Why you should aim for $100 an hour from your IM.

38 replies
Almost 60% of adult Americans make 20 dollars an hour, and these people are still considered in the average or median income.

About 10% make over 100 dollars an hour.

What is the value you put on your one hour of work time? I suggest you shoot for 100 bux an hour for your time and effort.

According to Co-Pilot AI: :

Digital Marketing Salaries in the U.S.:
The average base salary for digital marketers in the United States ranges from approximately $63,648 to $77,381 per year1.
However, when considering hourly rates, Internet Marketers specifically can earn varying amounts.
Hourly Rates for Internet Marketers:
According to ZipRecruiter, as of April 2024, the average hourly pay for an Internet Marketer in the U.S. is $33.422

These are some general stats found via search, do you have an hourly amount you shoot for, or in other words, what is the VALUE you put on one hour of your IM time?

I suggest setting the bar at least 100 dollars an hour, and I'll give my reasons if any one is interested or has a different opinion. I know there is a perspective that doesn't figure hourly rates, as many Freelancers do GIGS or jobs...but might it be helpful to know what your dollar (compensation) per an hour of your time might be? Anyone?

#$100 #aim #hour
  • Profile picture of the author max5ty
    Right now...

    I'm making over $3000.00 an hour if we're basing that on a 40-hour work week.

    About $500,000.00 monthly.

    Now, that's with 623 apartments, and that's not all profit. The bills going out are huge.

    I sat in court on May 7 for 6 evictions. People who couldn't afford $800.00 a month in rent.

    I'm in Ohio. Not on the left coast or anywhere like that where rent is 2800.00 a month for the same type of place.

    I do think though that the $100 an hour figure is something someone has to work their way up to.

    I get emails daily from someone telling me they can increase my profits.

    I get emails daily from someone telling me they can bring me more customers.

    How many of those sending emails have ever gone out and talked to business owners one-on-one?

    There's a reason why many don't turn a profit in online marketing...they're full of sh*t and have no real-world experience in what they're talking about.

    I think to get to the $100 an hour mark you need to put in your time and get experience so you know what you're talking about.

    Anyways, good post
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    • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
      Thanks max5ty, I agree with this:

      I think to get to the $100 an hour mark you need to put in your time and get experience so you know what you're talking about.

      What we see here EVERYDAY is the newbie asking how can I make money with IM? (be it eCom, affiliate, info, freelancing a talent, service or ability) And I'm not going to ask it again...even I get tired of me...the idea that making money is an EXCHANGE of value...or what did you bring with you to the table? What can you give to GET?

      Now my boring old mantra is; Assess, Plan, Execute, Adjust, Evaluate, Continue.

      Not much of a good acronym; APE AEC

      And for decades, literally, decades...I see very little to none ASSESSMENT taking place, most Warriors just won't even take the time to find out what skills, knowledge or talents they may already have. MOST just want a spoon fed answer of how do I make MY money?

      As part of the Plan, after getting a handle on where one is, and what they have to work with...then a Plan Of Action can be formulated, but what is the goal? A plan without a purpose is a poor plan to begin with, albeit, we see it here every hour of every day.

      Every single person who comes here has a current dollar (or whatever currency) amount they are either making, or need to make to cover their basic living expenses. I think a hut on a hill in a Philippine Island may go for less than even the reasonable 800 a month in that area.

      As a goal, 100 dollars an hour in USA is upper 5%, and means a lot of financial freedom, being 200 thousand dollars a year, is this not a worthy goal for most Warriors? I think so.

      But like you say, it has to be earned, first by making 10 bux an hour, or even 1. A simple transaction of just a few dollars, repeated and/or made by numbers...can produce that 100 dollar an hour figure.

      But to goals. Why do we see so few FINANCIAL goals, or the intent of the journey? I think that if those first two steps are taken (assess, plan) then the whole what do I need to do, I'm so lost idea falls aside and Warriors can start making progress.

      Also, one thing of note, is when some get to a six figure a year income and have disposable income, they do the dumbest thing, they dispose of it; new cars, furniture, clothes, vacations, treating the family and themselves because they worked so hard for it...and yet the cautionary tale is, the next year they are broke, back down the mountain starting all over. Your investments, a form of leverage, to get your money to do the work, is an even better goal, once one has some disposable income they do not dispose of.

      So, my next question for Warriors is, how would you get to that 100 an hour? What would the transactional process look like? One sale an hour at 100? 1000 sales at 3.35?

      What is the math needed to figure out what one has to do to reach whatever goal they have in mind, if any?

