Buy YouTube Views or Not

Profile picture of RobertCorby
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
54 replies
Should we buy YouTube views to enhance the popularity for our YouTube video or not. I have a video I use for a marketing medium. It gets some attention, but not what I have expected. I am going after a semi-competitive keyword phrase under YouTube search. I have build links to the video where I seem to get some traffic from. My title, description and tags are correct. Should I go for a big purchase or not. I found a WSO here on the forums offering and has wondered if anyone has gone after this? Will it help me with my rankings. I know I can take the risk. But is the risk worth it?
#buy #buy youtube views #views #youtube
  • Profile picture of the author Andy Fang
    Andy Fang
    Profile picture of Andy Fang
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Originally Posted by RobertCorby View Post

    Should we buy YouTube views to enhance the popularity for our YouTube video or not. I have a video I use for a marketing medium. It gets some attention, but not what I have expected. I am going after a semi-competitive keyword phrase under YouTube search. I have build links to the video where I seem to get some traffic from. My title, description and tags are correct. Should I go for a big purchase or not. I found a WSO here on the forums offering and has wondered if anyone has gone after this? Will it help me with my rankings. I know I can take the risk. But is the risk worth it?
    Yes, more than views, you would need likes. More than likes, you would need comments. 10 000 views is nothing, similar to 20 000.
  • Profile picture of the author talfighel
    Profile picture of talfighel
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I personally would not do this.

    What I would do is to actually add more and more videos to YouTube on a daily basis and some how get them ranked on page 1 on Google.

    The secret with YouTube marketing is that you need to add new videos there all the time because some of them will get ranked high and get you lots of free traffic for months and years to come.

    Also make sure that this is not your only marketing strategy out there.
    • Profile picture of the author Andy Fang
      Andy Fang
      Profile picture of Andy Fang
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      Originally Posted by Nail Yener View Post

      Others may advise differently but I personally don't buy fake/artificial views/likes/shares etc. From my perspective it has no good on your business; not in the short term and not in the long term. If your video doesn't get the amount of views you expected, either its target audience is very narrow or your video is not interesting enough to grab the attention of more viewers. You could inspect the popular videos in your niche and see what they are doing and use a similar strategy in your videos.

      I think my definition of "Real" and how it is used in the above link is not the same.
      Originally Posted by talfighel View Post

      I personally would not do this.

      What I would do is to actually add more and more videos to YouTube on a daily basis and some how get them ranked on page 1 on Google.

      The secret with YouTube marketing is that you need to add new videos there all the time because some of them will get ranked high and get you lots of free traffic for months and years to come.

      Also make sure that this is not your only marketing strategy out there.
      Artificial YouTube views gives social proof, don't forget that.
      • Profile picture of the author Nail Yener
        Nail Yener
        Profile picture of Nail Yener
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by Andy Fang View Post

        Artificial YouTube views gives social proof, don't forget that.
        So does telling lies. "Artificial (put anything here)" is no different than telling lies. That social proof you get by "artificial (put anything here)" is a lie.

        If I was a business buying social marketing, I would definitely stay away from people who provide artificial social proof.
    • Profile picture of the author Monja
      Profile picture of Monja
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      absolutely agreed, nothing is worth to piss of google
      better is adding more videos

      Originally Posted by talfighel View Post

      I personally would not do this.

      What I would do is to actually add more and more videos to YouTube on a daily basis and some how get them ranked on page 1 on Google.

      The secret with YouTube marketing is that you need to add new videos there all the time because some of them will get ranked high and get you lots of free traffic for months and years to come.

      Also make sure that this is not your only marketing strategy out there.

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    • Profile picture of the author Malcolm Thomas
      Malcolm Thomas
      Profile picture of Malcolm Thomas
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      Originally Posted by talfighel View Post

      I personally would not do this.

      What I would do is to actually add more and more videos to YouTube on a daily basis and some how get them ranked on page 1 on Google.

