keyword and adword PPC tracking

Profile picture of eldib3
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
1 replies
Hello Warriors !
I am new to PPC marketing so I will need a little help to get the hang of how to use the technical tracking methods. My main concern however is keyword tracking and the initial adword ad that the consumer sees at the Google search engine. How am I going to track which keywords and adword ads that convert from my PPC campaign? I am not able to add the google tracking pixel on the final conversion page of my offers. anyone open to assisting me with this?
Warm Regards,
#adword #keyword #ppc #tracking
  • Profile picture of the author cinek
    Profile picture of cinek
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    But are you alble to use Google Analytics at all ? If you connect AdWrods account with Analytics and enable AdWords auto tags it will let you track PPC traffic (including keywords).
    For more see Campaign Tracking and AdWords Integration at google analytics help. Here is the link: Google Analytics

    Good Luck!

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