Local Domain vs TLD Domain

6 replies
  • SEO
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Hello Warrios,

after finishing my first affiliate course and reading a lot on this forum it is finally time for my first post. Im very happy to see such a great community here and Im looking forward being a part of it.

So I located a micro niche with some decent searches and I decided to set up my first minisite. Now after doing my research I noticed that 80% of the search volume is coming from Germany. Since I'm native German I can start creating the content in German and once I would see good returns I can add an English version.

Now my question is concerning the Domain purchase. Would I have a SEO advantage on google.de with a .de domain over a .com domain ? If yes, is it worth giving up the future 20% if I'm planning to add the English content? I doubt that a .de domain would rank well with english content on google.com or am I mistaken?

The keyword is a product name by the way.

Let me know if I should clarify more

Thank you!
#domain #local #tld
  • Profile picture of the author javroxx
    sry I need to correct my previous post, after research I saw that German Local Searches
    consist of about 60% out of the global search volume. Just in case that might influence the decision in any way.

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  • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
    Originally Posted by javroxx View Post

    Would I have a SEO advantage on google.de with a .de domain over a .com domain ?
    Yes, especially if the site is also hosted in Germany. But nobody knows how much of an advantage, and people's experiences differ, so their opinions differ, too. But Google states openly that the answer to your question is "yes".

    Originally Posted by javroxx View Post

    If yes, is it worth giving up the future 20% if I'm planning to add the English content?
    Sorry, I don't understand what you're asking, there.

    Originally Posted by javroxx View Post

    I doubt that a .de domain would rank well with english content on google.com or am I mistaken?
    It will be harder for it to rank well there, certainly. Nobody can confidently tell you how much harder.

    Originally Posted by javroxx View Post

    Let me know if I should clarify more
    This is actually the place to ask all SEO/rankings questions: Adsense / PPC / SEO Discussion Forum
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    • Profile picture of the author kid3378
      If I'd be given the same opportunity as you do I'd prefer Google.de . SEO-wise, you get less competition in ranking keywords in foreign sites compared to English.

      If you have problem with the English content, go get someone to translate it for you. Use it on your .de website.

      Hope this helps.
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  • Profile picture of the author krestup
    From what i have observe local domains do better for local search if optimized very well..
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  • Profile picture of the author javroxx
    thank you guys very much for your help. That's the answer Im looking for.

    I currently have a VPS hostes in the US for all my sites. So would that still mean that I have to create new hosting in Germany for that or is the ranking advantage minimal?

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  • Profile picture of the author ITmarck
    We work on italian market so i can tell you that domain extension is not so important. Most important thing is that majority of links should be placed into foreign language contents
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