don't have the rollercoaster of these annoying updates.

    It's amazing what you (L)earn when you put some effort into it!

  • Profile picture of the author Expertjones
    Profile picture of Expertjones
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Honestly... this is why warrior forum cracks me up
    Everyone here is a failure. It's like going to a state school.

    Just because YOU ARE a moron, and most of the people on WF are as well, doesn't mean we all use SEnuke and Ultimate Demon.
    In fact, in the last year alone, I've likely made more than you will make in your entire life....

    It's truly hilarious... welp, back to work!
    • Profile picture of the author Anil Kint
      Anil Kint
      Profile picture of Anil Kint
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by Expertjones View Post

      Honestly... this is why warrior forum cracks me up
      Everyone here is a failure. It's like going to a state school.

      Just because YOU ARE a moron, and most of the people on WF are as well, doesn't mean we all use SEnuke and Ultimate Demon.
      In fact, in the last year alone, I've likely made more than you will make in your entire life....

      It's truly hilarious... welp, back to work!
      slow down mate. Nobody here is a failure. This forum is all about discussions. Everybody learns new things everyday. Dont be so angry at life.

  • Profile picture of the author marketwarrior06
    Profile picture of marketwarrior06
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    Dude We (6 members) are earning a good amount from our 100 sites. Just by doing manual and semi automated softwares. Without any doubt this is hard but if you can understand the theme and start your track then you will see that its easy and Google will not hurt you too cause you are not doing any kind of harm to him too.

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