The Future of SEO: Irrelevant Links?

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Imagine you have a site that you want to rank for the term "dog food".

So you make a few pages on dog food.

But then, to make it not seem too niche (to avoid Panda), you also make a few pages on Pets.

Then you also have a page on cat jokes.

Here is my question:

Do you think when you're backlinking to the main site for Dog Food.. do you think you should also be linking to the cat jokes article with cat joke related keywords?

In other words, do you think we should be building links taht are not even for our target wrods?

I do realize we need to have a very small amount of keyword-rich anchors, ever since penguin. And that we should have some broader words, like "pets". But should we also be building links to unrelated pages, like Cats to the cat page?
#future #irrelevant #links #seo
  • Profile picture of the author himanuzo
    If you acquire backlinks from the irrelevant site to your site, Google counts it. No problem. But diversity backlinks types and also anchor texts since the Penguin algorithm. So you can build backlinks from both relevant sites and also irrelevant sites.

    Of course, conversion rate of traffic which from the irrelevant sites is low for sales if you promote any products.
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  • Profile picture of the author cisin
    Yes we need to make diverse anchor link building but linking your 'dog food' site to cat joke.. 'cat' wont help us ..

    And even worse no sales from it..
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  • Profile picture of the author The Oilman
    Yes of course linking to cat stuff wont help sales. But will it help prevent Penguin?
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  • Profile picture of the author aizaku

    Google will drop you from the serps like a sack of potatoes. I learned this the hard way. Get your dofollow varied anchor text backlinks from a variety of sources. Focus on web 2.0s and more importantly guestblogging from sites IN YOUR NICHE with high PR.

    This is the ONLY form of webmaster generated backlinking that google allows if done correctly. Here is Matt Cutts from google talking about it here:

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  • Profile picture of the author mcatt
    I think building links to sub pages is a great idea and a must

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  • Profile picture of the author paulgl
    Originally Posted by The Oilman View Post


    But then, to make it not seem too niche (to avoid Panda), you also make a few pages on Pets.
    I think you are confused about to backlink, and how to create
    a worth while site. If you do that, why are you worrying about panda?

    Why are people who think they got penalized by panda, thinking up
    more ways to shmooze google? Then when that goes bye-bye, think
    up another one?

    Pure fantasy about backlinks from sites that are not "relevant."
    The myth just goes on and on....

    But please all of you myth believers....delete you sigs. The WF
    would hate to be the cause of your
    Originally Posted by aizaku View Post

    Google will drop you from the serps like a sack of potatoes.
    Are there others here just ROTFLMAO after reading that post, and
    then seeing the sig links?!?!?!?!?!?

    You people just keep misquoting google, failing, misquoting google,
    failing, over and over and over....


    If you were disappointed in your results today, lower your standards tomorrow.

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  • Profile picture of the author karenloye
    Hi Oilman -- You didn't mention whether you are building static pages exclusively or whether you are blogging as well. Nor did you mention internal linking. I bring this up because I've found that internal linking -- especially linking from within a blog post on the same site back to a static page on that same site -- works very well to help optimize a keyword for higher rankings. You certainly do not want every blog linking back to the same static page using the same anchor text. But writing blogs that relate to your topic and finding ways to strategically link internally should definitely be part of your strategy. Hope this helps!
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  • Profile picture of the author The Oilman
    Thanks Karen.

    PS to the other posters - I never said anything about the source of links -- relevant or irrelevant. That wasn't what I was talking about.
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    • Profile picture of the author SEOSteveO
      You should be doing internal linking, so that you can go from one page to another on your site via a keyword. If your trying to rank for dog food I would not put anything on cats. What you can do is have LSI keywords and pages. As an example you can have something like Bull Dog Dog Food, Boston Terrier Dog Food, Dog Treats, Keep all the linking to dog. Use alot of synonyms.
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  • Profile picture of the author yukon
    Originally Posted by The Oilman View Post

    Imagine you have a site that you want to rank for the term "dog food".

    So you make a few pages on dog food.

    But then, to make it not seem too niche (to avoid Panda), you also make a few pages on Pets.

    Then you also have a page on cat jokes.

    Here is my question:

    Do you think when you're backlinking to the main site for Dog Food.. do you think you should also be linking to the cat jokes article with cat joke related keywords?

    In other words, do you think we should be building links taht are not even for our target wrods?

    I do realize we need to have a very small amount of keyword-rich anchors, ever since penguin. And that we should have some broader words, like "pets". But should we also be building links to unrelated pages, like Cats to the cat page?

    Your mixing up niche with keyword stuffing (not the same things).

    Talking about cats on a dog site for sole purpose of trying to game the SERPs is a bad idea. Does your traffic expect cat jokes on a dog (maybe If they hate cats, IDK?).

