Did SEO take a head shot?

8 replies
  • SEO
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Susie tells me to do Article Marketing but Vladimir tells me that Article Marketing does not work anymore

Bloggy McCommentson tells me to do massive amounts of comment blogging but Johnny tells me that comment blogging is also dead.

So I ask, How do you get people to your blog in 2014? I can write engaging blogs (at least, I think so) but the trick is getting it out to people. Back in the day, I could optimize it for that keyword and that would rank it in the search engine (from what I hear), but since that seems to be "dead". How does one do it now?

Should I not worry about blog commenting, article marketing, etc and just go with PPC?

Thank you in advance. Now if you would excuse me, I'm going to go get distracted by a flying eagle who is probably getting distracted by a moth
#head #seo #shot
  • Profile picture of the author alerrandre
    My best advice is:

    Don't hear anyone, do what you think will work for you, if something don't work, you are goign to take it as a lesson.
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  • Profile picture of the author RickCopy
    go to open site explorer and see where your competitors are getting links and traffic from...then just do what they're doing. Make your content better than theirs and work hard to retain the traffic you do get.

    it comes down to 3 things...either people aren't seeing your site, your headlines arent exciting enough for them to click on or your content just isn't good enough to keep them around.
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  • Profile picture of the author Lynker
    Just focus on great content, that should be enough.

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  • Profile picture of the author boxoun
    Treat it like a business. Focus on great content yes, but aggressively market that content before you consider your next blog post. Go to where your audience is. Share your content. Ask to be shared then share again. Start relationships with people in that niche. Scratch their back. Share there content. Comment on their content. Give this a serious thought. It just might work out for you.
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  • Profile picture of the author netanel23
    The spammy methods are out, that means mass submitted link building techniques.

    Your question was how to get traffic to your blog. Get out there and start networking with people in your area of expertise. Stay active and comment and contribute to their communities and blogs (not for links!). As such bloggers and people in your niche will start to take notice, making it easier to get linked to naturally.

    If you approach your niche in a spammy way people will not trust you and avoid you like the plague so don't go spam your link everywhere possible. Start communication with prominent bloggers in your niche via twitter.

    Get active!
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  • Profile picture of the author Oscarfishlover
    I'm no expert, but if you write something that is of interest thxn people will want to visit your blog. I would imagine that writing about up-to-date and popular subjects will mean that people will find you organically, rather than you having to spend a lot of time linking back to your blog.
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  • Profile picture of the author zenichanin
    You have to keep testing different things. There's no magic SEO formula and it will differ for every website. Keep spam to a minimum and go for it!

    If you think your blog is amazing or something, you can spend like $100 on Facebook ads and see if everyone else thinks it's amazing too. We all tend to think our own website is the best and then you have Google trying to determine which one of them truly is best.

    In general though, if you get good traffic, Google will look at that as a positive signal and give your website authority and ranking will come much easier then.
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  • Profile picture of the author veekay31
    Find out low to medium competition keywords.
    Use google to find public web properties that rank for those keywords ( web properties like blogspot, squidoo, hubpages, wordpress, weebly, slideshare etc) on the 1st & 2nd page of google.
    Create and distribute content on web properties that rank well on page1 &2 of google with a link back to your blog post.
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