whats the difference between Link Pyramid vs Link Silo???

2 replies
  • SEO
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arent they kind of the same? or the linking structure is different. I know a silo in some cases may not form a funnel shape but is that about it?

Ive looked at alot of diagrams but dont see that much difference.

Looking more into silos just to verify. similar concepts it seems
#difference #link #pyramid #silo
  • Profile picture of the author jason1985
    ok never mind. I notice the difference. the pyramid usually just has links eventually pouring into your site at the bottom. I already knew that. everything else with silos is usually internal. I knew if interlinking but never heard of the word silo. seems like a more thought out plan of interlinking especially for the weaker pages.
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  • Profile picture of the author yukon
    The way I look at silos is think of each silo as an individual website. I can link in/out of the group of pages as often as I want, the benefit is each page in that one group of internal webpages are all focused on a single subject so there's relevancy for both traffic & SEO. The average site/blog will link to all kinds of irrelevant pages where nothing is focused on any one subject, poor user experience & poor SEO.
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