Law Firm Ads

Profile picture of Counselor
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
13 replies
I'm looking for law firm PPC/SEO clients. Other than the traditional SEO & PPC, cold calling, social networking, etc. I'm looking for suggestions on how to get my first few clients for a new niche company that exclusively advertises to draw law firms who want SEM. I'm not sure where to start. Any suggestions will be thanked, and could lead to a paid consultant positions (if you're that good). Previous experience in legal field and SEM is a big plus.

My goal is to get 2 law firm clients for SEM within the first 30 days of lauching website. So before February 10th.

For what it's worth, I intend to go national and I have a premium domain name. I have a great SEO and PPC track record with my other companies.
#ads #firm #law #ppc #seo
  • Profile picture of the author paulgl
    Profile picture of paulgl
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I can't imagine any legit law firm needing your service, or anyone elses
    for that matter.


    If you were disappointed in your results today, lower your standards tomorrow.

  • Profile picture of the author squadron
    Profile picture of squadron
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    Originally Posted by Counselor View Post

    ...Any suggestions will be thanked, and could lead to a paid consultant positions (if you're that good). Previous experience in legal field and SEM is a big plus....
    Law is like any business and areas of law like divorce, compensation and bankruptcy are rich markets with very high cost-per-clicks for Adwords. They love good SEO.

    Build and optimise some pages on your own site for the areas of law and locations you are targeting, and try to convert the law firms that see your "proof in the pudding".

    eg. Build and optimise a page for terms like criminal lawyer california, and either sell the leads to law firms, or sell your services.
    • Profile picture of the author Counselor
      Profile picture of Counselor
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      Originally Posted by squadron View Post

      Law is like any business and areas of law like divorce, compensation and bankruptcy are rich markets with very high cost-per-clicks for Adwords. They love good SEO.

      Build and optimise some pages on your own site for the areas of law and locations you are targeting, and try to convert the law firms that see your "proof in the pudding".

      eg. Build and optimise a page for terms like criminal lawyer california, and either sell the leads to law firms, or sell your services.
      Do you think a review site, avvo style, would be best? I would sell ads directly to the best lawyers. Or is lots of helpful content plus an opt in to receive the "best" lawyer for your kind of lead gen site? I would sell the lead info directly to the best lawyers.

      Web Design and Search Engine Marketing Company a San Luis Obispo based business.

      • Profile picture of the author squadron
        Profile picture of squadron
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        Originally Posted by Counselor View Post

        Do you think a review site, avvo style, would be best? I would sell ads directly to the best lawyers. Or is lots of helpful content plus an opt in to receive the "best" lawyer for your kind of lead gen site? I would sell the lead info directly to the best lawyers.
        A review site for lawyers? Big risk, they may sue your butt off.

        I have found that in general, lawyers are a pain to deal with. They think they are experts in everything and question you to death. Much better markets for me have been dentists, cosmetic doctors, podiatrists, osteopaths, psychologists and engineering companies.
        • Profile picture of the author kindsvater
          Profile picture of kindsvater
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          Originally Posted by squadron View Post

          A review site for lawyers? Big risk, they may sue your butt off.

          I have found that in general, lawyers are a pain to deal with. They think they are experts in everything and question you to death. Much better markets for me have been dentists, cosmetic doctors, podiatrists, osteopaths, psychologists and engineering companies.
          Question you to death? Duh. That's our job. Experts in everything? By the end of a case an attorney can be more knowledgeable about a business than the employees.

          But I agree. Unless you have a track record with proof you're not going to get a legal client. The risk factor of getting sued is definitely much higher.

          Frankly, asking about PPC and SEO - two very different topics - suggests the OP is not an expert about either. Then referring to SEM and I wonder if someone is targeting or just tossing around terms.


          Get a legal site ranked for something and then use that as an example to get your foot in the door looking for clients.

          Don't bother with the suggestion to target "criminal lawyer california." That's too generic and does not understand the legal market. Better would be a type of criminal action and a geographic limiter.

          I saw this leading off your website:

          "San Luis Obispo Web Design Companies can build pretty looking websites all day long. "

          No law firm is going to hire you if that is your pitch.

