Taking the Plunge into Adsense World

Profile picture of aspg
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After spending a few years dabbling with internet marketing in various forms and not getting anywhere I then spent the remaining 6 months reading up, wondering what I did wrong and why I hadn't made any money (I'm sure I'm not alone in this).

Anyway, after reading and reading threads on here, one thread got my attention and it basically said "stop thinking about doing something and do something".......so I a few weeks ago I decided to take the plunge.

I did some keyword research, registered some domains, wrote some articles and built 3 websites. I have tried to follow what I'd learnt in these forums and other sources, registered Webmaster and Analytics etc. I have been checking for weeks now to see if any of my websites are ranking for the keywords and nothing.....until today! It is only one of my websites for one of the keywords and only on page 5 of Google but I cant tell you how much more enthusiasm I have my projects now that I can see some progress. Now this doesnt sound very impressive, and to a certain degree it isnt but after a lot of failure this is just the kind of encouragement I needed. What I'm trying to say is if you're like me and had some set backs or not even taken the plunge, do it. Until you try it you will forever be wondering. If you dont see results or improvement then read up on other techniques you've not tried, write down what helped, what didn't.

I'm now registering with Adsense to hopefully put some ads and start registering some £££ - early days but feel im making progress
#adsense #plunge #taking #world

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