Site Url / Wordpress Category Base Dilemma

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I have a blog that's over 3 years old. Ranks "OK" on Google, but ranks very well on Yahoo and Bing (you can laugh, but I make good money from there). So here's my issue:

It's a Wordpress blog ... I set my URL structure when I first created the site and have never touched it since. My issue is with the category pages. The current structure is:

I want to strip off the category part, as my category names can get pretty long, and I feel it's just extra redundant junk. But I'm also wondering if it's worth it.

Should I remove the category base and 301 redirect all the pages? Or is the risk vs. reward not worth it?

If this helps, I'm kind of running a silo structure where my category has unique content and links to my posts, all my posts link back to the category, and all my posts also link to every other post.
#base #category #dilemma #site #url #wordpress
  • Profile picture of the author RobinInTexas
    It's a worn out cliche but I think it applies here. The real question is "does it work?"

    If it's not broke don't fix it.


    ...Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just set there.
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