301 Redirect From Manual Penalty Website (Thin Content)

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Hello, i have a question for SEO masters.

What happen if i 301 redirect a website which got a manual penalty for thin content to another website in same niche?

The manual penalty website have a solid off-page seo, with quality links, because i've ranked all keywords in top 10. Unfortunately got a full manual penalty for think content few months ago. I tried some reconsideration requests without any success.

I don't want to lose the SEO and the backlinks because i have invested a lot in that website.

So the question is, if i use the 301 redirect from the manual penalty website to another website in same niche, is there any possibilities to get the second website a (manual) penalty?
#301 #manual #penalty #redirect #website
  • Profile picture of the author MikeFriedman
    Google specifically told you the manual penalty was for thin content or you are just guessing it is because of thin content?
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    • Profile picture of the author adystanley
      Originally Posted by MikeFriedman View Post

      Google specifically told you the manual penalty was for thin content or you are just guessing it is because of thin content?
      Yes they tell the reason of a manual penalty. So i got it because of Thin Content. (they told me this)
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      • Profile picture of the author MikeFriedman
        Originally Posted by adystanley View Post

        Yes they tell the reason of a manual penalty. So i got it because of Thin Content. (they told me this)

        So why not just fix the content? What is going to keep the new site from seeing the same problem?
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        • Profile picture of the author adystanley
          Originally Posted by MikeFriedman View Post

          So why not just fix the content? What is going to keep the new site from seeing the same problem?
          I tried to fix but with no success as already told in OP.

          But the question is another, so if you know, please answer.
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          • Profile picture of the author MikeFriedman
            Originally Posted by adystanley View Post

            I tried to fix but with no success as already told in OP.

            But the question is another, so if you know, please answer.

            If you cannot create a site with better content, then you are just wasting your time.
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            • Profile picture of the author adystanley
              Originally Posted by MikeFriedman View Post

              If you cannot create a site with better content, then you are just wasting your time.
              The content is a bit better in the second website.
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              • Profile picture of the author Mike Anthony
                Originally Posted by adystanley View Post

                The content is a bit better in the second website.

                That says it all right there. Instead of really beefing up your content with some killer content you just made it a "bit better" and tried to squeak it through.

                Guys if you are going to put in a reconsideration requests you should have the problem totally fixed and have a solid site - not just a "bit better".

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                • Profile picture of the author patadeperro
                  Originally Posted by MikeFriedman View Post

                  If you cannot create a site with better content, then you are just wasting your time.
                  Originally Posted by Mike Anthony View Post

                  That says it all right there. Instead of really beefing up your content with some killer content you just made it a "bit better" and tried to squeak it through.

                  Guys if you are going to put in a reconsideration requests you should have the problem totally fixed and have a solid site - not just a "bit better".
                  Neither of you answer OP question and answered with a canned response, you are not always able to add more content to the site even if you want to example: When you license the technology of a company and you are just able to change titles, meta tags and some images, this is called white labeling, there you are unable to add more content, all the sites are the same, you just have very small margen to make changes.

                  Answering to the OP, I have had sites punished with a thin content anouncement, they were some whitelabels so adding more content was not an option, they were several sites to we made different changes, 301 re direct to some, adding as much content as we could to others, we filled the reconsiderations to others and here are the results:

                  - So far the ones that we re directed are doing good, BUT this was in september and I am not sure how long will it last.

                  - The ones that we add "more content" got a second penalization for the backlink profile.

                  That has been my experience, if you have questions let me know.
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                  • Profile picture of the author Mike Anthony
                    Originally Posted by patadeperro View Post

                    Neither of you answer OP question and answered with a canned response, you are not always able to add more content to the site even if you want to example: When you license the technology of a company and you are just able to change titles, meta tags and some images, this is called white labeling, there you are unable to add more content, all the sites are the same, you just have very small margen to make changes..
                    :rolleyes: You don't even know what a canned response is and ditto for "white label".

                    OP already stated he changed the content. This does not have anything to do with more content. Its a MANUAL review so its a matter of better content.

