Keyword Research

Profile picture of TerriL
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
8 replies
Hi Everyone,

I've been reading through the WF threads for quite awhile, and have now decided to try an take some action.

Anyway, I wanted to research 'keywords' and downloaded a FREE version of Market Samurai as someone suggested on another thread.

Well, apparently Market Samurai doesn't work without an active Adwords account. So, I've set my account up, but have not funded it or created a campaign yet as I have absolutely no clue 'how to use adwords' nor do I have a website at the moment.

I am trying to research keywords; to help me choose a domain name!!!

So funding the AdWords account or creating an ad campaign seems stupid at this point! - and Yet it appears Market Samurai won't let me log into my Adwords account until I fund and create a campaign(!?)

Does anyone know if there is a tool that produces monthly search results for specific keywords?

I used to fiddle around with Google's external tool, but the new 'planner' doesn't seem to generate the number of searches monthly anymore like it used to.

Sorry for the long post, spent the last few hours brainstorming domain name ideas, and cannot find a way to see if the main keywords in my domain choices are likely to be good in the search engines or not?


#keyword #research
  • Profile picture of the author sunlounger10004
    Profile picture of sunlounger10004
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    You can always go with google's built in tool, but unfortunately there is no cheap way around. If this project is something that matters to you I suggest going with a paid tool and getting a good start from the get-go.
  • Profile picture of the author koubain
    Profile picture of koubain
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    you can use google keyword planner
    about market samurai it's not necessarily to create an ad camp you didn't understood right
    you must create a gmail account and go to google adword planner and login with your gmail account and activate adwords but you don't need to pay or create any ad
    check the training videos her‎
  • Profile picture of the author MillionDollarBucks
    Profile picture of MillionDollarBucks
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I follow this:

    Find keyword using google search box and then insert them into webmasters tools>keyword planners where i get various analytical info.
  • Profile picture of the author VandnaSharma
    Profile picture of VandnaSharma
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hello You can Use the Keyword research Via Google Planer and Word traker and You also help of Google Local searh
  • Profile picture of the author veekay31
    Profile picture of veekay31
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Log into your google account and use the google keyword planner. This is the best option because most of the paid tools use the google database.
  • Profile picture of the author Jasonsmith123
    Profile picture of Jasonsmith123
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Originally Posted by TerriL View Post

    Hi Everyone,

    I've been reading through the WF threads for quite awhile, and have now decided to try an take some action.

    Anyway, I wanted to research 'keywords' and downloaded a FREE version of Market Samurai as someone suggested on another thread.

    Well, apparently Market Samurai doesn't work without an active Adwords account. So, I've set my account up, but have not funded it or created a campaign yet as I have absolutely no clue 'how to use adwords' nor do I have a website at the moment.

    I am trying to research keywords; to help me choose a domain name!!!

    So funding the AdWords account or creating an ad campaign seems stupid at this point! - and Yet it appears Market Samurai won't let me log into my Adwords account until I fund and create a campaign(!?)

    Does anyone know if there is a tool that produces monthly search results for specific keywords?

    I used to fiddle around with Google's external tool, but the new 'planner' doesn't seem to generate the number of searches monthly anymore like it used to.

    Sorry for the long post, spent the last few hours brainstorming domain name ideas, and cannot find a way to see if the main keywords in my domain choices are likely to be good in the search engines or not?


    I thing the keyword planner tool by google is also not providing the relevant but approximate search volumes of the keywords. But an approximate value. Still good for the business. Have you found Google adword keyword tool?a

    Software & Web Development at Miracle Group

  • Profile picture of the author TerriL
    Profile picture of TerriL
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Thanks for all your replies.

    I was able to finally find the keyword traffic estimates using the keyword planner tool. It took a minute, as the new set up is WAY different than the old external search tool.

    I really don't like the new set up, but I was able to see the estimated [exact] searches for my keyword (*which was 18,100) - but it's not as simple or informative as the old version.

    As far as Market Samurai and not being able to loin into my adwords account from inside the MS dashboard, I had to clear my cookies, and change some settings in explorer tools, which was generating the 'error' code.

    Geez... it was so much easier to just type a keyword and hit search to see the 'monthly searches' and generate keyword ideas with the old external tool.

    Sometimes I think google just likes complicating it for ANYONE trying to get a cut of the internet market!

    • Profile picture of the author MikeFriedman
      Profile picture of MikeFriedman
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by TerriL View Post

      Sometimes I think google just likes complicating it for ANYONE trying to get a cut of the internet market!
      The Keyword Planner is for AdWords advertisers, which are Google's bread and butter. Believe me, they have no desire to complicate things for their advertisers.

      The Keyword Planner is actually far superior to the old Keyword Tool once you figure out how to use it and adjust to the interface.

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