      The secret with YouTube marketing is that you need to add new videos there all the time because some of them will get ranked high and get you lots of free traffic for months and years to come.

      Also make sure that this is not your only marketing strategy out there.
      I agree with this approach. The key to video marketing is to crank out a high volume of videos in order to increase your chances of success and one or more videos ranking highly.
    • Profile picture of the author FrednCO
      Profile picture of FrednCO
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Amazing what can get ranked YT. I live where a guy recorded and posted the baby ducks surfing. Went viral. Lots of comments. Likes. I agree ad more videos to see what sticks.
      • Profile picture of the author prem khaira
        prem khaira
        Profile picture of prem khaira
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        For most of my videos, i always use an extra push(views from vagex) in the beginning to get the video ranked. Then i leave it to YouTubers. So yes, views can DEFINITELY help your rankings but just be careful where you get them views from.

        Wrong move and your account can be compromised.

        "Enchance Views" has quite a good rep so i would personally give em a shot since Vagex(my fav) is not accepting members currently.

        Good luck to ya
  • Profile picture of the author Nail Yener
    Nail Yener
    Profile picture of Nail Yener
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    Others may advise differently but I personally don't buy fake/artificial views/likes/shares etc. From my perspective it has no good on your business; not in the short term and not in the long term. If your video doesn't get the amount of views you expected, either its target audience is very narrow or your video is not interesting enough to grab the attention of more viewers. You could inspect the popular videos in your niche and see what they are doing and use a similar strategy in your videos.

    Originally Posted by RobertCorby View Post

    1,100 FREE Real YouTube Views for Warriors
    I think my definition of "Real" and how it is used in the above link is not the same.
  • Profile picture of the author erwin78
    Profile picture of erwin78
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    Hi everyone,

    I would go for it and even look for a better deal on fiverr

    All the best

  • Profile picture of the author RobertCorby
    Profile picture of RobertCorby
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    But, if I buy YouTube views, will help me climb the ranks not only in YouTube search, but also in the Google SERPs. I see a lot of YouTube videos on the first page in Google search for my niche. How do I do this? Does it require YouTube views? I would like to do the same. any suggestions on how to do this?
    Robert Corby
    • Profile picture of the author Daniel Evans
      Daniel Evans
      Profile picture of Daniel Evans
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      I'd be careful as whilst this might fly now, there's nothing to say they won't implement a system in the future to eliminate suspect views in the same way FB did with likes.

      • Profile picture of the author smodha
        Profile picture of smodha
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        Originally Posted by Daniel Evans View Post

        I'd be careful as whilst this might fly now, there's nothing to say they won't implement a system in the future to eliminate suspect views in the same way FB did with likes.

        Only if they're fake/bot Views or Likes. Real, human views are untraceable. I've been using them for some time to bump my videos and give it higher audience retention rates.
        I Sell What People Want. The Money Is A Bonus..
    • Profile picture of the author webily
      Profile picture of webily
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Although I'm selling YT views I will say that: Buying YT views is not a good idea, because most of the services run the video for only 15-30 sec. If you have thousands of visitors watching just the first few seconds and then leave, it is a clear sign for YT/Google that this video is not valuable and it will not get any rankings at all.
      So I would buy views only if my video is really short... although I don't know what you can show in 15-30 sec.
      To get on first page of YT you need lot of views. To get the initial views you need to promote very actively... share the video on forums, FB, Twitter, Digg, Reddit, StumbleUpon... whereever you can.
      If you already have a maillist send a message with link to the video.

      And whatever you do try to drive traffic to the YT page.
      If you embed the videos on an external site most of the views are not registered in YT.

      So... we need initial views... then the video will rank naturally. The more views you have the more it will get.
      When you have more views it will start appearing in the "related videos" list next to videos with lot of views. And this is in most cases the biggest source of traffic. This is how people browse YT - they may search with a keyword, but after they find a video they start browsing the related videos, because they are still targeted to the keyword he was searching originally.

