Using AI Creation
People often ask whether it's okay to use AI-generated material. While there are usually no legal restrictions--pure AI creations are open source, and anything generated with a user's creative input ... [read more]
People often ask whether it's okay to use AI-generated material. While there are usually no legal restrictions--pure AI creations are open source, and anything generated with a user's creative input ... [read more]
What is the most cost-effective way to promote a YouTube channel from 0 to 1000 subscribers? I have uploaded 4 new videos, each every week, and YouTube just totally ignores ... [read more]
I think I need a smartphone application which would allow me to sort incoming calls on the fly. Let's suppose there are people calling on different products (A,B, C, D, ... [read more]
For those struggling with any form of negativity (lack of self confidence, procrastination, fear, desperation etc.), I would strongly advise trying to wear a Kever Rachel string. I have been ... [read more]
I have something that I want to start selling on eBay. What are the requirements to succeed? I know it is advised to buy some small items first to build ... [read more]
I've been actively pursuing an online income for quite some years now. Made some websites ( , ,, which have generated a few hundred dollars from Adsense, Amazon ... [read more]
Are there any good sites with lots of traffic to sell PDF tutorials? I made a technical tutorial, and posted it on Fiverr, but I have no faith in getting ... [read more]
When you make affiliate links on the Amazon website, they add a 1x1 px image (with your affiliate ID in its address!) after the actual affiliate text link. Like this: ... [read more]
According to the law it should be OK to include the company's logo in a product review or comparison table. But what are your experiences on this? Sometimes they state ... [read more]
Wouldn't it be great if we had a device, much like Star Trek replicator in our posession that would produce any thing we need? Just push a button, and it's ... [read more]
I'm doing a review site, language: English, audience: Europe at large. What confuses me is where to put the currency sign. Most of Europe puts it after the number (like: ... [read more]
I have always thought that it is a good idea to present links in a format that opens the destination in a new window (_blank), this way keeping my own ... [read more]
I'm somewhat baffeled about what I just discovered. The importance of the top level domain (domain extention) is sooooo huge. Let me explain. I have a non-English website, 2 yo, ... [read more]
I learned PayPal has a different transaction fee rate for those who typically accept smaller amounts. It's called Micropayments. While with regular payment plan they charge 2.9% +$0.30, with Micro ... [read more]
When you publish eBooks, what permissions do you give your readers? Printing should be allowed of course, but what about copying text and images? I think this option shuld be ... [read more]
I have an idea of making a Webdesign business following the following blueprint. 1. A non-English website which gets traffic mostly by country-targeted Google Adwords. Non-English because Asian outsourcers are ... [read more]
As we all know the biggest (and probably the only) obstacle in not succeeding is inside us. We sabotage ourselves, because deep down there we only want to be secure. ... [read more]
It's very hard to find fair products at CB to promote nowadays. The reason: "Money is in the list". I suppose all CB merchants have heard it by now, and ... [read more]
Does anyone know and have any experience, what is the Google's "opinion" on posting on social bookmarking sites like these? Is it harmful or helpful? I know, it's very good ... [read more]
Is anyone interested in Bing advertising coupon ($50)? I can't use it myself, as it's only valid for US residents.
I need to install the main website (which normally resides in the main root directory) into a separate folder like added domains are. Is there a way to do it ... [read more]
I have a new domain, registered just a couple of weeks ago. It has not many backlinks yet. Now, the main keyword (which is in the domain name, in the ... [read more]
There is a "keyword1 keyword2" search which makes 300,000 monthly searches, and then there is a related phrase "keyword3 keyword4" which makes something like 20,000 searches on Google. As expected, ... [read more]
Does anyone know of a really good old-style keyword research tutorial? By old-style I mean not using Market Samurai or other expencive tools, but doing it with Google Adwords and ... [read more]
Could this be that WHOIS GUARD is giving a bad impact on SERP? I did a little learning on Amazon Affiliate sites, picked a sample product (Pioneer AVIC-X930BT) and then ... [read more]
A very strange thing just happened. I was posting a comment in a blog (I visited that blog for the first time) and with that comment I added a link ... [read more]
Hi, Can you please critique this text: Uncover the 11 Forgotten Laws | Quantum Mind Success It's not a classical sales copy page of course, it's rather an (affiliate) article, ... [read more]
Does anyone use Google Groups for the list? When list grows into tens of thousands, Aweber and others like it become quite expensive, while Google seems to do the basic ... [read more]
Hi, I'm looking for some contructive critique on the design I've made for my website: Quantum Mind Success At the moment it's still quite empty. The menu box in the ... [read more]
In SEO there is an understanding that outgoing links take away the so called link juce, and thus it's best to have as few outgoing links as possible. How serious ... [read more]
Worry serves no purpose. Law of Attraction tells us that we get what we think about, or to be more exact, we get the experiences that correspond to our vibration. ... [read more]
Has anyone been using subliminal programming? You know, the stuff what's hidden from the conscious mind, but gets registered by the subconscious. I thought to give it a try, and ... [read more]
Hi, I have some questions about article marketing. First, when you publish your articles, do you publish the same article to multiple sites, or is it required (or a good ... [read more]