A Domain with an HIGH Domain Authority and an HIGH PR is expiring, would you backorder it?

Profile picture of marco12345
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27 replies

let us take in example the following domain that is expiring:


The domain has a 45 domain authority value and the backlink analysis is good (no spammy links or artificial links).

The domain has also an excellent majestic SEO Profile, 520 reffering domains from 437 IPs and some .edu backlinks.


The problem is that this domain is redirecting to another website as you can see on :

Internet Archive Wayback Machine

The question is:

Is this redirect transfering all the pagerank and all the authority to the other domain or the domain is still a good domain to backorder?
#authority #backorder #domain #expiring #high
  • Profile picture of the author maverickk3
    Profile picture of maverickk3
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    I have tried to backorder a domain name many times.
    Still no luck.99% good domains will never comes to you .
    As far for the redirection , yes , a permanent redirect almost all the times transfer the PR not sure for the authority.
  • Profile picture of the author MikeFriedman
    Profile picture of MikeFriedman
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    You need to take another look at that domain. The links are basically all gone.

    It's pretty close to worthless.
    • Profile picture of the author marco12345
      Profile picture of marco12345
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      Originally Posted by MikeFriedman View Post

      You need to take another look at that domain. The links are basically all gone.

      It's pretty close to worthless.
      Can you please provide an explanation of that?
      Why if the links are all gone the domain has still an excellent domain authority?
      • Profile picture of the author MikeFriedman
        Profile picture of MikeFriedman
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        Originally Posted by marco12345 View Post

        Can you please provide an explanation of that?
        Why if the links are all gone the domain has still an excellent domain authority?
        Because Domain Authority is based on OSE's lousy backlink database.
        • Profile picture of the author Mike Anthony
          Mike Anthony
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          Originally Posted by MikeFriedman View Post

          Because Domain Authority is based on OSE's lousy backlink database.
          LOL why do the two mods in here always dump on Moz? Envy? I dunno. If anything OSE a lot of the time UNDER values a domain because it doesn't show enough backlinks.

          Anyway Mike knows his stuff. He just uses Seo Spyglass which, sorry mike, just sucks for checking backlinks these days. The domain in question still has some solid links. Probably about a weak PR4 - not as high as the DA is showing for the more obvious reason that the links were just lost.

          Regardless of metrics (and no matter what you hear Moz is leaps and bounds better than pagerank - because it rarely is up to date) you ALWAYS check the backlinks

          • Profile picture of the author yukon
            Profile picture of yukon
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            Originally Posted by Mike Anthony View Post

            LOL why do the two mods in here always dump on Moz? Envy? I dunno. If anything OSE a lot of the time UNDER values a domain because it doesn't show enough backlinks.

            Anyway Mike knows his stuff. He just uses Seo Spyglass which, sorry mike, just sucks for checking backlinks these days. The domain in question still has some solid links. Probably about a weak PR4 - not as high as the DA is showing for the more obvious reason that the links were just lost.

            Regardless of metrics (and no matter what you hear Moz is leaps and bounds better than pagerank - because it rarely is up to date) you ALWAYS check the backlinks
            It doesn't matter what personal preference you use to check the links, the OP domain links are mostly already dropped like Mike F. said. Spyglass will/does show the links are missing with the click of a few buttons. You can manually verify the links are missing from spyglass but I've never found the software to be wrong.

            You don't even have to care about PR, the links are still missing.
            • Profile picture of the author marco12345
              Profile picture of marco12345
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              Anyone can provide a link to show the lost backlinks of this domain?
            • Profile picture of the author Mike Anthony
              Mike Anthony
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              Originally Posted by yukon View Post

              It doesn't matter what personal preference you use to check the links,
              total and absolute nonsense. Of course it matters what you use to check backlinks. depending on what you use you will miss the backlinks

              You can manually verify the links are missing from spyglass but I've never found the software to be wrong. You don't even have to care about PR, the links are still missing.
              Good night.SEO spyglass is wrong almost all the time. It misses a TON LOAD of backlinks. You have to load it up with ahrefs to get good coverage.

              Besides which I am not asking I am telling - that domain still has a bunch of PR4s , PR3 and a couple PR5s. I am looking at them right now and they are there. Now it has lost a bit too including its PR6 links but there are high authority links there.

              So even if you are still in love with the almost never updating PR they are not all gone or mostly all gone

              • Profile picture of the author marco12345
                Profile picture of marco12345
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                Originally Posted by Mike Anthony View Post

                Besides which I am not asking I am telling - that domain still has a bunch of PR4s , PR3 and a couple PR5s. I am looking at them right now and they are there. Now it has lost a bit too including its PR6 links but there are high authority links there.
                So even if you are still in love with the almost never updating PR they are not all gone or mostly all gone
                So, despite the domain has lost some backlinks and despite the redirect,
                you advice to place a backorder for this domain due to the high DA value and to the good backlinks that it has mantained?

