Need simple SEO tips for a newbie

by 6 replies
Hi all

I am currently running my own website selling my clickbank product. I sell a website membership for $37 which teaches beginners how to play the saxophone through articles, videos etc.


Currently I am running PPC campaigns to get traffic but I feel I should also be working on more of a long term strategy. I have heard about blog posting, article writing and all that but considering I am new to internet marketing, I was wondering if there are any simple tips that could help me in the search rankings.

My niche shouldn't be anywhere near as competitive as others.

How realistic and costly would it be to rank for a term such as "how to play the saxophone"

#search engine optimization #newbie #seo #simple #tips
  • Focus on both long term and short term marketing efforts. Networking with others in your niche and guest blogging will help long term. The PPC marketing will have short term results.
  • If you are looking to rank that, you should know it is possible. You are only dealing with 179 competing pages. The domain is taken and if you got it, it is only an advantage for you.
    If you are looking to rank that site on the first page send me a PM and I will give you pointers for free when I get time!
  • Hey Saxguru,

    First of all. Congratulations on getting up a nice sales page with a quality Clickbank product. Not a lot of people make it that far.

    In your niche a content strategy would work very well. Adding SEO optimized pages to your blog with tips, news, artists, and other curated content would allow you to generate some targeted traffic.

    I see you have a blog post up "free tip #1" this is the right idea you just need to learn how to optimize your pages using a free plugin like "all in one seo pack" (google it) would make it very easy. Put keywords in your title, and H1 tags.

    Regarding the long tail keyword phrase "how to play the saxophone". After looking at the page one results I would say that you can rank for that using good SEO and the content strategy above.

    The first result is wikipedia, and the next few slots are youtube results. This suggests to me that in addition to creating the content above you should have optimized youtube video(s) for that search term both on your website and in youtube.

    The video on your sales page is a nice high quality video. You could upload that one or create a similar one and optimize it for the keyword phrase, put a link to the sales page in the description and tag it with the right keywords. This should rank pretty fast.

    Doing these two things alone will get you long term results, adding the other things that have been suggested in the previous posts will compound your efforts.

    Good Luck
  • Right now you really don't have a site in the normal sense of the word, you have a landing page.

    I would build out a blog so you can at least start pushing out articles related to the keywords you want and then start pushing those visitors to your landing page(s).
  • My SEO tips for You :

    Know your competition. Find out what the sites ranking on the 1st page for the keywords that you want to rank for have done, on-site and off-site, to get there.
    No two websites are the same. An SEO strategy that worked for someone else’s site isn’t guaranteed to work for yours because there are so many variables.
    SEO doesn’t have to be expensive.

    You can get big results on a small budget if you invest time in creating good content and building online relationships.

    SEO results aren’t instant. The results of SEO work done today might not become apparent, and might not be credited by search engines, for weeks, or even months.

    The newer your website is, the more patient you will need to be. It takes time to build authority and trust, and until you’ve developed both, you shouldn’t expect to outrank older, more established sites.

    Never consider your website to be finished. If you want your site to continue to rank higher, attract
  • Great help, thanks

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