I myself was hit along with millions of others, and in the month that has followed, and it is now clear that this is no dance, no fluke and so on. A lot of really bad sites with very little contents and riding the EMD bonus got washed off the serps. I myself lost most of my emd mns and I have no one to blame but myself. Some of the sites were horrible while others did have good, user-friendly and helpful articles. But you could have the most reader perfect, unique article in the world and it wouldn't keep you from getting slammed if you put it up on an over optimized emd site with a good chunk of em anchor text links pointing to it.. it simply sets off to many alarms in the new algo update.
So.. I have then been taken the hint from google, and have removed a lot of my old sites completely, and are now working on what is to become an authority site where I focus less at SEO than I previously did.
But it seems hard to both let go of old cash cows and to change your entire idea of how to SEO a new site.. When looking through the serps on some classic phrases, there tend to be a lot of rubbish on the first page, like hubs and lenses mixed in with ancient sites with horrible designs and SEO done to them.
This actually confuses my quite a bit when I am trying to figure out the right level of on page SEO done to the new site.. I don't wanna overdo it, but underdoing it will keep the site and its articles in the sand google wise (and keep me dependent on traffic from other parties which actually are my goal).
I don't want to post examples here, cuz im sure we all got them, but from what I see it looks like sites with 1000+ word articles, a keyword density at around 1.5 to max 4 %, and no meta´s are faring best.. Oh and they are all subpages.. Not many EMD´s are found and even they don't seem to target their EMD on their frontpage.
So to set an example.
In July, I would have aimed at around 4 to 6 % kw density in an article on my site. Along with having the keyword in the page title, metatags and in the metadesc. Doing this today seems like the wrong way to go and that one might be better off leaving out the tags totally and perhaps only make a partial match in the title.
Anyways.. just what I see for now, and it somewhat confuses me.
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