Automated SEO Software - How Capable is it Really??

Profile picture of shadowboxa
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Hi all,

I have always managed backlinks with spreadsheets, and a team of many reliable outsourcers. These days I am feeling that without engaging some automated software, I could get left behind in some markets or aspects of specific SEO, given the current Google-Ecosystem.

I am a complete SEO Software Noob, but not an SEO Noob (see bottom of post).

To put it simply, I am looking for a program that can build lots of links WITH MULTIPLE ANCHOR VARIATIONS to MULTIPLE URLS.

* Let's say I have 50 urls (articles, wordpress etc etc) which are my quality tier-1 links, pointing to my money site.

* I want to give those 50 urls a mass of wiki, bookmarks or forum links.

* Is there a simple way to dump my 50 urls into a program, spin the link anchors (for variation) and blast away at the 50 different urls?

* I guess the same principal would apply; should I have say, 1000 wiki links, which I want to get indexed or "juiced-up".....

- Is there such an animal that can do this? I have looked at Ultimate Demon, which needs the variation to be manually written in, and can only do one URL at a time. What are you other big-boys doing?

Many thanks to all in advance

(Most respectfully: Please play nice and don't discredit my current or intended method. I am a genuine $200K+ CB marketer. Cheers)
#automated software #seo #seo software

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