      And an example - if your video has 100 views it will start appearing related/next to videos with not more than 5k-10k views. So you will get low traffic, while let's say only 1%-10% of the people watching the related video will jump to yours (because the relative list includes about 10 videos above the fold).

      When your video gets 1k views then it will start appearing next to videos with let's say upto 50k views. This means even more traffic than when the video got only 100 views.

      So this is how the views are growing.
      But to get it started you need an initial boost for at least 100 views... 500 even better... 1k best. :-)
      And it is best if you get these views early after you upload the video... preferably in the first hours upto the first day.

      To get the video ranked in Google you don't need to do anything special... just share everywhere you can and the video will get indexed in less than an hour and it will appear on top of google.
      Of course it depends on the keywords and the competition.

      What I share is my live experience... using these tips I was able to get millions of views to my videos.

      And on the end - there are 2 ways (and a mix of both) to grow your total YT views:
      1. Create ton of videos - 1k videos x 1 view/video/day = 1000 views/day.
      2. Take your time and create a killer viral video - 1000 shares x 10 views/share = 10000 views.

      So these are the tips I can share... I hope they are helpful.

      Originally Posted by RobertCorby View Post

      But, if I buy YouTube views, will help me climb the ranks not only in YouTube search, but also in the Google SERPs. I see a lot of YouTube videos on the first page in Google search for my niche. How do I do this? Does it require YouTube views? I would like to do the same. any suggestions on how to do this?
      Professional WordPress Plugin Developer
      • Profile picture of the author RobertCorby
        Profile picture of RobertCorby
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by webily View Post

        What I share is my live experience... using these tips I was able to get millions of views to my videos.

        And on the end - there are 2 ways (and a mix of both) to grow your total YT views:
        1. Create ton of videos - 1k videos x 1 view/video/day = 1000 views/day.
        2. Take your time and create a killer viral video - 1000 shares x 10 views/share = 10000 views.

        So these are the tips I can share... I hope they are helpful.
        Thank You so much. I will give it a shot. You have convinced me.
        Robert Corby
      • Profile picture of the author davidbatchelor
        Profile picture of davidbatchelor
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by webily View Post

        Although I'm selling YT views I will say that: Buying YT views is not a good idea, because most of the services run the video for only 15-30 sec. If you have thousands of visitors watching just the first few seconds and then leave, it is a clear sign for YT/Google that this video is not valuable and it will not get any rankings at all.
        So I would buy views only if my video is really short... although I don't know what you can show in 15-30 sec.
        To get on first page of YT you need lot of views. To get the initial views you need to promote very actively... share the video on forums, FB, Twitter, Digg, Reddit, StumbleUpon... whereever you can.
        If you already have a maillist send a message with link to the video.

        And whatever you do try to drive traffic to the YT page.
        If you embed the videos on an external site most of the views are not registered in YT.

        So... we need initial views... then the video will rank naturally. The more views you have the more it will get.
        When you have more views it will start appearing in the "related videos" list next to videos with lot of views. And this is in most cases the biggest source of traffic. This is how people browse YT - they may search with a keyword, but after they find a video they start browsing the related videos, because they are still targeted to the keyword he was searching originally.

        And an example - if your video has 100 views it will start appearing related/next to videos with not more than 5k-10k views. So you will get low traffic, while let's say only 1%-10% of the people watching the related video will jump to yours (because the relative list includes about 10 videos above the fold).

        When your video gets 1k views then it will start appearing next to videos with let's say upto 50k views. This means even more traffic than when the video got only 100 views.

        So this is how the views are growing.
        But to get it started you need an initial boost for at least 100 views... 500 even better... 1k best. :-)
        And it is best if you get these views early after you upload the video... preferably in the first hours upto the first day.

        To get the video ranked in Google you don't need to do anything special... just share everywhere you can and the video will get indexed in less than an hour and it will appear on top of google.
        Of course it depends on the keywords and the competition.

