Did SEO take a head shot?
- SEO |
Bloggy McCommentson tells me to do massive amounts of comment blogging but Johnny tells me that comment blogging is also dead.
So I ask, How do you get people to your blog in 2014? I can write engaging blogs (at least, I think so) but the trick is getting it out to people. Back in the day, I could optimize it for that keyword and that would rank it in the search engine (from what I hear), but since that seems to be "dead". How does one do it now?
Should I not worry about blog commenting, article marketing, etc and just go with PPC?
Thank you in advance. Now if you would excuse me, I'm going to go get distracted by a flying eagle who is probably getting distracted by a moth
alerrandre -
[ 1 ] Thanks
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[ 1 ] Thanks
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