Need SEO Advice For Titles That Continue

Profile picture of ejullya
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
2 replies
Hi Warriors,

I am looking for an advice from Warriors with a solid SEO understanding because I have a dilemma. I have a decent understanding of SEO but I don't know how to solve this

One of the projects I am involved in will require reporting over certain periods of time. Let's say it will require at least 6 reports. The reports are in the form of blog posts related to the project.

Although it is not the project, as an example I will use "Tips To Lose Weight In 6 weeks", the keywords are "tips to lose weight". Each week I will introduce more tips to lose weight.

Let's say that the first blog post would be: Tips To Lose Weight In 6 Weeks
The second blog post would be "Week One - Your First 20 Tips To Lose Weight
The third blog post would be" Week Two - Your Next 20 Tips To Lose Weight
and so on...

Because it is a sort of progress report of the Tips To Lose Weight project I feel I need to include that in the titles of all subsequent reports. (remember I am using Tips To Lose Weight as an example only)

Given that over the next 6 weeks I will have similar titles of posts (I will have other blog posts added to my blog not related to these particular keywords as well), I fear that I may be angering the Google Gods and that my blog posts would appear spammy.

I would love to hear your opinion and or suggestions. Do you think I am pushing it with respect to SEO if I stick to such titles.

Thank you,

#advice #continue #seo #titles
  • Profile picture of the author FakeItTilYouMakeIt
    Profile picture of FakeItTilYouMakeIt
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I don't think you'd be in danger of a penalty if that's what you are worried about. I would say though from an SEO standpoint you are missing out on an opportunity to target varied longtail keywords. A golden opportunity really! You could still start the titles with week 1, week 2, week 3 but could you possibly group them by theme of the tips? Or highlight a certain tip in the title? That opens up possibilities for each post to rank for something unique and that can equal traffic for you. Could it be "Week 3: How cheating on your diet can make you skinnier (and more!)" or "Week 5: Blast through a weight loss plateau with strength training."

    My rule for titles: make them titillating, make them tantalizing Just a thought. Of course you'll want to have a page or navigational menu where someone could start at the beginning and work towards the end but there is no harm in reeling them in halfway through. Maybe they stick around and read more! For easy identification of these "series posts" in your blog you could use a theme image or something similar to identify a post in your stream as part of the series, of course you'll want to link to the previous post in the series too. HTH

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