        What I share is my live experience... using these tips I was able to get millions of views to my videos.

        And on the end - there are 2 ways (and a mix of both) to grow your total YT views:
        1. Create ton of videos - 1k videos x 1 view/video/day = 1000 views/day.
        2. Take your time and create a killer viral video - 1000 shares x 10 views/share = 10000 views.

        So these are the tips I can share... I hope they are helpful.
        enhan views allows you to get views for the whole video.

        I wasn't aware of the importance though of getting 1'000 views in the first 24 hours. I read somewhere that getting that many in one day doesn't appear natural to YT?
  • Profile picture of the author RobertCorby
    Profile picture of RobertCorby
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    What is needed to get my video in the Google SERPs? and will YouTube views help me do that?
    Robert Corby
  • Profile picture of the author RobertCorby
    Profile picture of RobertCorby
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Know I do have another question. Using YouTube as a marketing medium, what is the best way to go about this? I see that the views might help to show prospects your video is popular. But how to get them to move on into following the link to your website?
    Robert Corby
    • Profile picture of the author webily
      Profile picture of webily
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      You should add your call to action on the end of the video.
      It maybe you asking them to visit your site, it maybe a static picture with a text and background music, it can be YT annotation.
      And of course URL (including the 'http://' part) in the beginning of the description.

      Sometimes I do the following - I leave the video without any call to action, and without a link in the description. And I will leave it that way for the first few days. That kind of video (without any pitches) is more share-able. After it gets some good views as a start I put the call to action with annotation and I put the link in the description.

      Originally Posted by RobertCorby View Post

      Know I do have another question. Using YouTube as a marketing medium, what is the best way to go about this? I see that the views might help to show prospects your video is popular. But how to get them to move on into following the link to your website?
      Professional WordPress Plugin Developer
  • Profile picture of the author BinaryQwest
    Profile picture of BinaryQwest
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    If you buy views/likes/comments or get them free be sure to keep them inline with each. For instance, don't send 100 likes to a video that has only 25 views. And if it has 10,000 views and no comments or likes looks really suspicious too.
  • Profile picture of the author jtoelle
    Profile picture of jtoelle
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    To get your video to rank in Google you just need to backlink the video, treat it like any other webpage.

    When buying views it adds social proof to your video. If you've ever searched YouTube for a Music Video which video do you usually play? Typically you'll play the video with the most views, this usually indicates it's the official video or the best quality. The same will apply to your video. The more views you show the more people will pick your video to watch first.

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  • Profile picture of the author pizzatherapy
    Profile picture of pizzatherapy
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    Others may advise differently but I personally don't buy fake/artificial views/likes/shares etc. From my perspective it has no good on your business; not in the short term and not in the long term. If your video doesn't get the amount of views you expected, either its target audience is very narrow or your video is not interesting enough to grab the attention of more viewers.
    My experience has been that YouTube is cracking down on "paid" views. Artificial or otherwise.

    I have seen several of my competitors YouTube Channels get deleted due to artificial views. One video for a local car repair shop (my geographic area) had 5,000 views and hundreds of comments...
    This YouTube channel vanished....
    Another channel for a local restaurant (my geographic area) with 10,000 views and hundreds of comments...the video and channel evaporated..

    IMHO: Don't do it...

    Follow this great advice:

    What I would do is to actually add more and more videos to YouTube on a daily basis and some how get them ranked on page 1 on Google.

    The secret with YouTube marketing is that you need to add new videos there all the time because some of them will get ranked high and get you lots of free traffic for months and years to come.
    Listen, I have a simple video with over 720,000+ views. All you can see are my hands and my stomach....Not one view was paid for. A video with useful content will always do well...

