I tried 7Search, seems like a scam

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After reading several people on here having success with 7search, I figured I'd throw $25 in an account there and see it does. $25 is a low enough amount to try some cheap PPC traffic.

I created a couple ads for a few different websites of mine, all of them were extremely low traffic sites. I didn't try it on my money sites or ones with AdSense, just ones with CPA offers on them.

I didn't get any clicks at first as I was using super low bids (1-2 cents etc). I decided to raise the bids to get some traffic. I am using Piwik to track the sites and 2 of my sites got a visitor from 7Search. The sites are totally different. The visits were 30 seconds apart from the SAME IP address.

Seriously, what are the odds that someone from the same IP will click on 2 of your ads that are in different niches within 30 seconds? Do they run bots that click on ads to make money?

The number of clicks that 7Search has listed and the number of visitors to my sites through my analytics also don't add up.

It's $25 so no big deal, but they will never see another penny from me. Nothing compares to Adwords when it comes to traffic quality and dealing with an honest company.
#7search #scam
  • Profile picture of the author jxam69
    Thanks for the tip - I am considering trying 7search so this is quite timely.

    Does anyone else have positive or negative experiences they'd like to shear about 7search?

    This space will be awarded to the first WSO owner who can prove they make Million$ from their methods.

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  • Profile picture of the author sovereignn
    7Search can work

    You've just got to filter out a lot of the bad sites and you'll definitely have to put some work into it

    It's not just a set and forget

    Difficult but it can be done
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  • Profile picture of the author RyanLB
    $25 isn't nearly enough for statistical relevance but 7search has had a reputation for a long time for having a high clickfraud rate. It wouldn't surprise me at all to hear that it's still a problem on there.

    If you notice a lot of it, block the IPs in question (I believe that is possible to do through your 7search account, but it's been awhile since I've used them). Also getting into contact with their support might be able to help you out.

    I'm a Freelance Copywriter that helps Agencies, Startups and Businesses Educate Their Audience and Grow Sales
    Skype Me: r.boze
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  • Profile picture of the author 1byte
    Originally Posted by simplyben View Post

    Nothing compares to Adwords when it comes to traffic quality and dealing with an honest company.
    There are some on this forum that might disagree about that...
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