Keyword In Domain

Profile picture of MichaelCo
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
22 replies
Something i never understood.

Let's say i want to put the keyword in my domain..

My keyword is for example.. but that was taken.. but was available... Could i still rank for bestcyclingbike even though their is an added e? Would it matter?

#domain #keyword
  • Profile picture of the author samnickson
    Profile picture of samnickson
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    Don't try to add Keyword in domain. Try a unique brand name.
    "Keyword In Domain" with recent Google changes, is a SPAM trigger.
  • Profile picture of the author PBScott
    Profile picture of PBScott
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    Originally Posted by MichaelCo View Post

    Something i never understood.

    Let's say i want to put the keyword in my domain..

    My keyword is for example.. but that was taken.. but was available... Could i still rank for bestcyclingbike even though their is an added e? Would it matter?

    The extra e would lessen the value of the main keywords by a little bit, but
    in theory you would have the keywords in your url. Which does not have the power it once did, but still has some.

    As was mentioned above, it might be a "flag" (not a trigger) towards spam, but I believe if you don't have a few flags, it shouldn't matter.

    The best URLS are short and easy to remember, in this case the original URL will probably have a higher rank, and also be confused with yours, meaning more of your customers would probably end up there, than the other way around.

    You might also end up with problems like mine where planetbargain is mistaken as me, and I noticed even uses my url to trigger their adwords.

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  • Profile picture of the author altonroot
    Profile picture of altonroot
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    The exact match domain(EMD) and partial match domains (PMD) has lost its important what was in past for sure. But still it holds the edge. Your case is about PMD. My advice for you is to create a great website which users and Google find worth to use. Google's algorithm for EMD and PMD is for low quality website. If you have EMD and running bad website Google will push your website back. But if you are running a good website, EMD and PMD will help you to achieve good rankings in quick time.
  • Profile picture of the author santhoshredde
    Profile picture of santhoshredde
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    • Profile picture of the author MichaelCo
      Profile picture of MichaelCo
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      Okay back to the question. I can still rank for bestcyclingbike even though it has an extra e?
      • Profile picture of the author tastyjams
        Profile picture of tastyjams
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        Originally Posted by MichaelCo View Post

        Okay back to the question. I can still rank for bestcyclingbike even though it has an extra e?
        You shouldn't add an extra e to the domain, instead you should try to get, or something similar. Keyword domains are still pretty powerful (in my experience).

        .net and .org still rank pretty well if the domain name stays under 3 words.

        Or try,,, stuff like that :

        Hope that helps!
  • Profile picture of the author yukon
    Profile picture of yukon
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    EMDs aren't a big deal when ranking pages in Google SERPs, the problem is a lot of people act like EMDs are ranking their pages so they don't have to do any SEO. Good luck with that.

    I haven't seen any sign of a penalty for EMDs or even having a variant of the keyword in the domain.
    • Profile picture of the author MichaelCo
      Profile picture of MichaelCo
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      Originally Posted by yukon View Post

      EMDs aren't a big deal when ranking pages in Google SERPs, the problem is a lot of people act like EMDs are ranking their pages so they don't have to do any SEO. Good luck with that.

      I haven't seen any sign of a penalty for EMDs or even having a variant of the keyword in the domain.
      Yeah i know all this but what i am unsure about is. if i want to rank for but let's say that's taken... and then i go for can i still rank for best cycling bike even though it has an extra e? would it not matter about that e? ..
      • Profile picture of the author yukon
        Profile picture of yukon
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        Originally Posted by MichaelCo View Post

        Yeah i know all this but what i am unsure about is. if i want to rank for but let's say that's taken... and then i go for can i still rank for best cycling bike even though it has an extra e? would it not matter about that e? ..
        It doesn't matter either way, an EMD isn't going to rank a page.
      • Profile picture of the author nettiapina
        Profile picture of nettiapina
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        Originally Posted by MichaelCo View Post

        and then i go for can i still rank for best cycling bike even though it has an extra e? would it not matter about that e? ..
        This was said like a dozen times already, but... Of course you can rank that domain, but you need to do it with content and backlinks, not some keyword trick. Having your main keyword in the domain name will not help you enough that it would even make up for the silly typo domain.

        "Best Cycling Bike-e" would be absolutely forgettable company name with or without that extra e. For example "Mike's Bikes" on the other hand would be something that's easily brandable, would support the content, and that people can remember. (You guessed it, company by that name does exists.) That's why people are telling you to get a brandable domain name. You're facing the same battle getting any site to rank, but branding communicates with people and may make your site seem more authoritative and trustworthy.
        Links in signature will not help your SEO. Not on this site, and not on any other forum.
        Who told me this? An ex Google web spam engineer.

        What's your excuse?
  • Profile picture of the author JChilds
    Profile picture of JChilds
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    just about every search in Google I do I never see an EMD, or very very rare, on fist or 2nd page.

    Amazon, Google etc have millions of web sites and none are EMD'S but the keyword is always in the URL ,"product name or keyword here" so I don't see why you can't have just one domain like they do and do add on or directory type URL'S since Google does not like EMD'S anymore.