    Create a compelling video with useful content, promote as much as possible, embed it in your website or blog....then create more videos...and more videos
    your videos will do well...
  • Profile picture of the author Collabo
    Profile picture of Collabo
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    I wouldn't recommend it, but would be interested to hear the results
    Spend your time and money making better content so you don't have to buy views! As mentioned above, comments and interaction are bigger social signals as well.
  • Profile picture of the author RobertCorby
    Profile picture of RobertCorby
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    WOW! I am just loving the information here. This is really a big help. I hope there is more to come.
    Robert Corby
  • Profile picture of the author johnben1444
    Profile picture of johnben1444
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Buying views isn't a bad idea if it comes from a good provider.

    The downside with buying YouTube views is they could be fake,
    get your account banned and also a bloody waste of your money.

    But if you buy this service from a trusted provider who offers
    time based views as per in line with the new YouTube
    update, it could rank your video on YT in no time.

    To go the natural way, make a good quality video.
    Naturally, your visitors will like it, share it, view it,
    subscribe to it, favorite it and many more.

    Embed it on your site or any related site.

    Optimize it and build back links to rank it on the search engines.
    Grow your social media account, Spotify Streams, YT Views & IG Followers & More
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  • Profile picture of the author RobertCorby
    Profile picture of RobertCorby
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    If I was to build backlinks to my video. Do I build them to the video url as I would do any other backlink? Or is it better to embed them on other sites? Also, if I embed the video on my site, how does this help?
    Robert Corby
    • Profile picture of the author johnben1444
      Profile picture of johnben1444
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by RobertCorby View Post

      If I was to build backlinks to my video. Do I build them to the video url as I would do any other backlink?
      Build links to the URL where you video is located because that is the site.

      Just ensure you have it optimized in Title, description and tag.

      Or is it better to embed them on other sites?
      It's great to do both.

      Also, if I embed the video on my site, how does this help?
      YouTube uses the amount of sites that embed your video to judge how important your video is and uses this for ranking as well.

      Embedding a video on your site and others help to bring traffic directly to your video
      increase your views and others... You don't want to leave any stone unturn.
      Grow your social media account, Spotify Streams, YT Views & IG Followers & More
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    • Profile picture of the author webily
      Profile picture of webily
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      As I mentioned earlier when the video is embedded YT dosen't count all the views.
      If your main goal is to get more views I believe it is better to send the traffic to the YT URL.

      If you have a popular site with lot of traffic you can still embed to get some views, but note that when people load your site they will need to click the play button and only after that YT may count it is a view.
      You also have the option to make it auto-play, but I don't think it is a good idea to make it on a site with real visitors, which are not looking for this particular video.

      Originally Posted by RobertCorby View Post

      If I was to build backlinks to my video. Do I build them to the video url as I would do any other backlink? Or is it better to embed them on other sites? Also, if I embed the video on my site, how does this help?
      Professional WordPress Plugin Developer
  • Profile picture of the author trafficmasters
    Profile picture of trafficmasters
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    If you were to go down the route of "buying views" I would highly recommend doing it on a second account that has no ties to your main account

    You do not want to spend money on videos and views only to get the channel removed
    • Profile picture of the author RobertCorby
      Profile picture of RobertCorby
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by trafficmasters View Post

      If you were to go down the route of "buying views" I would highly recommend doing it on a second account that has no ties to your main account

      You do not want to spend money on videos and views only to get the channel removed
      Good idea. Thank You
      Robert Corby
  • Profile picture of the author Ben Gordon
    Ben Gordon
    Profile picture of Ben Gordon
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I would definitely buy Youtube views. I am an expert in youtube ranking and while I'm not going to give out my whole ranking formulas, I can tell you that social proof is really important if you want to rank your video. You need views, likes and comments. I would recommend you go to Fiverr and get the gigs from a seller that everyone's happy with. Make sure he doesn't use bots, and make sure he can make the human traffic flow look natural.

    By having a lot of likes and views (make sure they are proportional) it means people like your video (that's what it says to youtube) and youtube will be glad to get your video out to other eyes, because obviously people like your video
  • Profile picture of the author GuruGuna
    Profile picture of GuruGuna
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I would say there are many ways to drive views on your own for free. These are real visitors and would mean a higher conversion for you.