      My gut feeling is, the Warrior Forum has run its course. It may survive, and sell enough ads and WSO to keep it afloat, but as far as a place to actually learn how to do IM? Well, all the info one needs is already here. May be some new innovations coming our way, but those are best found out at those sites which keep up with that.

      And I doubt a very significant % of Warriors ever get close to that 100 an hour, but they might want to have at least some goal...no?


      Originally Posted by max5ty View Post

      Right now...

      I'm making over $3000.00 an hour if we're basing that on a 40-hour work week.

      About $500,000.00 monthly.

      Now, that's with 623 apartments, and that's not all profit. The bills going out are huge.

      I sat in court on May 7 for 6 evictions. People who couldn't afford $800.00 a month in rent.

      I'm in Ohio. Not on the left coast or anywhere like that where rent is 2800.00 a month for the same type of place.

      I do think though that the $100 an hour figure is something someone has to work their way up to.

      I get emails daily from someone telling me they can increase my profits.

      I get emails daily from someone telling me they can bring me more customers.

      How many of those sending emails have ever gone out and talked to business owners one one-on-one?

      There's a reason why many don't turn a profit in online marketing...they're full of sh*t and have no real-world experience in what they're talking about.

      I think to get to the $100 an hour mark you need to put in your time and get experience so you know what you're talking about.

      Anyways, good post
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11792641].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author max5ty
        Originally Posted by GordonJ View Post

        My gut feeling is, the Warrior Forum has run its course. It may survive, and sell enough ads and WSO to keep it afloat, but as far as a place to actually learn how to do IM? Well, all the info one needs is already here. May be some new innovations coming our way, but those are best found out at those sites which keep up with that.

        And I doubt a very significant % of Warriors ever get close to that 100 an hour, but they might want to have at least some goal...no?

        One thing I remind myself of is that we're in a new era...

        when I say new era...I'm talking about young people and sometimes not so young who are making millions from social media.

        Jake Paul...and others like him. Mr. Beast...OnlyFans...

        I try and watch myself from sounding too old haha.

        I talk about sales letters and other stuff about marketing and I know it goes right over the heads of a lot of the current IM people.

        But, and maybe I'm sounding old again...the old principles still work...
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        • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
          Jack Benny was an OLD comedian, who once hosted his own TV show back in the cave man days. He was always 39, and well, so am I. (Many of us would think that JB would still be known, but alas, ask your fav tiktokker)...

          Sure, the beast. Khaby Lame, Charli D'Amelio, etc. etc. Even the Paul bros.

          And I wonder about the THOUSANDS of people who have been on the many talent shows the last 20 years, AGT, BGT World Got Talents, The Voice, Idol...how many stars have sustained their comet and meteoric rise to fame and fortune? That is rhetorical, of course, I suspect for every Beast, there might be an ECHO, the once stud of Tik-Tok who has all but disappeared...along with many of those early to the fame game.

          Its great. No doubt wanting to be someone will be an evergreen perpetual lust for the masses. And no doubt, a few will even make it.

          As for sounding old, and being old, I still see many people following the old ways, to work and build a business, and follow in the footsteps of those who earned their way to the top and mostly sustained it with good business principles.

          It does go over the head of many who could benefit from your ancient wisdom, and if you are ancient, then I am prehistoric...but there are tried and tested, proven and effective business strategies which COULD be used by many Warriors on their quest to gain either financial freedom or money stability.

          So, I don't mind being old fashioned when it comes to solid business practices, and marketing and copywriting which is still a much in demand skill...at the upper echelons, whereas most copywriters today compete with Fiverr types for table scraps.

          I believe when someone comes to the realization they don't know what they are doing, and are unsure of how to do it (help, I'm lost)...some of the old world strategies and methods could quickly and easily solve their problems, if they are unafraid of a wall of text (OH my god, I have to read???).

          So l'll let the Hunter ECHOS come and go, and maybe catch some of those TV stars on YouTube if I even remember who they are...and just keep chugging along, as old little engines are known to do.


          Originally Posted by max5ty View Post

          One thing I remind myself of is that we're in a new era...

          when I say new era...I'm talking about young people and sometimes not so young who are making millions from social media.

          Jake Paul...and others like him. Mr. Beast...OnlyFans...

          I try and watch myself from sounding too old haha.

          I talk about sales letters and other stuff about marketing and I know it goes right over the heads of a lot of the current IM people.

          But, and maybe I'm sounding old again...the old principles still work...
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    • Profile picture of the author Osman12
      As USA is a land of opportunities and motivation for the rest of the world, you can do it!.
      I am from Pakistan, people here making 200 USD per month are considered happy.
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      • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
        Originally Posted by Osman12 View Post

        As USA is a land of opportunities and motivation for the rest of the world, you can do it!.
        I am from Pakistan, people here making 200 USD per month are considered happy.
        You are from Pakistan. Posting on a web site owned by an Australian company with a million WORLD WIDE members here. I am in Ohio, a state in USA, and I have done Internet Marketing business all over the world...right here from my rocking chair.