                At the next PR update, the domain will lose all the PR ?
                • Profile picture of the author Mike Anthony
                  Mike Anthony
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                  Originally Posted by marco12345 View Post

                  So, despite the domain has lost some backlinks and despite the redirect,
                  you advice to place a backorder for this domain due to the high DA value and to the good backlinks that it has mantained?

                  At the next PR update, the domain will lose all the PR ?
                  The few links I saw were to the domain not the redirect which is what matters. In addition the ones above are likely to stay due to being in old magazine links. For the price of a backorder it would be a decent buy but given that everyything with even Pr3 status is bid on I doubt you will get it on backorder. Would I pay hundreds for it? No. Please note


                  Not Pr, not DA not Moztrust. Why? because none of the public metrics update every day or even every week. Has nothing to do with the metric sucking but because links can be lost between update to the metric

                  • Profile picture of the author marco12345
                    Profile picture of marco12345
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                    so we all agree that the domain is good for a backorder because most likely at the next PR Update it will be a good domain with PR 3 or a weak PR 4 and we can spend a modest value like 70$ that is the basic fee on Snapnames.

                    Originally Posted by Mike Anthony View Post


                    Not Pr, not DA not Moztrust. Why? because none of the public metrics update every day or even every week. Has nothing to do with the metric sucking but because links can be lost between update to the metric
                    Sorry, but if PR , DA , TRUST FLOW are not metrics on which to base a backorder because links can be lost between updates , WHAT PARAMETERS do you use for place a backorder?

                    There are hundreds of similar domains expiring every week, for each of it do you spend 5/10 minutes for decide if is a good domain for place a backorder checking manually all the backlinks?
                    • Profile picture of the author Mike Anthony
                      Mike Anthony
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                      Originally Posted by marco12345 View Post


                      Sorry, but if PR , DA , TRUST FLOW are not metrics on which to base a backorder because links can be lost between updates , WHAT PARAMETERS do you use for place a backorder?

                      There are hundreds of similar domains expiring every week, for each of it do you spend 5/10 minutes for decide if is a good domain for place a backorder checking manually all the backlinks?
                      Thats a good question. My take is you use the metrics PRECISELY to screen out the domains not to check. Will you miss 1 in 50 that are good? Maybe but the time you spend checking every domain would be insane so you need some filtering system and you use the metrics as filters. I use both majestic and Moz combined to do that. If you use something like Register compass then you can enter in the metrics and go from thousands of domains to under a hundred (depending on your metrics)

                      LOL...Kevin M is going to be in here cursing me out soon. He and a few others don't want me mentioning or teaching network stuff anymore. thing is since I stopped I still see people trying and in the last week a few people losing money doing it. I don't think radio silence is working

                      Cats out the bag Kevin...almost everyone has figured out its one of the few things left that works.

                      • Profile picture of the author marco12345
                        Profile picture of marco12345
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                        You have not answered

                        After you have screened the domains what do you do for decide if the domain is good for a backorder and how much you set in the max bid field of the dropcatcher ?
                        • Profile picture of the author Mike Anthony
                          Mike Anthony
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                          Originally Posted by marco12345 View Post

                          You have not answered

                          After you have screened the domains what do you do for decide if the domain is good for a backorder and how much you set in the max bid field of the dropcatcher ?
                          If you are looking to learn everything there is to this subject in a forum thread you are destined to lose money.

                      • Profile picture of the author Kevin Maguire
                        Kevin Maguire
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                        Originally Posted by Mike Anthony View Post

                        Cats out the bag Kevin...almost everyone has figured out its one of the few things left that works.
                        I'm about a year ahead of this saturated method of networking. If SEO was paint, then I'm an artist. And I'm about to paint my masterpiece.
          • Profile picture of the author MikeFriedman
            Profile picture of MikeFriedman
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            Originally Posted by Mike Anthony View Post

            LOL why do the two mods in here always dump on Moz? Envy? I dunno. If anything OSE a lot of the time UNDER values a domain because it doesn't show enough backlinks.
            I'm not dumping on Moz, but if you had to just pick one today... OSE, Ahrefs, or MajesticSEO, then OSE would be the last choice.

            Originally Posted by Mike Anthony View Post

            Anyway Mike knows his stuff. He just uses Seo Spyglass which, sorry mike, just sucks for checking backlinks these days.
            That's not true. I use SpyGlass to tell if the links exist or not. I import the links from Ahrefs and Majestic into SpyGlass along with whatever links SpyGlass finds.

            I'm not about to rely on one database when evaluating domains. They all are lacking somewhat.
            • Profile picture of the author Mike Anthony
              Mike Anthony
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              Originally Posted by MikeFriedman View Post

              I'm not dumping on Moz, but if you had to just pick one today... OSE, Ahrefs, or MajesticSEO, then OSE would be the last choice.
              Why did you leave out Pagerank?

