A BlackHatters Discussion with Matt Cutts at SMX 2014

by 23 replies
Confessions of a Black Hat - Is Matt Cutts a Fraud? - Josh Bachynski

Just read it

#search engine optimization #2014 #blackhatters #cutts #discussion #matt #smx
  • Banned
    CliffsNotes: Google did someone wrong.
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
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    • I read the whole interview yesterday. Nothing new to see here.
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    So, are you a webmaster, or a plumber? I know some of you are into local,
    but seriously. If you have a real business, you have a real business. Period.
    Why do people expect in 2014 to have nothing but free advertising, sales leads,

    I get slammed by this in the past for similar rants. But if you are a legit plumber,
    with a legit license, and a legit business, and you are relying on being a webmaster
    to get in SERPS,
    for your business to be successful, you are an idiot.

    • [ 2 ] Thanks
  • Banned
    LMAO, why is my name in your sig?
  • Big smile.
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    • Fixed it for you.
      • [ 1 ] Thanks
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  • Try not to lose sleep over it....

    But if this doesn't work, I'll tweet @MattCutts and ask for a special favor.

    "Dear Matt, I know I destroy your search engine with spam but can you deindex this page. He doesn't accept friend requests or allow visitor messages...."
    • [1] reply
    • I'm also going to report his profile for paid links.
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