Ideas for new Internal Linking & On Page SEO

Profile picture of supaH
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
5 replies
So theories are that the EMD & recent algo updates have targeted the way you link to other pages on your site.

Previously I would do:

Main Keyword
(Drop Down Menu) Long tail Sub keywords.


BlaBla Addiction
  • BlaBla Addiction Symptoms
  • BlaBla Addiction Treatment

What I've been thinking about doing:

BlaBla Addiction
  • Symptoms
  • Treatment
Also, the way the page URL is set up.

IE: Making the main keyword a Parent & Category.

Then the Page title contain a variation of the targeted keyword, not exact. IE: Solutions for breaking BlaBla Addiction through proper treatment.

Would these be good changes to make? Or have an Idea?
#ideas #internal #linking #page #seo
  • Profile picture of the author Nelapsi
    Profile picture of Nelapsi
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    To be honest I really don't think there is enough data to even grasp if this would help or not and given no one here even knows 1% of the effected sites the best anyone will give you is a guess.

    So here it my guess:
    I don't know it could hurt though I don't see it helping to much either.
    First narrow down if you where hit by Panda or the EMD update, either way I think your solution is beefing up the content. I have yet to hear of anyone hit who had a decent amount of content on their site so that may be your ticket out of this. Keep in mind, this doesn't have to be content with tons of links just increase the number of decent content available and indexed.

    If I was hit by this update, that is what I would do first.
    • Profile picture of the author bsbear
      Profile picture of bsbear
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by Nelapsi View Post

      To be honest I really don't think there is enough data to even grasp if this would help or not and given no one here even knows 1% of the effected sites the best anyone will give you is a guess.

      So here it my guess:
      I don't know it could hurt though I don't see it helping to much either.
      First narrow down if you where hit by Panda or the EMD update, either way I think your solution is beefing up the content. I have yet to hear of anyone hit who had a decent amount of content on their site so that may be your ticket out of this. Keep in mind, this doesn't have to be content with tons of links just increase the number of decent content available and indexed.

      If I was hit by this update, that is what I would do first.

      This. You just need to focus on the principals of link diversity and low anchor text groupings.
  • Profile picture of the author Chucky
    Profile picture of Chucky
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Just wait another another 24-48 hours max!

    There should be a flood of WSOs soon showing you everything you need to know about how to come out of the EMD update (including internal and external linking structure) and making your sites immune to future Google updates
  • Profile picture of the author ashishkakran
    Profile picture of ashishkakran
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    The internal linking process is one that most people (including myself) neglect to integrate into our writing. Related Posts is a great plug-in. Sitemaps on every page makes sense because you want to make sure you let Google know about all your pages.
  • Profile picture of the author lutherlars
    Profile picture of lutherlars
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Yukon I'm sure will chime in here but personally I think that as long as you are not repeating your keywords over and over again, you could inner link using direct anchor text. Now, repeating your keyword combo in the link, and then 5/6 times in the body of the content maybe a flag for sure.
    Originally Posted by supaH View Post

    So theories are that the EMD & recent algo updates have targeted the way you link to other pages on your site.

    Previously I would do:

    Main Keyword
    (Drop Down Menu) Long tail Sub keywords.


    BlaBla Addiction
    • BlaBla Addiction Symptoms
    • BlaBla Addiction Treatment
    What I've been thinking about doing:

    BlaBla Addiction
    • Symptoms
    • Treatment
    Also, the way the page URL is set up.

    IE: Making the main keyword a Parent & Category.

    Then the Page title contain a variation of the targeted keyword, not exact. IE: Solutions for breaking BlaBla Addiction through proper treatment.

    Would these be good changes to make? Or have an Idea?

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