              Further you don't have to choose one which is why the Moz hate (and I don't see anyone dissing anything but Moz) is so strange to me. Moz with trustflow works GREAT. That combo is my FIRST Choice

              Check out Backlink Miner. Its come along and pulls from Seokicks, Moz, blekko and can import Ahrefs as well. Most of the links it found were pulled from blekko and Seokicks. NO monthly fees. Loading in ahrefs is just tedious. Plus I am teaching my guys now how to do killer competitive research with it since it has a side feature for pulling in top ten and analyzing all ten ranking sites

              • Profile picture of the author MikeFriedman
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                Originally Posted by Mike Anthony View Post

                Why did you leave out Pagerank?

                Further you don't have to choose one which is why the Moz hate (and I don't see anyone dissing anything but Moz) is so strange to me. Moz with trustflow works GREAT. That combo is my FIRST Choice
                I'm not talking about metrics. I mean just purely for finding backlinks. Ahrefs and Majestic run circles around OSE.

                If OSE had a more complete link database, I would feel differently about it. That's my only issue with it. That and there are some inconsistencies within their own system. For example, how often have you found a domain that OSE says has zero backlinks, but it still has a DA over 35? How the F does that happen? :confused:

                I've found that way too much.

                And if you want to see me diss something else, ask me what I think about Ahrefs' Domain Rank....

                Originally Posted by Mike Anthony View Post

                Check out Backlink Miner. Its come along and pulls from Seokicks, Moz, blekko and can import Ahrefs as well. Most of the links it found were pulled from blekko and Seokicks. NO monthly fees. Loading in ahrefs is just tedious. Plus I am teaching my guys now how to do killer competitive research with it since it has a side feature for pulling in top ten and analyzing all ten ranking sites
                I will check that out again. First time I tried it, it was a total, barely working, POS. That was probably a year ago though.
                • Profile picture of the author Mike Anthony
                  Mike Anthony
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                  Originally Posted by MikeFriedman View Post

                  If OSE had a more complete link database, I would feel differently about it.
                  No doubt their coverage is spotty. I think they go after quality and yeah miss a bunch of times.

                  For example, how often have you found a domain that OSE says has zero backlinks, but it still has a DA over 35? How the F does that happen? :confused:
                  Easy. how do you find PR6s with no backlinks? Plus I don't deny they can be fooled and gamed. I just don't know what its so special because so can PR. I Look at Moz like a socket set. Without an extension its not too handy working on an engine but since Majestic trustflow can be put with it - kind of nifty as a combo.

                  I will check that out again. First time I tried it, it was a total, barely working, POS. That was probably a year ago though.
                  Actually I should apologize. I helped steer you wrong on that because I think you asked me my opinion (as I ask yours) and I didn't like it either. I dunno maybe they added more engines because now I can make some pretty good decisions without loading in ahref and that can be a pain when you are going through a few hundred. I have a bot that just loads them up, so though the bot fails every now and again, I can go through a bunch on my VPS. I just could never get SPyglass to completely go through a check of many domains without having to interact with it

                  • Profile picture of the author Mike Anthony
                    Mike Anthony
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                    "And if you want to see me diss something else, ask me what I think about Ahrefs' Domain Rank.... "

                    LOL I missed that. TOTALLY agree. If they would get off their rear and create a good rating system I'd be the first to admit you would need nothing else. To be honest the only one really pushing for advances in their metrics and tool is Majestic. I don't even know why ahrefs bothers to have those numbers. I can't make heads or tails out of it.

  • Profile picture of the author MikeFriedman
    Profile picture of MikeFriedman
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    I had to run the site again. Turned out my proxies burnt out in the middle of checking it the first time, and I didn't notice. It has a few decent links, but a lot of those are on pages with 100+ outgoing links. It's not something I would pay much for.

    If it is a PR 4, it is a very, very weak one. More likely a PR 3, if that matters to you.
    • Profile picture of the author Mike Anthony
      Mike Anthony
      Profile picture of Mike Anthony
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      Originally Posted by MikeFriedman View Post

      . It's not something I would pay much for....
      If it is a PR 4, it is a very, very weak one. More likely a PR 3, if that matters to you.
      Yeah thats my estimation with the links that are actually there. Given what PR3s are going for (somewhat ridiculous) I only recommended as a backorder - not hundreds but crazy market at godaddy I would not be surprised to see it go for over a hundred dollars (I'd be surprised if it goes through an auction and did not get bid on though).

      As aside for those who are buying - the links left are what you should generally look for - in context older articles - less likely to be removed. On magazine sites you are going to have a lot of navigation link. Its however not spammy.

  • Profile picture of the author Dennis Millbrath
    Dennis Millbrath
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    You would have to use a backorder domain server, there are probably many people looking to do the same. I have got backorder domains before by using Pool.com. The bigger question is will this domain have value to you. If it is in your niche and related to the industry you are already in then yes, go get it, if not then it will likely not have much value.

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