Banned by Adsense :: $100/day Now $0

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Well I never though it would happen to me but... %@*#%
It did...

I got banned from the google adsense program for doing nothing wrong. I was getting 600 clicks a day and netting $80-100 daily, no arbitrage or BS. Wanna see:
I've got 1,100 sites in this market: 101 RAMEN NOODLE RECIPES

Anyway, I been looking for a good Adsense replacement and can't find one worth a darn. Anyone have any suggestions?

I've tried CB engine adsense style ads, CPA offers and Ebay Partner. None get me close to the daily earning I was getting.

#$100 or day #adsense #banned #cb engine #cpa #google
  • Profile picture of the author william.jack38
    As per your adsense reports, I can suggest you for adbrite and clicksor. Both are high paying if you have good traffic. You can also try infolinks and kontera. Best of luck bro.
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  • Profile picture of the author napoleonfirst
    Building a list is better. The list is the business.
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    • Your sites might have looked a little too thin for them upon human inspection. Remove all ads. Use 301 redirects at all sites to forward them back to one main site with all your content and then request another adsense account just for the one site and especially drop the generator tag from your html. That's how they identify some sites for further investigation. Not that it's bad and I know it's your baby. Just, it doesn't sound good when looked at from that angle.

      Also, a bunch of your sites have PHP errors like there is a permission problem with the shop directory.

      If you don't consalidate and go back to Adsense, I'd guess you could get $5 a day from YPN and $5 a day from Casale or someone like that. Figure on about $0.50 eCPM to start. Besides that Adsense is the only thing that does a lot better.

      Hope this helps
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  • Profile picture of the author Ultramark
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    • Profile picture of the author GeorgeJoel
      Actually the 1,100 sites are in the general recipe niche. I've got targeted keyword domains. 83% of my traffic comes from the SE's and only 2% from direct Nav. The rest is referral site links.

      I tried signing up under a different name but, was denied. They might track IP addresses and log domains in the database as to catch those that try to re-sign up. Not sure though.

      Info links looks good, but not sure how it will pan out. I signed up anyway, thanks for the tip.
      Unfortunately Yahoo's program is closed.

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  • Profile picture of the author SeanSupplee
    Adsense banned me after doing nothing wrong and making my first $80 after two months of very hard work. Thus i just stopped and moved on to list building. I will never relied on someone else to send me money now i net 100% commissions of my own products that should be your next move.
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    • Profile picture of the author GeorgeJoel
      Thanks Sheldon, good advice!


      I've also moved in that direction in the meantime. Getting about 100 opt-in a day from the sites. Will be releasing a related product soon. You are right on target.

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      • Profile picture of the author koolphoto
        I lost my adsense account years ago. I was told that I was clicking on the ads myself and I was banned by Google Adsense for life. Never did it. I tried to write them but they weren't interested in any explanations. They basically called me a liar.

        In hindsight it was the best thing that ever happened to me. I learned how to sell products on my websites and started to make more money then I ever did with Adsense.

        My name is Ken Katz and I am a Web Designer and Photographer. My motto: "If you really want to do something, you'll find a way. If you don't, you'll find an excuse." -Jim Rohn

        Celebrity Portrait Photgapher - My Photography Portfolio.

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  • Profile picture of the author Yudha Andika
    Why you don't send a complaint to Adsense if you at the right way...give your actual reason with proof...maybe it will help to restore your account...
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  • Profile picture of the author captivereef
    I feel you man, they banned me after 2 years and $1000 average months. I moved onto clickbank and am much happier and less stressed. My next step s my own products!
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  • Profile picture of the author Art Turner
    It seems so random at Google. My account has been fine for years. I flipped a home decorating site on eBay. Buyer applied to Adsense and was accepted. Then, about a week later, buyer was "banned for life" because the site represented "an unacceptable risk to advertisers."

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    • Profile picture of the author TimG
      Originally Posted by Art Turner View Post

      It seems so random at Google. My account has been fine for years. I flipped a home decorating site on eBay. Buyer applied to Adsense and was accepted. Then, about a week later, buyer was "banned for life" because the site represented "an unacceptable risk to advertisers."

      Yea, had the same thing happen to a site I flipped. It was making $400 a month from adsense so I sold it for a pretty penny and sadly the new owner had his adsense account terminated about 2 weeks after the sale.

      Crazy stuff!!

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    • Profile picture of the author Dianes.Bistro
      Go figure.
      "Seize the opportunity as if it were your last"

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  • Profile picture of the author AdamWB
    Spread your adsense accounts man. I've got a half dozen accounts in various LLC's (which is not against their TOS), the majority of them are 100% whitehat, and I've got a couple that I use to experiment different techniques. When one account hits $100/day I open another one.

