Is this 30 day waiting period true or what?

by 9 replies
There was a lot of talk about this payday update and Iv been in the SEO world for a while.

Iv just started a very large project aka a large tech website reviewing products with tech news and so on. Iv ranked many keywords in the past with low competition on new domains.

Iv got a new domain which is around 20 days old and most of my reviews are on page 2. I have a white hat link builder linking to individual pages.

Id like to know every ones thoughts on this update to whether or not its a real thing.

Thanks guys
#search engine optimization #day #period #true #waiting
  • Lol. You'll find out in 10 days!
    • [1] reply
    • Haha, thanks for pointing that out lol
  • What about the update? What update? Are those my shoes?

    Like an update where panda is done prior to indexing or penguin is done prior to getting any links? Seems to go against all logic to try keep sites down. What's the end result? Spam works off a -30 day clock? I'm not too sure if they'll be bothered with that.
    • [1] reply
    • Yeah i dont really understand why it even matters. 30 days is not a long time.
  • 1st I've heard of it, but 30 days is no time when it comes to ranking your site as many have been online for years.
  • Yes i agree its not a long time at all, i was only wondering if its true or not. Iv not made any new sites since the start of this year. I did see some articles about it on some sites, so i was just wondering if anyone seen it happening.
    • [1] reply
    • I did last night and it's not indexed yet. Now you have me worried...
      • [1] reply

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    There was a lot of talk about this payday update and Iv been in the SEO world for a while. Iv just started a very large project aka a large tech website reviewing products with tech news and so on. Iv ranked many keywords in the past with low competition on new domains.