Want a $5,000 Sales Letter for $500?

Jack Bastide
Profile picture of Jack Bastide
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
4 replies
Hey Everybody,

I've never done anything like this and I'm taking a Huge Risk. If it
works I'll have established a profitable and mutually beneficial

If it doesn't I'll suck it up and attribute it to the school of hard
Knocks and will never do it again

Here's The Deal ...

I have written Top Performing Sales letters for some of the biggest
names in the marketing industry

I won't drop names here but you can PM me for Info and samples

I am looking for ONE Prolific Marketer to hook up with

I will write you a Kick ass High Performing sales letter for a Small
Deposit plus a percentage of sales

If it performs, and It will, then I will be your copywriter on Future

I am taking a big risk here because I'm gonna treat this as if you
were paying me the full fee upfront

In order to encourage SERIOUS people the Deposit is $500

If the copy Bombs, and it won't, then My percentage will be nothing
and I will only make $500 for all my Efforts

Obviously, I'm gonna do EVERYTHING I can to make sure that DOES
NOT Happen

And if you are thinking I am a $500 Copywriter I'm not ..

The FIRST sales Letter I ever did was for $3K

I do have a few Qualifications ...

You must be an Experienced and Prolific Marketer
You must have a Launch coming up Relatively Soon
You must have a large list
You must have JV partners Lined up
The Product has to make Sense to me and I have to see the potential

So that's the Deal

If Interested PM me and we will work out a deal


P.S. if you are wondering why I am doing this it's Simple. I want to
establish a working relationship with a serious marketer that I haven't
worked with yet
#$500 #letter #sales
  • Profile picture of the author steveka
    Profile picture of steveka
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Originally Posted by Jack Bastide View Post

    Hey Everybody,

    ...P.S. if you are wondering why I am doing this it's Simple. I want to
    establish a working relationship with a serious marketer that I haven't
    worked with yet
    If you haven't worked with a serious marketer yet, then how come you have worked with some of the biggest names in the marketing industry? I'm not trying to be offensive, i just couldn't understand what you mean.
    • Profile picture of the author Mike Anthony
      Mike Anthony
      Profile picture of Mike Anthony
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by steveka View Post

      If you haven't worked with a serious marketer yet, then how come you have worked with some of the biggest names in the marketing industry? I'm not trying to be offensive, i just couldn't understand what you mean.
      Think you might have read that wrong. I read it that he wants to hook up with a marketer - one that he hasn't worked for yet. Top names in the industry probably wouldn't go for a percentage deal.

  • Profile picture of the author steveka
    Profile picture of steveka
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Oh, now i got it. Thanks for the heads up! By the way, can you post a sample of your work?
    • Profile picture of the author Jack Bastide
      Jack Bastide
      Profile picture of Jack Bastide
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by steveka View Post

      Oh, now i got it. Thanks for the heads up! By the way, can you post a sample of your work?

      Just Pmed you a couple of links


      If you can drive Biz Op Phone Calls .... I'm Buying

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