          • Profile picture of the author Counselor
            Profile picture of Counselor
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            Originally Posted by kindsvater View Post

            Question you to death? Duh. That's our job. Experts in everything? By the end of a case an attorney can be more knowledgeable about a business than the employees.

            Frankly, asking about PPC and SEO - two very different topics - suggests the OP is not an expert about either. Then referring to SEM and I wonder if someone is targeting or just tossing around terms.

            Is this for real? An atty is an expert of various topics because he tried the cases, and SEO is unable to be mastered if you're an expert in PPC? And since when have SEO and PPC been "two very different topics?"

            If a lawyer tries a DUI case and a wrongful death he never an expert in either case? Or are lawyers the exception to the rule that there is more than one thing to do in this life? What if I told you the civil case and the criminal case were from the same event? Same facts, different venue. That's more similar to the difference between sponsored and organic search. If you ever played football in the fall, you'll never make it in the NCAA's as a shot put. That's your theory, counselor. God forbid you ever learn to be a dad and also pass the bar. You must have cut some corners somewhere. Especially if you were to teach youth ministry. Or run a seminar on how to fix ipods. It's impossible to know more than one thing and actually be good at it.

            I get it. A specialist is an easier sell. That's the whole point of starting the website.
            Thanks for your suggestion to edit the content on my website. You'll notice that it's been changed. You weren't suggesting that I sell nationally to high scale law firms with my local web design firm, were you?

            Web Design and Search Engine Marketing Company a San Luis Obispo based business.

        • Profile picture of the author Counselor
          Profile picture of Counselor
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          Originally Posted by squadron View Post

          A review site for lawyers? Big risk, they may sue your butt off.

          I have found that in general, lawyers are a pain to deal with. They think they are experts in everything and question you to death. Much better markets for me have been dentists, cosmetic doctors, podiatrists, osteopaths, psychologists and engineering companies.
          You're probably right on that one. btw, how's bitcoin treating you?

          Web Design and Search Engine Marketing Company a San Luis Obispo based business.

      • Profile picture of the author AlphaWarrior
        Profile picture of AlphaWarrior
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        Originally Posted by Counselor View Post

        I would sell ads directly to the best lawyers. Or is lots of helpful content plus an opt in to receive the "best" lawyer for your kind of lead gen site? I would sell the lead info directly to the best lawyers.
        It is against the Rules of Professional Responsibility for a lawyer to buy a lead. Buying leads is considered to be fee sharing and lawyers can lose their law license for sharing even a small part (the payment for the lead) of their fee with non-lawyers.

        It is not illegal for you to sell a lead to a lawyer, but the lawyer can have a major problem if he/she buys the lead.

        Bottom line is that ethical lawyers do not buy leads. Stick with providing SEO/PPC or other marketing service to lawyers.
        • Profile picture of the author BIGCATNAP
          Profile picture of BIGCATNAP
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          The market is already flooded with Legal directory sites, many run by very large corporations like Thomson Reuters and Lexis Nexis. The idea is 10 years too late. Every law firm in the country has already been pitched on directory ads.
        • Profile picture of the author attorneydavid
          Profile picture of attorneydavid
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          Originally Posted by AlphaWarrior View Post

          It is against the Rules of Professional Responsibility for a lawyer to buy a lead. Buying leads is considered to be fee sharing and lawyers can lose their law license for sharing even a small part (the payment for the lead) of their fee with non-lawyers.

          It is not illegal for you to sell a lead to a lawyer, but the lawyer can have a major problem if he/she buys the lead.

          Bottom line is that ethical lawyers do not buy leads. Stick with providing SEO/PPC or other marketing service to lawyers.
          It depends on the state and the lawyer. Somehow endorsing the lawyer in connection with providing the lead is where lawyers run into the most issues.

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  • Profile picture of the author yukon
    Profile picture of yukon
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    How do you really think a review site for lawyers would end up?

    Looks like your asking for trouble.
  • Profile picture of the author paulgl
    Profile picture of paulgl
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Originally Posted by Counselor View Post

    My goal is to get 2 law firm clients for SEM within the first 30 days of lauching website. So before February 10th.

    I would sell the lead info directly to the best lawyers.
    Why would the best lawyers need your service?

    Why would any real law firm need your service?


    If you were disappointed in your results today, lower your standards tomorrow.

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