As we are all very aware social Signals now play a significant role in defining where your website ranks in G. (this is still out for debate amongst many seo's as many of them do not want to face the reality that 90% of their link building techniques are dead but i digress)
What exactly do you define as a social signal in respect to it increasing your websites ranking?
I ask this as there are a few misconceptions around social Signals and i feel it needs clearing up in light of how much weight they now carry in regards to seo.
The Facebook Share;
>> a post shared on your websites Facebook page?
>>a post shared with your websites url attached to the post on your Facebook page?
>>a shared page on your website via a share button on the page?
As the Facebook Share is apparently the strongest of the social Signals i have used it as an example but the 3 types of share can be said to apply to to likes Google plus' tweets pins etc.
So which of the above variations would you say holds the most power in regards to increasing your ranking in Google?
Many seo services are now being touted around claiming they provide rank increasing social Signals but the kind of signals they provide differ from service to service.
Is a Facebook page 'Like' or a website page 'Like' a social signal? the same with Google plus?
it could be argued they all add some kind of value but its better to be clear on which type of social signal adds the most value in regards to rankings........
opinions and comments are appreciated.