                    Besides trying to rank a site where you cannot control the content (and the content you cannot control is poor quality to boot ) is one of the top stupidest things I have ever read here .

                    which all goes to show that I will Take MikeFs canned responses all day long over some other comments outside of the can.

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                    • Profile picture of the author patadeperro
                      Originally Posted by Mike Anthony View Post

                      Besides trying to rank a site where you cannot control the content (and the content you cannot control is poor quality to boot ) is one of the top stupidest things I have ever read here .
                      The content is not poor, you simply have a small margin to change it, and I think it would be more honest to say :"I don't know how to do it" instead of saying " is one of the top stupidest things I have ever read here"...... because I have done it, but of course this is the Mike I know... he is the only one that knows and the only one that is right.
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                      • Profile picture of the author Mike Anthony
                        Originally Posted by patadeperro View Post

                        The content is not poor, you simply have a small margin to change it, and I think it would be more honest to say :"I don't know how to do it" instead of saying " is one of the top stupidest things I have ever read here"...... because I have done it, but of course this is the Mike I know... he is the only one that knows and the only one that is right.
                        I agree wholeheartedly. If there is a way that you should NOT do SEO then your expertise and experience in doing it that way (wrong) is matchless.

                        You've probably done more crappy SEO than I ever have so on that you win-. Next I guess you will be telling us all how and why we should all rank twitter tweets :rolleyes:

                        Well good on you bloke. lol

                        Meanwhile back in the real world (as opposed to the last episode of Lost)

                        Please go ahead and tell us all what a great mastery of Business SEO it is to rank a site on a page with poor content that you do not control to even fix content.

                        Dude....Get ......a .....clue.

                        Its not stupid because I say so. Its just stupid all by its lonesome

                        when you license technology white label does not mean you cannot add content. It means that the company name you white label from does not appear on the page. .

                        Second P.S.

                        There are short pages all over the internet. Thin content penalties apply the most on sites that do not cover a subject and ARE poorly written. Google does not look at a page and merely say across the board that it needs more words.

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                        • Profile picture of the author patadeperro
                          Originally Posted by Mike Anthony View Post

                          when you license technology white label does not mean you cannot add content it means that the company name you white label name from does not appear on the page. .

                          Second P.S.

                          There are short pages all over the internet. Thin content penalties apply the most on sites that do not cover a subject and ARE poorly written. Google does not look at a page and merely says across the board that it needs more words.
                          As usual the good old Mike, with his attacks ad hominem ... and showing his ignorance in certain markets once again:

                          a) The White Labels I am talking about license their technology, the only changes you can do are to the titles, descriptions, meta keywords and in you own brand, I can PM you the company so you can see it with your own eyes, but obviously that will be too much for you because it would men TO LEARN something.... and even worst accept that you are WRONG!!! , please Mike stick to the topics you know like network building, in this case the more you write the more ignorant you look.

                          Originally Posted by Mike Anthony View Post

                          Thin content penalties apply the most on sites that do not cover a subject and ARE poorly written
                          b) What if there is minimal content on the site because the visitors want to see pictures or video??? Yes Mike, you can rank sites with minimal duplicated content for important terms, places where people want to see VIDEO, and you have a white lable about it because you know how to make money from it.

                          Please Mike stick to what you know... and dont try to give me lessons when every word you write about this topic only increases the fact that you dont know anything about the Whitelabels I am talking about.
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                          • Profile picture of the author Mike Anthony
                            Originally Posted by patadeperro View Post

                            As usual the good old Mike, with his attacks ad hominem ... and showing his ignorance in certain markets once more:

                            a) The White Labels I am talking about license their technology, the only changes you can do are to the titles, descriptions, meta keywords and in you own brand, I can PM you the company so you can see it with your own eyes, but obviously that will be too much for you because it would men TO LEARN something.... and even worst accept that you are WRONG!!! ,
                            I have a new years resolution to not argue with stupidity as much as I did in 2013 but here this may help

                            White-label product - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                            Its listed number one in this site they call Google. the idea behind a label is that it indicates a brand that produced it. The term white there means that the company label is left off (so that another can put theirs), You can show me anything you wish. If the sorry old company you bought some crap from doesn't allow you to add content thats your business but the link above is what white label means and to dispute that is just you showing your ignorance..

