Pagerank Update: Any news, theories of rumors as to why it is soo late.

by 119 replies
Last year Google was pretty much clock work - Three months and update. Now we are beyond four with no news. Not a big deal for ranking obviously but for the domain and link buying market a little bit of one. Plus even in evaluating domains when looking at the backlinks it makes it a bit trickier

Just late? or part of Google's announced coming summer surprises? anyone heard anything?
#search engine optimization #late #news #pagerank #rumors #soo #thoeries #update
  • Nobody knows when the next Google Pagerank update will happen, but it is expected in this month or July of 2013. The last one was 4 February 2013.
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    • Expected by who exactly? In April people said expected in May (and that WAS the pattern in 2012 - every three months) which was legit. then May came and people said June and the older June gets its becoming July.

      eventually guessing the next month will be right but theres no denying Google has changed things up and for some kind if reason. CUtts a while back even hinted toolbar pagerank might go bye bye entirely
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  • Google is super secret about all of their algorithm work. Nobody really knows when things will get updated so all you can do is wait and see.
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  • For the upteenth time: Google update PR every day and incorporate that PR into the ranking algorithm every day.

    All we get in the toolbar is a useless historical snapshot of that internal PR that they choose to export to amuse us. By the time we see it, it old and has already been incorporated into the search rankings.
    ...and for that exact reason, is why they only give us that useless historical snapshot of the the internal PR
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    • For the upteenth time people should read OPs before junking up threads with useless responses. the Op is very clear that what its talking about is domain and link buying and specifically states it is not related to ranking. As such it IS toolbar PR that is being talked about.
    • Every time there is a thread about pagerank everyone seems to jump on the "pagerank is useless" bandwagon. When looking at your own sites then yeah I agree that it doesn't really tell you much. However, it remains one of the best indicators of the strength of backlinks which is massively important when analyzing your competition or deciding on which links to try and acquire. As Mike said it is also key in evaluating the strength of domains for use in a private network.

      Yes it's updated constantly by google but toolbar PR is all we can really go by as this is all they reveal to the public.
  • Lol guys, the page rank update can be tomorrow, why so many words on this?
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  • Thought I will start a similar thread. However, I have no idea...

    Some people claimed that they PR increased/decreased in the middle of May: Google PageRank Update Start

    I'm waiting PR update since I have bunch of PR4-PR6 domains/sites that I want to sell, but I'm not 100% sure that the PR will stick as it is. Don't want to be accused by selling "fake PR" domains on flippa.
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    • Mike, since last update was in Feb next update should have a 1 month delay so i believe next update will be late this month.
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  • Banned
    The later the better I would say, updates always only cost me money as there are always some drops here and there and then I need to add new sites to the network.
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  • I want the update to happen soon so I can continue to build my network. :-D I'm holding off on new purchases until then - - I can't say I'm an expert on PageRank yet to trust my current PR guesses based on the backlink profile...!

    Domain brokers must be getting very annoyed! Or happy if they're selling dud PR sites.
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    • Yep thats exactly why I asked. Even with checking backlinks you still are relying on toolbar PR(Moz coverage is just too spotty for me) so the older the data (and even with an update it can be months old) the more iffy it gets.

      In previous years yes but they since last year they had become very regular. There has to be some reason. technical difficulty or a deliberate algo or policy reason.
  • I think it would be in the next FEW days.. More than 4 months.. This is really strange and I don't think it would come July before a PR update happens!
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • I also am looking forward to have increased page rank of my site. But I don`t know when it will happen. Thank you.
  • Nothing really all that unusual. They have gone nearly a year before without a PR update rolled out.

    I noticed some sites changed PR right around the Penguin update. Never heard anyone saying anything about an update though, but I had 5 sites change PR either the day of or day after Penguin 2.0 rolled out. That or my records were all wrong and I recorded the wrong PR for those sites in the first place. Doubt that I screwed up 5 of them though.
  • On May 4th they handed out PR penalties. They also likely updated their internal PR around that time.
  • I heard PR update will be this month, 25th-27th. Grain of salt though...
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    • LOL, I heard the 8th of this month.
  • If Google wants to end the obsession with backlinks so bad they should eliminate the green toolbar once and for all.

    The PR bar has a lot to do with linking practices they now claim are against their guidelines.
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  • Banned
    I know a guy that knows another guys barber, he said that he heard PR updated on April 1st.
  • Banned
    I would really not like to be dependent for the full 100% on SEOmoz / Majestic or Ahrefs.

    I mean I have PR1 domains with a Mozrank of 3+, go figure.

    And Ahrefs rank is definitely as unreliable as it can get, sites with Ahrefs rank of 800+ are PR0 domains.

