Keyword Density and Google Question

Profile picture of Lordvader
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
5 replies
Hi, I have some Firefox add-ons that tells me the keyword density of a web page, or a post, whatever, and in one of my posts I have as this tool tells me %5. 1

This tool also highlights each keyword so I wonder if for Google counts all keywords in the page or only the keywords in the <body> tags, I ask this because I see my keyword in:
-Browser tab
-Address bar (article name)
-Bread Crumbs
-Posts tab widget (right side of the page)
-<body> (in the body of the web page)
-Tag Cloud widget (right side)
-Image title, image alt
-Tags at the bottom (widget)
-Recent posts widget (bottom)
-All Rights Reserved (keyword in this at the very bottom)

Actually, in the <body> of the post, I have included my keyword just 3 times and no more, but it keeps appearing in widgets and everything I describe above.

So does Google counts ALL keywords indiscriminately? Or those just in the <body>?
Thanks for your support.
#como #density #google #keyword #question #wordpress
  • Profile picture of the author yukon
    Profile picture of yukon
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Originally Posted by Lordvader View Post

    Hi, I have some Firefox add-ons that tells me the keyword density of a web page, or a post, whatever, and in one of my posts I have as this tool tells me %5. 1

    This tool also highlights each keyword so I wonder if for Google counts all keywords in the page or only the keywords in the <body> tags, I ask this because I see my keyword in:
    -Browser tab
    -Address bar (article name)
    -Bread Crumbs
    -Posts tab widget (right side of the page)
    -<body> (in the body of the web page)
    -Tag Cloud widget (right side)
    -Image title, image alt
    -Tags at the bottom (widget)
    -Recent posts widget (bottom)
    -All Rights Reserved (keyword in this at the very bottom)

    Actually, in the <body> of the post, I have included my keyword just 3 times and no more, but it keeps appearing in widgets and everything I describe above.

    So does Google counts ALL keywords indiscriminately? Or those just in the <body>?
    Thanks for your support.
    The page title you see in your browser tab is the <title> tag inside the <head> tag, the URL in your address bar isn't on-page. You could have a totally blank page (HTML source code) & still have the URL show in the address bar on your browser. Just saying.

    Yes Google looks at all the text on a page, example.

    Forget keyword density/stuffing.
    • Profile picture of the author Simon Farmer
      Simon Farmer
      Profile picture of Simon Farmer
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Try not to focus too much on keyword density.

      The first time you mention a keyword it counts, the second time it counts some, but really it has diminishing returns and once you start stuffing then it's going to hurt you.

      Instead focus more on LSI keywords.
      • Profile picture of the author andishm
        Profile picture of andishm
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by Simon Farmer View Post

        Try not to focus too much on keyword density.

        The first time you mention a keyword it counts, the second time it counts some, but really it has diminishing returns and once you start stuffing then it's going to hurt you.

        Instead focus more on LSI keywords.
        My vote goes to what Simon just said... LSI is the key.
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        • Profile picture of the author aygabtu
          Profile picture of aygabtu
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Try out this keyword density tool. It will check your title, description, meta keywords, h1, h2, and h3 along with give you the density counts/percentages and highlight the keywords you are interested in so you can find them easily.

          I would not focus too much on keywords density, but it doesn't hurt to check because you don't want too little or too much of a keyword(s) on your page otherwise it could negatively effect your SERP position.

          Check top 300 Google SERP results free. tracks and graphs changes for multiple domains/keywords/regions. Also includes advanced keyword density tool.

  • Profile picture of the author ContentWritingPhD
    Profile picture of ContentWritingPhD
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Have a sense of balance between satisfying search engines in terms of SEO and in making your readers interestingly engaged on your content. I know of some authors who don't even know what the acronym SEO stands for but since they write intriguing and action-compelling content, they rank up easily. In most cases, their blog posts are syndicated.

    If you will write interesting content that even encourages the reader to participate, whatever participation you'd like them to do, that alone can handle the monetization of your website. Now, if you apply SEO (keyword placement, keyword density, LSI terms, etc), that'll just be a bonus.

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