    If you can afford the paid traffic, give it a shot and see how it converts for you before you spend a ton.

    However, I would really recommend you look at ways to enhance the views on your own by tweaking and learning the art of youtube properly.
  • Profile picture of the author BeeJay
    Profile picture of BeeJay
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    If you're going to use paid views, do it on a video and an account you are prepared to lose. Do it to quickly test the profitability of a niche. But if you hit paydirt, work on building a channel with real views, real subscribers and which gets real user engagement.

    Also, to add to some of the advice you've already received, don't forget to build backlinks to your channel. It's a static page, like a website, and can gain PR. Channel authority helps rank your videos.
  • Profile picture of the author troy23
    Profile picture of troy23
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I've been making good money from YouTube adsense for 8 years or more.
    All you have to do is make videos of quality and wait for them to age.
    That's it!
    There is no magic formula.
    Big changes are coming to YouTube shortly and anyone who has videos with sudden surges of popularity are going to find their video and accounts are gone.
  • Profile picture of the author SeanSupplee
    Profile picture of SeanSupplee
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    So many black hat methods out there anymore stop trying to rig the system in your favor. These are multi million dollar companies you really think they don't know you paid $20 for 10,000 crap views or junk comments etc?

    Like with anything there are things you can do to improve your videos ranking but honestly just make a good entertaining video and share it with a few people. You'll be far better off and feel more accomplished then buying junk traffic for it just my two cents on this matter
  • Profile picture of the author buldogg
    Profile picture of buldogg
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Be really careful what kind of views you will buy. You need 80%-100% audience retention views. The higher the retention, the higher the ranking. You will also need likes, favorites and comments so your can add even better value to your video.
  • Profile picture of the author khooster1
    Profile picture of khooster1
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I buy YouTube and other social media views smartly.

    Try to spread your views over a period of time..
    This will make your video views look naturally increasing. This is important.

    Use bookmarking to create awareness for your videos.
    This works great for YouTube videos.
  • Profile picture of the author GFI
    Profile picture of GFI
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Personally I don't do this because buying traffic is not good for your site. You just promote it well on these places which gives you long term traffic easily.
  • Profile picture of the author Jason Perez O'Connor
    Jason Perez O'Connor
    Profile picture of Jason Perez O'Connor
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    It works, however, what have we learnt about taking shortcuts like this in the past? :rolleyes:

    Eventually you get squashed like a little bug and wished you'd just gone about it the proper way
  • Profile picture of the author jachu2
    Profile picture of jachu2
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I have found that buy purchasing views my video actually ranks higher on google! If you want, some great guys out there offer a free trial to see if you like their service or not. Some may give you 2000-5000 views absolutely free!
  • Profile picture of the author PopOn
    Profile picture of PopOn
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I heard that specialists in buying Youtube views are companies related to music. Youtube, however, erase them the visits. In some cases it may be profitable, but you have to remember that displays purchased in this way are short.

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  • Profile picture of the author Bexy
    Profile picture of Bexy
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Just a quick post to say thanks for all of the great information in this thread... I have often wondered too whether it's a bad idea to buy fake youtube likes, comments and views.
  • Profile picture of the author Merylo
    Profile picture of Merylo
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I think it is really weird to get views from some random people who get paid to watch a video. I assume that quick way to get views is by using certain proxy method. Can you just do it the natural way, such as posting your video in a video comment part of a viral video. You can also use firefox add-on that let you reload a web page each second, for example, reload your video for each 5 second, there are 3600 second in an hour, so you will get around 700 views each hour.
  • Profile picture of the author proguy7
    Profile picture of proguy7
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    The more people that do this, the less profitable it will become.

    It is already happening!
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  • Profile picture of the author RedShifted
    Profile picture of RedShifted
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Yes of course, buy views. Don't listen to what anyone else says.