    I've gotten 2 accounts banned total in the past couple years, and all you gotta do is open another. And no - I wasn't going against their TOS, that's just the way google works. I've probably lost 10-20k in unowed adsense checks due to frivilous google banning. It happens. Learn to adapt, or move on to clickbank (which isn't any better, they rip you off even more).
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    • Profile picture of the author icrystal
      Originally Posted by AdamWB View Post

      Spread your adsense accounts man. I've got a half dozen accounts in various LLC's (which is not against their TOS)
      What do you mean by LLC's - I can't think of what that acronym stands for.
      I really need to do the same but i dont' understand how you can have different accounts. How do you do that? I mean, i only have one name that is associated with my credit cards or bank accounts.
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      • Profile picture of the author WendellC
        Originally Posted by icrystal View Post

        What do you mean by LLC's - I can't think of what that acronym stands for.
        I really need to do the same but i dont' understand how you can have different accounts. How do you do that? I mean, i only have one name that is associated with my credit cards or bank accounts.

        LLC stands for "Limited Liability Company" and it's a way to form your business so that the owners have limited liability. It's kind of like having a corporation, with less accounting paperwork involved. You can read more about it at LegalZoom. LLC (Limited Liability Company) Overview

        What AdamWB is doing by creating multiple LLCs is that he's forming separate legal entities so that each one can have it's own individual Adsense account. I personally haven't read the Adsense TOS closely enough although AdamWB indicates that this is OK by Google.

        Hope this helps.


        P.S. I'm not a lawyer nor do I play one on TV...

        List your no opt-in product here for free: No Opt In Required

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  • Profile picture of the author captivereef
    And they never tell you what it was, i hated that part.
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    • Profile picture of the author ripsnorta2
      Originally Posted by captivereef View Post

      And they never tell you what it was, i hated that part.
      Well, if they don't tell you what got you banned, and there is money owing in your adsense account, you can always go to small claims court to try and get it back. There was some news back a few weeks ago where someone did this, and because Google said that they can ban anyone for any reason without explanation, the judge ruled against them.

      It's always seemed a bit shady to me that companies like Google and Paypal can ban you for no reason and keep whatever is in your account. If this behaviour was honestly challenged in court would it hold up?
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  • Profile picture of the author Taylor French
    Try out CB's HopLinkAds. I had a few sites that weren't making as much as I'd hoped with AdSense and I switched to CB and my income doubled, even tripled on some sites. I have removed AdSense on all but my best performing sites, and I don't regret it for a second.

    I still make very good money with AdSense in some niches, but I find CB works much better in others.
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    • Profile picture of the author Dellco
      Originally Posted by Taylor French View Post

      Try out CB's HopLinkAds. I had a few sites that weren't making as much as I'd hoped with AdSense and I switched to CB and my income doubled, even tripled on some sites. I have removed AdSense on all but my best performing sites, and I don't regret it for a second.

      I still make very good money with AdSense in some niches, but I find CB works much better in others.
      Hi Taylor French, can you tell me more about this CB HopLinkAds? I have a site that is banned in Adsense (site ban)...over a year now.

      The site was also a recipe site like GeorgeJoel's sites but it's ONE BIG site and not made up of tons of small one-page sites.

      I think GeorgeJoel was banned because of having too many "thin" sites (Too many domains each with a page or two only)....

      Right now, my site hardly makes anything

      Contacting the Adsense support is also useless, they have laid off hundreds of staff recently....and the support is really bad right now.
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      • Profile picture of the author Taylor French
        Originally Posted by Dellco View Post

        Hi Taylor French, can you tell me more about this CB HopLinkAds? I have a site that is banned in Adsense (site ban)...over a year now.

        The site was also a recipe site like GeorgeJoel's sites but it's ONE BIG site and not made up of tons of small one-page sites.

        I think GeorgeJoel was banned because of having too many "thin" sites (Too many domains each with a page or two only)....

        Right now, my site hardly makes anything

        Contacting the Adsense support is also useless, they have laid off hundreds of staff recently....and the support is really bad right now.
        Sure thing. If you log into your ClickBank account and then click the 'Account Settings' tab, you will see a link at the top that says 'HopAd Builder'. If you click that, you can build ads that look somewhat like AdSense, but feature ads for ClickBank products with your affiliate ID embedded.

