Please help me warriors

by vanaja
10 replies
  • SEO
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I'm working on a keyword
It's 1 month old website. I have done some seo to it
In last i have seen my website in top results of google(i mean 4 or 5 positions)
This week i'm not able to see my home page in any where in google
but i can find my other pages of my website in third page of the google results for the same keyword
what would be the problem ?
how should i solve it !
please help me !!!!!!!!!!
  • Profile picture of the author Icematikx
    According to majestic, you have TWO backlinks - and both are junk. Go back to the drawing board and start figuring out how you can get some authorative links.

    Just got back from a #BrightonSEO. I was given room 404 in the hotel I stayed at. Couldn’t find it anywhere!

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  • Profile picture of the author LuckyIMer
    Avoid low quality and spammy back links, focus on quality and not quantity.
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  • Profile picture of the author JoeInTheMiddle
    I second what has been said both times. Get more, higher quality links pointed to your site and see what happens. Also, make sure there's plenty of great content on there!
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  • Profile picture of the author godabhi
    Ok.. I think earlier your website is in Google Honeymoon and enjoying ranking.. Now Google drop it.. The first thing is to do here make some quality backlinks fetch it with webmaster tool or some other. If you think website is hitten by Google Algorithm then you should have to check it...
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  • Profile picture of the author Aaron0669
    Originally Posted by vanaja View Post

    I'm working on a keyword
    It's 1 month old website. I have done some seo to it
    In last i have seen my website in top results of google(i mean 4 or 5 positions)
    This week i'm not able to see my home page in any where in google
    but i can find my other pages of my website in third page of the google results for the same keyword
    what would be the problem ?
    how should i solve it !
    please help me !!!!!!!!!!
    Don't spend too much time trying to build backlinks, especially if the backlinks do not come from high authority sites. Better to concentrate on providing quality contents on your site.

    Get my Free Report "How to setup your blog in 7 minutes"

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  • Profile picture of the author Alexzander88
    This problem should be overcome by adding site map to your site a and also add your contact info in Google's map. So this will avoid those kind of problems. If you do this then your home URL only gets indexed on Google.
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  • Profile picture of the author davidhhlee
    vanaja, follow the SEO starter guidelines from Google. Perhaps something you may overlooked or over-do there. More details, please refer
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  • Profile picture of the author AndresNWD
    It doesn't count where you see those results even if you do it on a private browser without cookies and not logued in to a google account. You should install Google Webmaster Tools in your site to be able to analyze that data. Check where your keywords are showing and it will give you a better idea of where you were.
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  • Profile picture of the author SEOWizard417
    You're going to need to build some quality back links. Try guest posting, PBNs, or web 2.0s if you're on a tight budget.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jason1975
    It's already been said but, quality, quality, quality will eventually get you the QUANTITY.
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