    I'm dead serious.

    A video that I bloated with views a few months ago, helped get us on page 1, which got us found by CBS, which got us on one of their shows "The Doctors". If I never bloated that video with views, it wouldn't have ranked so quick, we wouldn't have gotten on tv, we wouldn't have gotten our link on CBS's website, we wouldn't have got an avalanche of calls that made us a nice deal of money from a small $5 investment of all things.

    I hate to say it, but marketing/business is all about taking calculated risks.

    The reason most people say not to buy views, is because most people buy the wrong types of views from the wrong types of people.

    But I've been using the same gig on fiver for the last 6-7 months, and has done nothing but help me rank many of my videos and get phone calls. Its a NATURAL view gig, it does them slowly, over the course of a couple of months. You also get likes/subscribers/comments/favorites from real people on real accounts. No bots.

    Is it still not "organic" traffic? Sure. But seriously, this is business. So much of what goes on in business is a distortion to change peoples perceptions. I consider every big pharma ad I've ever seen on TV "fake". People don't seem to care about the numbers or facts concerning stuff like that. People never gave a crap about bloated investments in the housing market as long as it served them well. They're so use to being lied to that it becomes natural for them. We live in a very unethical society, and it just amazes me how often people forget that. Continue to be little good boys and girls while your bosses are raping you of your pensions and gambling your money away in the stock market.

    Or all these stupid weightloss supplements that don't do a damn thing to help you lose weight. But we still get to see bs testimonies from paid doctors and paid research teams who's main goal is to fudge data and nothing else. Again, we are just a nation of sheep (America at least) and when you are lied to day in and day out, you stop realizing what is "fake" and what is "real".

    Not trying to start a debate on this. I just truely believe there is no issue with it. Its just youtube views. I can think of far worse things you can be doing in your business. Youtube views definitely isn't one of them.
  • Profile picture of the author jamelucky77
    Profile picture of jamelucky77
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second

    If you are in seek of lots of youtube views you can try out
    They provide unlimited views for you at affordable price. When you buy from them you are 100% guaranteed that all of your views will be authentic. Don't get tricked by other sites or service.

    Thank you,
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    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Thanks for the great info. This is my first look at youtube ranking of videos and never really understood how they do it. I have several videos on youtube. Some over 30k views, some under 1k. Now I have an idea of why
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  • Profile picture of the author bigcat1967
    Profile picture of bigcat1967
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    so here's a question - let's say I have a website about cooking - should I have a cooking channel on YT with only cooking videos? You know, try to keep things relevent. OR, can I mix things up by putting up various videos on the YT channel?

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    • Profile picture of the author smodha
      Profile picture of smodha
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by bigcat1967 View Post

      so here's a question - let's say I have a website about cooking - should I have a cooking channel on YT with only cooking videos? You know, try to keep things relevent. OR, can I mix things up by putting up various videos on the YT channel?
      Keep it congruent. Have different channels for different niches. That's what YT wants.

      Also it doesn't make any sense to mix it up. If you're traffic is targeted to say "cooking", why would you also offer videos on "chicken coops"?

      You're missing out on sales...
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  • Profile picture of the author bigcat1967
    Profile picture of bigcat1967
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Keep it congruent. Have different channels for different niches. That's what YT wants.

    Also it doesn't make any sense to mix it up. If you're traffic is targeted to say "cooking", why would you also offer videos on "chicken coops"?

    You're missing out on sales...
    Cool - thx for you point. I have two YT channels - one is just for anything, but the other is for a specific subject.

    <a href="">How to Lower Your Water Bill</a>

  • Profile picture of the author Gabby12
    Profile picture of Gabby12
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    If you dont buy views in a competitive niche you will never rank in YT. look for retention views that are drip fed or ad a few thousand at a time. Ad likes and comments accordingly and in proportion. Look at the competition you are trying to beat, guarantee they are buying views.

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