    My point is diluting a niche site isn't going to rank any of your pages, it's probably going to do the opposite, because your competition (If they're smart) will be laser focused on a single niche.

    Stay focused.
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    • Profile picture of the author techndu2012
      I think its time EVERYONE started accepting that traffic generation using organic placement has changed and we need to change with it.

      Let me ask a question. Do you honestly think Google has built all these algorithms since going public for the purpose of being fair, sharing opportunities, always being the most relevant OR maybe to maximize their profits by dominating the marketplace??

      Im sure being a great product is very close to the top of the list for them, no question they are a great company. BUT as a company, do we honestly believe that if a choice of being relevant and going broke or being good enough to get by and making money was offered, they would choose going broke? To be successful online I believe we need to accept that
      #1. we dont make the rules we just play the game
      #2. google is going to do what is best for google
      #3. to that end, they intend to dominate the market the same way big corporations always have. Public relations, effective advertising, competing aggressively AND EFFECTIVELY CONTROLLING THEIR RESOURCES

      Lets talk about relevancy just for a second. One of the things that used to be good about G's results was there was almost no duplication. Now take a look at
      massage therapist salary

      how many results do you see for ineed in the top 50? How about some others like glassdoor, simply hired, (trying to show a little known glitch in the new Panda/Penquin era algo)? Is that what YOU consider relevant?

      {side note: before you run and start building pages for dog food in ohio/florida/lasvegas etc, I believe they will fix this soon and all your pages will be history!)

      There are more examples but that will make the point.

      WHY? what purpose does the multiple listings serve?

      So if we can accept that google is out to make money and THAT is the primary goal, then considering their size, reach and available capital, how do we win???

      One way is by giving g what it wants. What it wants is more profitable revenue and their core business is selling advertising by the click and they pretty much dominate the market already so where is growth and increased profits going to come from.

      There is only one way to make more money in advertising. Offer a better return. Online, with a few notable exceptions, that pretty much boils down to more exposure and/or better conversions.

      We can argue all day and Im the first to admit this is MY opinion based what I believe I see, but assuming Im even partially correct, that means google is going to put what they believe will give them a better chance of more inventory, more page views, more data and more targeted ads on the places it is likely to do Google the most good..

      Why do you think a retweet can boost your placements? Do we believe they invested all the time an money into the algo because if one guy somewhere thought you're comment was pithy enough to share that makes it obviously more relevant. Or could it be they invested all that because it creates wider distribution that gets more people seeing it and giving them more data for personalization so they can learn what ad to show to whom when?

      if you want your dog food page showing up on the first page of results you HAVE to start asking yourself, why would google choose mine out of millions of others? If you're thinking because you have some cat page linking to your dog food page, or even if you think you have the absolute BEST dog food page in the world, well,I honestly dont think it matters how many cat pages you link to your dog food page, google is going to help those who help google.

      Right now, that means social media is your best avenue of getting other people to create more inventory and generate more personalized data. The great thing about that is, you dont need wait to get indexed, you dont have beat millions of competitors to be visible on the first page and YOU control where it goes when!
      For example:
      if you created a video/graphic of a dog prostitute with a title like, Food for Thought-Shocking Video of Dog Prostitution and Why It May Be on the Rise and posted it on you tube flickr, pinterest, meta cafe, PICASA then link to it when you tweet about it, post to your FB timeline point to it on your Google+ THAT would likely get some people looking at it, (inventory), retweeting it, liking it and with each action it gives google info about what that CONSUMER, (we would probably call them humans), likes or more precisely is likely to spend money on.

      As long as you have at least some or most of the basics in place, I am confident you'll see your page quickly rise.

      whatever you do, you might keep in mind that Yuukon is spot on right about talking about cats on a dog food site being a bad idea.

      Good luck
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  • Profile picture of the author wellm97
    You should get backlinks from various sources. I get links from squidoo, hub pages, article marketing, directories, etc. we need to make diverse anchor link building.
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  • Profile picture of the author cjhj11
    Maybe you're over thinking the whole optimization thing? My approach has always been to pick a sub-niche that has evidence of buyers, supply quality content related to the sub-niche (which will naturally incorporate relevant keywords), & do some internal and external linking that uses a wide variety of keyword anchor text, so not to be seen as spamming or overkill by the search engines. When building backlinks, I always go for sites related to my niche that have good PR. These practices have pretty much preserved all of my site's rankings despite the updates.
    Christina Johnson, Children's Author
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    • Profile picture of the author akimmi
      you are right about irrelevant link but in field of marketing there are certain industry you can't get links for them. then what you do?? any suggest . for example academic service provider form where they get the relevant links ????
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