                            b) What if there is minimal content on the site because the visitors want to see pictures or video??? Yes Mike, you can rank sites with minimal duplicated content for important terms, places where people want to see VIDEO, and you have a white lable about it because you know how to make money from it.
                            Oh golly gee. yes of course Google knows nothing about sites that have VIDEO and will penalize them for showing VIDEO rather than text. Its not like they own Youtube. :rolleyes:. Yes Pat I apologize. Youtube is owned by Yahoo. yeah thats right.

                            Video IS content...Its called media CONTENT for a reason..Again........buy a clue. The OP would not have a thin content issue with "white label" on a video page unless the video was crappy too.

                            Please Mike stick to what you know..
                            I am. Apparently someone keeps moving your posts here from a fiction forum. Maybe its Yukon. He likes to play new year pranks just to mess with us.

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                            • Profile picture of the author patadeperro
                              Originally Posted by Mike Anthony View Post

                              Its listed number one in this site they call Google. the idea behind a label is that it indicates a brand that produced it. The term white there means that the company label is left off (so that another can put theirs), You can show me anything you wish. If the sorry old company you bought some crap from doesn't allow you to add content thats your business but the link above is what white label means and to dispute that is just you showing your ignorance..
                              Another Mike Classics ... the straw men, attack.... somethings never change, I was explaining how you did not answer OPs question and that thin content penalization does not have nothing to do with the "text" you put on the site, because that is what you suggested.

                              I know about video Mike, and I would explain you more about other industries, but I cant write in your intestines so you can see it, because with your phrases you show me where you have your head stucked in :rolleyes:

                              An I would ask Yukon to keep moving your posts to the "Ubris" side of the forum.
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                              • Profile picture of the author Mike Anthony
                                Originally Posted by patadeperro View Post

                                Another Mike Classics ... the straw men, attack.... somethings never change, I was explaining how you did not answer OPs question and that thin content penalization does not have nothing to do with the "text" you put on the site, because that is what you suggested.
                                Dude...sorry. people here are not that stupid and can see your desperation to get out of your statements. They can look at those posts and see you are just lying. neither Mike not I stated text - we said content and unlike you we don't think content equal "text". Being ignorant of word meanings is one thing but just plain out and out lying is worse.

                                Imagine you have a white label of Netflix to stream the movies on line, you can change the titles of the movies, and the description in order to translate it to the language of another country and you have no more than 150 characters, this is just an example, but it shows the point I am trying to make, here there is no much room to add other type of content,
                                The point you are actually making is that you have no good point to make. If you are using an application that has no room to add any of your own content then you should NOT be. This is where your arrogance trips you up. Mikef had an excellent point that points the OP in the right direction - Gaining control of his content and making it better. You called that NOT answering the question and a canned response (which you also don't know the English meaning of )

                                No matter what you claim it is drop dead stupid for SEO to build a site that you cannot properly optimize. Netflix is not giving you any white label so the most likely thing you are talking about are some crappy companies with clone scripts or one of those silly old time sites where you have nothing but an affiliate made for you site. THERE ARE TON LOADS OF CLONES where you CAN add your own content (ignoring the whole crappy idea that you have to use clones to rank and not accepting that content equals text alone) either because the software allows it in the back end or because if you have even a rudimentary level knowledge of the html on how to do it it can be done.

                                So the most drop down easy solution any child could see is that the content issue must be fixed. Doesn't matter if you redirect. If you do the same thing then you are just opening up yourself to getting the same "thin content" penalty. If the OP's site was stuck with being unable to fix the content issue then HE SHOULD CHANGE TO A SOLUTION THAT WOULD ALLOW HIM TO FIX IT.

                                So whatever the content issue its the content that needs to be fixed so you change whatever you need to in order to fix it. Unbelievable that you can't get something so simple but as they say common sense is not so common any more.

                                and ummm once again white label has NADA ZIP NOTHING to do with not being able to add content. keep repeating it - won't change the meaning of the term any time soon.