    The only one that I put some faith & trust in is Majestic still, their combination of Trust Flow and Citation Flow is pretty spot on and the closer they are to each other the more reliable the stats seem.

    So that's what I would do, run the filters through Majestic first and then afterwards use Spyglass to see if the links still exist.

    Not sure if people are aware of Netpeak Checker but man, that tool is worth it's weight in gold for sure, it pulls stats from everywhere.
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    • Yep. You know it. Forget PR of domains but all the backlinks as well. It would be a mess. Sounds to me from the end of that video thats the days are a coming though and every month that passes makes me wonder if its nearer than I think

      If I don't see anything this month rather than holding off I might go full fledge on a buying spree - while the metrics are still somewhat reliable
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    • Yeah trust flow is much better than all other even when the majestic crawler is slower than ahrefs.
    • I pretty much do the same as you. And I could choose a domain, based on any one of the Netpeak outputs. Even to the point of taking sites that only really had FB/Twitter Viral traffic.
      There's so many different factors now a days then just using PR as the be all and end all of a good V bad domain.

      The only thing I wished Netpeak did show was, Compete Traffic scores. Because I like to monetize my Tier1 networks also. Even if its just for a few bucks a month profit, it sometimes covers the bills.
      So I'm not sweating about losing PR as a metric of value.
  • That video is scaring me. Should not have watched it before going to bed.
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  • If PR stopped being updated some 3rd party metrics would become the standard. Its been heading that way for some time. Anybody serious about link building is already using other metrics to determine domain and link strength. It would really take very little time before people were selling mozrank or something instead of page rank. No biggie.
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  • I think with acess to MOZ and DA and PA ratings we can work out the quality of backlinks for the SEO marketers.

    I myself dont look so much at PR anymore so waiting for an update im not that bothered.
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    • Moz would have to up their game . Sure people use the other metrics but they are nowhere near as reliable and for checking backlinks they just miss too many. I don't know of any serious domain buyer that relies just on their metrics now
    • DA and PA are so easily manipulated that they are very unreliable.
    • Banned
      Like Marc says, PA/DA isn't worth sh!t, and Mozrank is even worse so have fun relying on those, but yeah in fact everything is fakeable, even PR but most people don't go that far to also fake the PR of the back links to a domain so it would be a great loss, no matter how you look at it.
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  • I think it is late due the updates that happened. According to them they took first a link network out. Later on Penguin 2.0 rolled out and a bit later there was also a unconfirmed update. It would not be logical to do an update just before all those changes.

    Same as it won't be logical to remove Pagerank now while a little while back they were talking about enough people using it blablabla. In just 4 months that complete user base etc is gone? Hard to believe.....
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    • Banned
      Removing it or not updating it are 2 different things
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    • But he also said that Chrome doesn't support the toolbar directly and the newest version of IE won't either.

      There's no way the average person gives a crap about looking at a PR bar to determine the 'value' of a web page. Can you imagine an 11 year old evaluating a page like that these days?

      Do you think people clicking on their favorite Pins care about the PR? I think this metric is a dud, mainly.
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  • It will be late this time, Google is too busy in making Google Search Result Crappy
  • Well Mike i see you are the one who come harsh on the newbies here who post their predictions about PR update and today you asking for same!
  • Only Google knows about the next PR update. But I don't think there is no need to think too much about that unless you sell links.
  • Yeah - agreed. It just seems too easy to just look at PR and benefit. PR will still exist, just not put on a plate for us every few months.
  • Oh, I just remembered. I can show you an example of when PR focusing goes wrong. Seeing that Google woke up and pulled the domain out of GoDaddy auction against my $80 Only (Bidder) Bid. Was in GoDaddy auctions a couple of weeks ago. GStatic has a PR 3 hompage.
    Anyone know who GStatic is?

    A Google owned domain. Want to see its link profile?

    $80, I was the only bid. I don't trust PR alone. Too many other things going on.
  • No updates on pagerank yet?
  • Google updates pr everyday
  • A great combo move by Google - dropping PR updates and dropping public availability of the Adwords Keyword Tool. Nice!
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    • They didn't drop it. They just refurbished and relaunched it as the Keyword Planner.

      They would never drop the keyword tool completely. It is for the benefit of Adwords Advertisers, which is their bread and butter. It would be stupid for them to do that.
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  • That's why I said public availability - you will have to sign up to use the planner.
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    • Unless my memory fails me shouldn't you always have had an adword account? You get only limited information without it as I recall (had an adword account for so many years now I don't even remember much about the external access)
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  • Can anyone explain to me why pagerank is important? I've given up on it ages ago.
  • Seriously, what is the point of this post?

