Targeting Offline Business with FB Ads!?

Graham Maddison
Profile picture of Graham Maddison
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
1 replies
I have recently started a campaign on Bing PPC with some success and now want to see if I can duplicate or even better that success with facebook ads.

My target audience would be small businesses looking for finance/loans etc...

I only have a small budget, so my question is, do you think there are enough small businesses using fb to make this campaign viable... the last thing I want to do is waste any profit I have already made.

looking forward to your replies with interest.
#ads #business #offline #targeting
  • Profile picture of the author jgant
    Profile picture of jgant
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I've done quite a bit of advertising on FB, and my lowest success is targeting businesses. But then my offers weren't loan related, which is a desperation niche for many small business owners.

    With the right copy, it could work. Fortunately you can target entrepreneurs and small businesses. I'd test a specific city or state with a geo-focused landing page so that it resonates with businesses seeking cash.

    It's definitely worth trying. One reason I love advertising on Facebook is that when a funnel works, it can work really well (i.e. very low cost per conversion).
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