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                        • Profile picture of the author yukon
                          Originally Posted by Mike Anthony View Post

                          Google does not look at a page and merely says across the board that it needs more words.
                          Good luck convincing anyone in IM.

                          Since those stupid keyword density plugins & EZA type backlinks, a lot of people think the SERPs revolve around a lot of text per page. It's like watching Forrest Gump navigate a shrimp boat.

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                          • Profile picture of the author Mike Anthony
                            Originally Posted by yukon View Post

                            Good luck convincing anyone in IM.
                            Pat has convinced me (not) that negative SEO is being done by Apple. look at their thin content site (since video according to Pat is not content to Google).


                            ton loads of pages ranking just filled with videos. Surely they got thin content notices.

                            and Adobe must rank by negative SEO too. their training site

                            Adobe TV

                            ranks for all kinds of things with mostly video.

                            Go figure.

                            Bottom line is not being able to add written content would not give a video site a thin content penalty. Pats only example fails. Trying to rank a site you cannot control content for is just a silly SEO setup.

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                  • Profile picture of the author yukon
                    Originally Posted by patadeperro View Post

                    ...you are not always able to add more content to the site even if you want to...
                    You can't be serious.
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                    • Profile picture of the author Mike Anthony
                      Originally Posted by yukon View Post

                      You can't be serious.
                      Haven't you heard? Its a 2104 change in dictionaries.

                      White label now means that you can't add your own content.

                      All Wordpress has to do now is white label their blogging software and Imers will be doomed!!!

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                  • Profile picture of the author danparks
                    Originally Posted by patadeperro View Post

                    Neither of you answer OP question and answered with a canned response, you are not always able to add more content to the site even if you want to example: When you license the technology of a company and you are just able to change titles, meta tags and some images, this is called white labeling, there you are unable to add more content, all the sites are the same, you just have very small margen to make changes.
                    Unless I missed something, the OP didn't say anything about white label, or licensing, or any other such thing that had restrictions. So I'm not sure why the thread has morphed into one focusing on that.

                    And regarding what you're referring to, sure there are products/services that one might choose to promote that have some restrictions on how you can or can't use/alter the product/service text. But even in such cases, there isn't a restriction on *adding* new, quality content. One wouldn't be expected to simply clone another site (and what good would that do anyway?). If there are some copyright/legal reasons a site owner would have to use some set content, the site owner certainly couldn't be constrained from *adding* additional content. As in, expanding on the page the content appears on, creating and embedding a unique video or graphics, and/or adding a blog with 5, 10, 100 quality, unique, relevant posts on the topic. If the site owner doesn't want to do any of that, fine. But I can't imagine he's restricted from doing any of that.

                    Not an attack, patadeperro. Just saying....
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                    • Profile picture of the author patadeperro
                      Originally Posted by danparks View Post

                      But even in such cases, there isn't a restriction on *adding* new, quality content. One wouldn't be expected to simply clone another site (and what good would that do anyway?).
                      Not an attack, patadeperro. Just saying....
                      I know you are not attacking, you seem genuinely curious....

                      Yes there are sites where you cant add content, because the main "product" are the online video, yes the ideal is to be able to add more content, but sometimes the restrictions of the technology does not allow it or the design was not done for that example:

                      Imagine you have a white label of Netflix to stream the movies on line, you can change the titles of the movies, and the description in order to translate it to the language of another country and you have no more than 150 characters, this is just an example, but it shows the point I am trying to make, here there is no much room to add other type of content, people want to see the movies, you cant add a lot of text there either, think whatever you want, but this is what works in some industries, you can rank for important terms and there is little room to add more content
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                      • Profile picture of the author danparks
                        Originally Posted by patadeperro View Post

                        I know you are not attacking, you seem genuinely curious....