    How do you know that it "might be in July?"
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    • Banned
      Quite standard post, once it becomes August they say it might come in August.
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  • Just for the record. Two domains I published - one in May one in June - do show PR0 on the home pages.
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    • Interesting. I have a post from April with over 630 links from 100+ domains that is PR n/a.

      Wonder what they're up to over there at Mountain View...
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  • Banned
  • It will be nice if they'll fix the bug that allows URLs to get the PR of the URL they are redirected to. This will vanish a very large market of fake PR domains used for spammy purposes.
  • Think of it this way: the fact that Google is delaying this should tell you that they don't see it as prominent anymore.

    Focus on high quality, relevant content.
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    • Those domains do not get the PR of the URL they are redirected to. It is just the toolbar not reporting it correctly.

      How quickly people forget. It was not all that long ago that they went nearly a year with no PR update. This is not something new.
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  • "Google is currently running a “multi-week” rollout of an update that will continue until the week after July 4th. "
    So July 11-12 might be the new speculated date
  • Google is going to take their 'Fool's Gold' away finally.
  • maybe you can mention mattcutts on twitter , and ask him directly
  • Last year they were gone mad and their consecutive updates really messed my entire site works, and now this year it's totally silent. Probably they're cooking sea food :p
  • I have a feeling that Google will do something about it tomorrow.
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    • The voices in my head said it will be the day after tomorrow at 12:52pm.
  • Expected in July. But no one can be sure why it is getting so late. Just one thing I can tell you is everyone is waiting for it!
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    • I am not waiting for it! What exactly are you waiting for? The rankings don't change when they export the data to the tool bar. Any impact PR has on the rankings is factored in on a daily basis by Google, so nothing changes. What they export to the tool bar is old data.
  • My point is that the G adwords tool will disappear for all those that cannot get an Adwords account or have already blown theirs out of the water. All KW tools that rely on the adwords tool will also be decimated. I understand and recognise that the keyword tool is valuable, what I'm posing is the fact that it will disappear for many once Google bring about their change to the planner tool. Mike F and Mike A you must realise that I'm just bringing up worst case scenarios here. What is about to happen could be devastating to some of this community. (It will be welcomed by others). I also still believe that things can go on without access to the tool. It's not very accurate and it misses a lot. If folks could get their heads around keyword research WITHOUT RELYING on this kw tool, they'd find themselves in a better position going forward. What I've always been banging on about is RELYING on this tool... I highly doubt that either of you RELY on it. Of course, it's worth using to the full when it's available. It's just not looking like it's gonna be available to some in the near future.
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    • The tools issue is legitimate but I couldn't find any definitive word of whether their API will be completely locked down. As for the community being impacted because they have "blown theirs out of the water". Thats just a another indication of how much of the community sucks.

      I can see worse case scenario. I just can't see how you are going to guess numbers as you enter a new niche. No I don't rely on it but thats because neither I nor anyone I do business with is trying to rank for just one term. as real businesses they have more than one phrase that can bring them money.

      IF this forces the MFA and affiliate pages webmasters who have burnt their adwords accounts for some crazy reason then thats great as far as I am concerned too.

  • Still not here yet?
  • My Page rank finally posted... unless it's a bug or something. My site is 3 months old.
  • just waiting to see any update by google, I hope everything will be fine and will not effect much as it did the last time.
  • bleh, nevermind.. looks like my toolbar bugged out. =(
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    • Maybe they have finally retired it for good.
  • So, still no?
  • PAGE RANK depends upon many factors other than traffic and YES Google is unpredictable.
  • These days most of the webmasters do not really bother about the page ranks. But the page ranks are still a good measure when it comes to getting links and getting paid advertisments. for blogs, a higher page rank will ensure more sponsored posts and more revenue.
  • For webmasters NOT doing Internet Marketing thing, PageRank is also a good measure of the quality of the website and it's popularity. I even use the PRChecker toolbar for when I'm browsing the web for personal reasons which have nothing to do with IM or link building.

    PR can't go anywhere; and if it does, Google will introduce a substitute short after that.
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    • Usually webmasters who are not doing IM have no clue about PR. :rolleyes:
  • Banned
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    • You are day dreaming. THey have no reason to show the public PR and the video in this thread has already shown that they intend at some point to remove it

      Please stop signature spamming the board while trying to be a mod.
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  • Banned
  • And we people are after page rank, any general internet users may not have knowledge about it..

    However, page rank is important thing as of now..... it works when you are going to buy/sell links, web sites..

    If you have a service/business website and it has NA pr then people wouldn't trust you..

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    Last year Google was pretty much clock work - Three months and update. Now we are beyond four with no news. Not a big deal for ranking obviously but for the domain and link buying market a little bit of one. Plus even in evaluating domains when looking at the backlinks it makes it a bit trickier Just late? or part of Google's announced coming summer surprises? anyone heard anything?