Keyword Density, Keyword density with EMD

Profile picture of CatherineMay
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
11 replies
Most of the time I read that keyword density should be around 1-2%, but with the 3-word keyword phrase I'm working with, that seems like too much. Since the site is also an EMD, I'm really concerned about overdoing it.

My instincts are telling me to just use the keyword in title tags, and only otherwise as it seems natural in the content, and to forget about any percentages.

Just looking for some confirmation that this is the right approach.
#density #emd #keyword
  • Profile picture of the author Rideem3
    Profile picture of Rideem3
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    Due to the recent Penguin update I believe, EMD is no longer effective as it was before. Some sites were penalized in fact.
    • Profile picture of the author CatherineMay
      Profile picture of CatherineMay
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      I'm well aware of the EMD update, since the site I'm talking about was affected. But I'm still ranking fine, just not as high as I would like. Right now I'm involved in an on-going effort to improve on-page SEO...thus my question about keyword density.

  • Profile picture of the author rohits
    Profile picture of rohits
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    yes emd update too much effective from your website . you targeted same domain name and keyword match it
  • Profile picture of the author webdesigndevelopment
    Profile picture of webdesigndevelopment
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    Originally Posted by CatherineMay View Post

    Most of the time I read that keyword density should be around 1-2%, but with the 3-word keyword phrase I'm working with, that seems like too much. Since the site is also an EMD, I'm really concerned about overdoing it.

    My instincts are telling me to just use the keyword in title tags, and only otherwise as it seems natural in the content, and to forget about any percentages.

    Just looking for some confirmation that this is the right approach.
    You are right. There is not any specific percentage define for Keyword Density. Your content should look natural, that's a best way to optimize any keyword or website.
  • Profile picture of the author pasik
    Profile picture of pasik
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    Originally Posted by CatherineMay View Post

    My instincts are telling me to just use the keyword in title tags, and only otherwise as it seems natural in the content, and to forget about any percentages.
    Just follow your instincts...:rolleyes:
  • Profile picture of the author jesseholmes
    Profile picture of jesseholmes
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    Sounds like you've probably got the majority of the on-page factors licked. Follow your instincts and focus your energies on a diverse and natural off-page campaign with social signals.
  • Profile picture of the author yukon
    Profile picture of yukon
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    Originally Posted by CatherineMay View Post

    Most of the time I read that keyword density should be around 1-2%, but with the 3-word keyword phrase I'm working with, that seems like too much. Since the site is also an EMD, I'm really concerned about overdoing it.
    If your counting keywords on the page, your over doing it.

    Originally Posted by CatherineMay View Post

    My instincts are telling me to just use the keyword in title tags, and only otherwise as it seems natural in the content, and to forget about any percentages.
    Do this instead of counting words.

    The only people that count words on a page for what they think is SEO are the folks buying into sales hype for gimmick plugins, etc...
    • Profile picture of the author TryBPO
      Profile picture of TryBPO
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      Originally Posted by yukon View Post

      If your counting keywords on the page, your over doing it.

      The only people that count words on a page for what they think is SEO are the folks buying into sales hype for gimmick plugins, etc...
      I think Yukon's right in that you should probably spend less time worrying about on-page keyword density and more time worrying about how well the content on your site serves the problems or needs of the audience. I also think he's right that, typically, talking about keyword counts is usually hype/prep for something they're selling you...

      However, I do think there's value in having a standardized process...and that should probably include your approach to KW density.

      Having a set way of doing things makes it easier to repeat and then, ultimately, to hand off to other members in your team. It's also true that there are a TON of variables that go into site creation and that eliminating those variables (the best you can) for testing purposes is useful, we've found.
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      • Profile picture of the author leighs31
        Profile picture of leighs31
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        EMD is penalty and it takes a while to recover if you are doing things the traditional way.

        If it helps your keyword density should be less than 2%. Put your keyword at the beginning of your title mixed with other words. So something like Plumbing Services in Chester At A Reasonable Price.

        Don't put the keyword in your meta tag. Use synonyms as well so guy, could be dudes, man etc. Google is getting better at this. Don;t have h1, h2, h3 with your keyword in. But you can have headers written like an experiment - such as h1 - problem h2 - solutions h3 - references

        Write for the reader and not the search engines and you be will fine and dandy in the future. Hope this helps you out
        • Profile picture of the author CatherineMay
          Profile picture of CatherineMay
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          Originally Posted by leighs31 View Post

          EMD is penalty and it takes a while to recover if you are doing things the traditional way.

          If it helps your keyword density should be less than 2%. Put your keyword at the beginning of your title mixed with other words. So something like Plumbing Services in Chester At A Reasonable Price.

          Don't put the keyword in your meta tag. Use synonyms as well so guy, could be dudes, man etc. Google is getting better at this. Don;t have h1, h2, h3 with your keyword in. But you can have headers written like an experiment - such as h1 - problem h2 - solutions h3 - references

          Write for the reader and not the search engines and you be will fine and dandy in the future. Hope this helps you out
          Since this is an EMD, I've thought I should not have the same exact keyword in the title of the homepage, although I've used a close variation. This close variation post title is in a h1 heading tag which my theme automatically creates.

          But I have use the exact keyword phrase in h2 and h3 tags. So, your saying this is too much? The home page article is 1,100 words.

        • Profile picture of the author aygabtu
          Profile picture of aygabtu
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          I won't get into the density debate here, but if you want a free and good tool to use you can try this keyword density tool from whatsmyserp. You can enter multiple keywords and it will highlight them in the density lists and in your title, description, meta, and header tags.

          Check top 300 Google SERP results free. tracks and graphs changes for multiple domains/keywords/regions. Also includes advanced keyword density tool.

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