                        Yes there are sites where you cant add content, because the main "product" are the online video, yes the ideal is to be able to add more content, but sometimes the restrictions of the technology does not allow it or the design was not done for that example:
                        Okay, I get where you're coming from. I just think that you're being *way* too specific here. The original poster didn't lay down any such restrictions, so I think you're heading off into a direction that perhaps applies to *someone* but very unlikely *this person*.
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                        • Profile picture of the author patadeperro
                          Originally Posted by danparks View Post

                          Okay, I get where you're coming from. I just think that you're being *way* too specific here. The original poster didn't lay down any such restrictions, so I think you're heading off into a direction that perhaps applies to *someone* but very unlikely *this person*.
                          Because if you read the answers, I answer his question removing immediately the idea that "adding content" was an option, while the others that commented just said :"Add good content" the point I was trying to make is how to solve the problem when adding content is not an option, that's all.
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                        • Profile picture of the author Mike Anthony
                          Originally Posted by danparks View Post

                          Okay, I get where you're coming from. I just think that you're being *way* too specific here. The original poster didn't lay down any such restrictions, so I think you're heading off into a direction that perhaps applies to *someone* but very unlikely *this person*.
                          The OP already stated he changed the content. Thats been pointed out to Pat already. To be honest I think pat's motivation in this thread is more to try to show that MIkeF and I are wrong - not to answer any question (failing either way).

                          I really don't think any sensible person would allow the limitations of a script to drive their success to rank a site. Its 2014 not 1990. It applies to no one I know. Maybe 30 years ago where you had one script on the market that could do a particular thing (like create a video site) you would be stuck with it but now?

                          Its just rank silliness.

                          If you even couldn't change content the answer would be to change your site's scripting so that you can.

                          Simple and elementary.

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  • Profile picture of the author Syed Ray
    Originally Posted by adystanley View Post

    Hello, i have a question for SEO masters.

    What happen if i 301 redirect a website which got a manual penalty for thin content to another website in same niche?

    The manual penalty website have a solid off-page seo, with quality links, because i've ranked all keywords in top 10. Unfortunately got a full manual penalty for think content few months ago. I tried some reconsideration requests without any success.

    I don't want to lose the SEO and the backlinks because i have invested a lot in that website.

    So the question is, if i use the 301 redirect from the manual penalty website to another website in same niche, is there any possibilities to get the second website a (manual) penalty?
    It wouldn't hurt to 301 redirect a manual penalty. Worst that could happen is you lose your new domain fee. But in my experience 301 redirects work with generic Google updates but never tried with a manual penalty since it's always going to be under the radar if I 301 redirect.
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  • Profile picture of the author yukon
    Sounds like that thin content penalty was OP scraping an eCommerce site (ex: Amazon). Is that right OP?

    I have a few thousand pages that have very little text per page, I'm talking a sentence of text per page. I still average 7 page views per unique traffic. My sites are niche authority sites (traffic helps build links for me).

    My point is, I don't think Google is going to say thin content unless your blasting your pages with junk like Amazon affiliate links & scraped/spun eCommerce pages.
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  • Profile picture of the author DizenSounds
    Fix the problem on the first domain or forget about it. You can recover easily from a "thin" content penalty, that's probably the easiest of all of them.

    Building another domain and then redirecting the domain isn't gonna help at all.
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  • Profile picture of the author Matthew Anton
    PM me for an example, as the video was removed for some reason

    hi adystanley,

    I analyzed the exact situation you are asking. Can you recover the links/rankings by doing a 301 redirect:

    Keep in mind this is an example of redirecting all the inner pages and not the hompage (at the time). Now it appears mmohuts.com is hit, but it took nearly a year to happen.

    I had a website with over 3 million backlinks (they weren't bad quality, but they all used the same anchor text - video games, mmorpg, etc) for a social network I was working on. It was redirected to another website, but it looked like the redirect was actually hurting the website more than helping it.

    So while mmohuts pulled it off successfully saving 300k+ SEO traffic a month, I also had a negative experience with a 301 permanent redirect. The best thing you can do is try it if the link profile / traffic from keywords was significant. Not much to lose. BUT, if you want to take a long term approach it might be best not to do anything blackhat or semi-risky such as this. It depends on your timeline and previous level of success with the domain. If you have to invest a lot more $$ and time, I would suggest starting fresh.

    FYI this isn't my website. It's a "case study" in the way that it was a website that successfully pulled this tactic off. It's an observation. Hope the case study police don't cry
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