Zillow, Realtor, & Homes.com

by 5 replies
In the last 12 months they have dominated local and state level keywords. I noticed they do a lot of stuff that the big g penalizes others for. What's up with that?

Does google not punish the larger corporations? I used to dominate local keywords like the "city homes for sale" and such...now I can't beat out these companies.

Any suggestions?
#search engine optimization #homescom #realtor #zillow
  • PageRank, plain and simple. Look at the PR of those sites - not just their home page, but the individual landing pages. Match that and be up there with them.
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
    • [1] reply
    • Zillow is an authority site. It was out of the box. Just like similar
      sites in other niches. Go out and create one, and you too can
      prosper like them. See, zillow is not just a "site." It's an experience.
      It's a tool. It's data. Has nothing to do with what IMers do.

      If people did the same things as the big boys, like I have been
      friggin' saying here for what seems like years, man, they might
      get somewhere, and never fear the big g again.

      Zillow is my favorite EMD killer. Well, not my favorite. Warriorforum
      is #1.

      • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • I am a Realtor and my sites I try to make as a tool filled with info. My biggest question is why zillow and other big name sites keyword stuff and have spammy links, but yet prosper in searches.
    • [1] reply
    • Again it comes down to content quality, magnified by PageRank.

      Put yourself in the position of the user... if you're searching for homes in Tampa, do you expect the first result to be a lone Realtor with 3 or 4 (or none) listings and the rest are scraped from MLS? Or a site like Realtor.com or Zillow, which has thousands of listings and no Realtor bias?

      Because of their authority, it's not "spammy" when they do it - but it is spammy when independent realtors do it.
      • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • I agree with what you are saying except the part of "bias" and the reason I argue that is because the companies sell "buyer's agent" spots to realtors as well as ad space/leads. So in the grand scheme of things they are doing exactly what most internet marketers are doing, but on a grander scale.

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    In the last 12 months they have dominated local and state level keywords. I noticed they do a lot of stuff that the big g penalizes others for. What's up with that? Does google not punish the larger corporations? I used to dominate local keywords like the "city homes for sale" and such...now I can't beat out these companies.