        On a recipe site, you could target keywords like cooking and recipes, and you would get served ads specifically targeted to those keywords. If you use the tabbed ad boxes, you can also target related niches. For example, one tab could target recipes, one could target baking, and one could target decorating.

        I prefer the tabbed ad boxes on most sites, because I can target multiple sub-genres, but if you have a very tight niche site, I'd stick with the text ads.

        Sometimes you will have niches that don't have products available, and sometimes there will be products available, but the product owners haven't created HopAds for them. But most popular niches are covered relatively well.
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  • Profile picture of the author SeanSupplee
    Yeah I have made it a purpose to never search on google now I do all my searching on yahoo because of it lol I will still use google for free traffic however to many stories of accounts being terminated for no reason. Google must make millions from suspending accounts each year its honestly almost a scam in my eyes. They dont credit those people who had their ads click on these banned accounts back they just keep the money lol
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  • Profile picture of the author Sean Hoffman
    Ramen might be mad because of copyright. heh

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    • Profile picture of the author Rully
      another lesson for me

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  • Profile picture of the author Hililuud
    LOL I dont see why they would ban you...its not like you are screwing them unless you are clicking your own ads. Think about it google is always going to be making more money than you per click, so there is no reason for them to ban you.
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  • Profile picture of the author Dellco
    I would like to have more confidence in if only my CB sales didn't suck that much....

    Thanks for the guide.
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    • Profile picture of the author GeorgeJoel
      The Recipe Niche is hard to sell lots of CB products. My CTR with google was nearly 20% - 600 clicks/day!

      EPC models work best for this niche in my experience.

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  • Profile picture of the author ExtremeIM
    I really dont see the rerason why they will ban U. The only reason I see in the copyright conflict. Newaz a crazy stuff. Indeed a new lesson for me.
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  • Profile picture of the author seach4s
    Google own us they can do what they like....LOL i not having the best of times ethier
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  • Profile picture of the author onlineleben
    One likely couse for getting banned is telling users to click on the ads.
    If the layout of the site was the same as it is now when the ban occurred, the caption above the picture: "Please browse my links and I'm sure you'll find everything
    you're looking for" will trigger alarms.
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  • Profile picture of the author goginoo
    its not a problem, try something else and keep up the good work
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  • Profile picture of the author secretjustin
    I've got to agree with Onlineleben. Regardless of the message to browse links, less than 20% of the page is content. At first glance I'm wondering where the recipe is on any of the recipe pages. 70% is links to something else, 20% for pictures, 10% content.

    To push it further on a closer inspection, the whole 101 RAMEN NOODLE RECIPES domain is made up of links. Every single "page" recipe is hosted on a separate domain.

    Where are the 101 ramen noodle recipes? I see everything from apple crisp to 3 bean salad, none of which include ramen noodles. You might have wanted to include a few more ramen recipes, no?

    Did you have Youtube videos on the same page as Adsense?

    I'm not trying to trash on you but if this is the same look you had with Adsense on it, it was only a matter of time. There are thousands of sites like this and it's only a matter of time before they get the boot too.

    Hopefully you are doing well in other avenues and you didn't loose your grocery money.



    If you had that pop up every single time you change pages, that could have been another issue.

    Privacy policy doesn't mention anything about Dart or the other requirements from Adsense.

    Oh, it's 2010 now!

    * I love to see old threads like these dug up! *
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  • Profile picture of the author euhlir
    I got banned from the google adsense program for doing nothing wrong.
    You have no content on your site at all. If your other sites are all like this then you should have been banned a long time ago.

    Not to mention a copyright violation, but that's probably not the reason at all.

    Have you even read the Adsense TOS?

    If you did then I'd find it hard to believe that you really think you did nothing to break their most obvious rules. I know this is an old thread, but it gets on my nerves when people play innocent when they get their account banned, but obviously were breaking huge rules.
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    • Profile picture of the author LadyL08
      I'm glad to see these kind of responses because I was disheartened to think that I could be doing all this work - the right way - to build a business branch and it just be taken away for no apparent reason.


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    • Profile picture of the author chini
      Originally Posted by euhlir View Post

      Not to mention a copyright violation, but that's probably not the reason at all.
      By copyright violation, do you mean using someone elses content?
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  • Profile picture of the author euhlir
    By copyright violation, do you mean using someone elses content?
    No, I simply was referring to Ramen Noodles being in his domain name. I'm pretty sure its a trademarked name so it can't be used in domains as well any other trademarked name without approval. Google has no way of knowing if you own the rights to the name or not so like I was saying that probably wasn't the case, unless someone sued you and then handed over the incriminating evidence to Google.
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