    Of course that is just my opinion, I could be wrong.
    • Profile picture of the author yukon
      Profile picture of yukon
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      Originally Posted by JChilds View Post

      just about every search in Google I do I never see an EMD, or very very rare, on fist or 2nd page.
      Try some local keyword searches, there's a ton of EMDs. Doesn't mean the EMDs are ranking pages, it just means the webmasters think they're doing SEO.
      • Profile picture of the author gsinfovision
        Profile picture of gsinfovision
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        Days of the EMD are over. So, don't bother too much about it. The extra "e" doeans't look or sound good, does it? Unless of course you have an amazing plan to use that to your advantage.

        Get a brandable and easy to remember name and focus on the content and promotion.
  • Profile picture of the author J3thro M
    J3thro M
    Profile picture of J3thro M
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    Don't go for EMDs, go for a domain that contains cyclingbike and add some word at the end for domain availability. And for on page SEO, you can include the exact keyword on Title tag and H1. I've been doing good with that. What you can also do is type different searches about the best + product/keyword in google and see the top results to get more idea.
  • Profile picture of the author promo87
    Profile picture of promo87
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    Yes you could still rank on that keyword but here what you need to understand is as the person bestcyclingbikee is taken by you and the third person you need to rank yourself rather than some other individual, what i mean is both the parties is trying to rank themselves in the search engine by their work and the person whose work seem to be more genuie is going to get rank in the search engine.

    Let me take and example to show you what is happening here suppose there is a keyword "mobile application development" which has most number of hits in the Google search engine and there are thousand of site that are targeting the keyword mobile application development but not all of them are ranking in the top of the search engine and this is where the role of search engine optimisation arises. Now what SEO's guys will be doing is they will optimise the site in such a way that in that on that keyword the probability of ranking their site goes up rather than the other competitors.

    So, I guess now you must be somewhat clear about the ranking and the the keyword in the search engine.
    • Profile picture of the author nettiapina
      Profile picture of nettiapina
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      Originally Posted by promo87 View Post

      the person whose work seem to be more genuie is going to get rank in the search engine.
      Are you trying to say that more "genuine"-sounding domain will automatically get a better ranking? No, that's not how it works. It's unlikely that an average user would ever see the two domains neck to neck in SERPs because they'd have drastically different content and link profiles.

      It's not like one site ranking means that other wont rank at all. Of course one of them will be higher, but that would happen with any measurement.
      Links in signature will not help your SEO. Not on this site, and not on any other forum.
      Who told me this? An ex Google web spam engineer.

      What's your excuse?
  • Profile picture of the author kaufenpreis
    Profile picture of kaufenpreis
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    Creating two sites on the same niche when site A has a keyword rich domain name and site B does not have keywords in the domain name. Create the same layout type and use the same title even if you care, keep the same keyword density if you want to build content within or simply leave it with just one file inside using the targeted keywords, build same amount of backlinks to site B as you did to site A (if possible even backlinks from the same site), wait a couple days to get indexed and check the rankings of both sites for the targeted keywords, the result will most probably (and I have done such experiment already) will be that the keyword rich domain will rank higher in the SERPs.
    • Profile picture of the author paulgl
      Profile picture of paulgl
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      Originally Posted by kaufenpreis View Post

      Creating two sites on the same niche when site A has a keyword rich domain name and site B does not have keywords in the domain name. Create the same layout type and use the same title even if you care, keep the same keyword density if you want to build content within or simply leave it with just one file inside using the targeted keywords, build same amount of backlinks to site B as you did to site A (if possible even backlinks from the same site), wait a couple days to get indexed and check the rankings of both sites for the targeted keywords, the result will most probably (and I have done such experiment already) will be that the keyword rich domain will rank higher in the SERPs.
      ROTFLMAO! I wonder how came up with, well,

      They must have had faulty data. Pity. They could have been successful.

      I often wonder why people make statements on EMDs, on a site, with a domain of


      If you were disappointed in your results today, lower your standards tomorrow.

  • Profile picture of the author Beardo
    Profile picture of Beardo
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    You will rank if you do proper seo work, backlinking from relevant trusted sites, social links, a useful site that gives people what they're looking for.

    In 2014 putting keywords in your domain name has zero effect on you ranking, as it should
  • Profile picture of the author TotalWebsiteControl
    Profile picture of TotalWebsiteControl
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    EMDs don't matter. It won't help or hurt you rankings. At least this is what i have experienced.
  • Profile picture of the author johnben1444
    Profile picture of johnben1444
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    You can still rank a domain perfectly well even if it doesn't have any keyword term in it.

    What matters is the onpage SEO..
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  • Profile picture of the author George8
    Profile picture of George8
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    EMD is not as important as it once was. Go for creating a brandable name instead.

  • Profile picture of the author Stachart
    Profile picture of Stachart
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    keyword in domain is no more important! You can use any domain. Using keywords in domain is not recommended thus adding e in your domain will make it difficult for people to target each of the website by direct typing URL in a web browser! It is better to try to have an unique domain where misspelling errors are not obvious.

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