Here's how to use a * (asterisk) to find hot niches in seconds - step-by-step
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For example, a search for dog training * tells Google to search for any phrase that begins with dog training and has one or more words in it.
We are going to find a niche that has people looking for a solution.
First step is to go to Google and search for "how to" *
Near the top is a page for how to apply for a patent - one niche already - but let's get more.
The next step is to notice that the phrase begins with how to apply for so go to Google and search for "how to apply for" *
You will now be presented by 674,000 results detailing possible niches to exploit such as:
how to apply for a scholarship
how to apply for funding
how to apply for grants
how to apply for homeland security positions
how to apply for beamtime
how to apply for IEC
how to apply for NHS REC approval
how to apply for EMDG
how to apply for mortgage
how to apply for import licence
and many more ...
The final step is to go back to the "how to" * search and find other phrases to search for, such as:
how to cure
how to create
how to stop
how to avoid
how to mend
and many more ...
Now, Search for each of these phrases in quotes with a * at the end, e.g. "how to clean" *
And Google helps us even more by bolding the phrases for us making them easy to spot.
Who would have thought that * would be useful for finding hot niches?
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