        If someone, ANYone in the world offers me a product or service or information which I feel I can benefit from, I will reach for my wallet. And with today's banking and online tools, almost anyone can accept my money too.

        For 20 US dollars, one can run an ad, a WSO (right here), and offer their 'thing' for sale...check out Warrior Pat Taylor, (no affiliation), who sold his book here and made thousands of dollars.

        Where you live, what the avg. income is, what other people around you are doing...should not prevent you or anyone from doing whatever they can do to improve their life, and often, in many countries, an extra income from IM goes a long way toward that improvement.

        With AI tools, translation readily available, and a world wide audience that spends BILLIONS a year, there is a place for you too.

        The limits are individually made, and location, nationality, or environment only limit you when you permit it to do so.

        Whatever you believe you can earn, you are right.

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        • Profile picture of the author nicenet
          I'm limitless, and looking for more opportunities to improve.
          Thank you for the advice.
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        • Profile picture of the author Osman12
          For this, one should learn the right skills in rught direction with the right time. Can you please suggest me some of the right and relavant skills to earn money online even from the countries like Pakistan?
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          • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
            Originally Posted by Osman12 View Post

            For this, one should learn the right skills in rught direction with the right time. Can you please suggest me some of the right and relavant skills to earn money online even from the countries like Pakistan?
            I know very little reality about Pakistan, fortunately, I am from an era that DID study world history, so I have a sense of that. So, here is what AI says, that might be relevant to you:

            With around 82 million internet users as of May 2020, Pakistan ranks 9th globally,[397][398] and its ICT industry is projected to exceed $10 billion by 2020.[399] With 12,000 employees, Pakistan is among the top five freelancing nations,[400] and its export performance in telecom, computer, and information services has notably improved

            It is easy to find many Freelancers from Pakistan at all the freelancing web sites, and with translation being readily available, there shouldn't be any language barriers.

            AI also tells me there is a growing middle class in Pakistan, and that means the sales of convenience/comfort items rise with it.

            Now I have always taught; start where you are with what you have and set a destination...one based on an honest evaluation of your current; knowledge, skills, education, employment history, determination and use this as a baseline to start from.

            Then set a GOAL, preferably in currency (dollars or rupees) and a TIME to achieve it. Then you backward chain from that goal to the current time, and it will show you what skills you need to learn to get there.

            It is always the right time to provide useful, wanted services, products, information and skills. The right direction is what you choose it to be.

            So, evaluation, or ASSESSMENT of what you have and where you are at.


            Then map out a plan of action, and execute the plan and adjust.

            The hundred dollar an hour in the OP is a goal. But you get to set whatever it is you want to make/earn.

            The right thing is to EXCHANGE value in what ever form you have it, exchange it with a marketplace which has wants/needs, and desires.

            And today, this can be done from anywhere in the world. Success is borderless.

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            • Profile picture of the author Osman12
              a detailed and admireable answer from you Sir!

              AI stats are almost valid as the freelancing industry in Pakistan is growing undoubtedly, while people here are active in learning. But one thing that I miss is the lack of Communication Skills.

              Although, I started a blogging site on 17th March, 2024 and it started appearing on Google's first page after one month. I learned a lot from it. I am in a continuous struggle of getting successful but the issue I am currently facing is that the site has been monetized by the Google Adsense but it is generating only 9-15 cents per day. It hurt me a lot

              The reason is that here Cost per Click (CPC) of running ads is too much low. It always demotivated me. Now, I am planning to move ahead of it by starting 5 blogging sites with an aggressive approach within Pakistan after doing proper niche research.

              I am sure, I'll not get the appropirate income but I'll get the experience after doing it. So, it's like Tom & Jerry's play but I'll do it again

              Thanks for a detailed and honest suggestion from You respected SIR
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      • Profile picture of the author DABK
        I spend $250 a week on groceries and toiletries (for 3 people and a dog). And I do not buy extravagant stuff. Or shop at extra-expensive stores.

        Rent on a four-room, one bedroom apartment around here is $1400 to $2200 a month.

        It takes more than $200 a week to be homeless.
        Originally Posted by Osman12 View Post

        As USA is a land of opportunities and motivation for the rest of the world, you can do it!.
        I am from Pakistan, people here making 200 USD per month are considered happy.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11793405].message }}
        • Originally Posted by DABK View Post

          It takes more than $200 a week to be homeless.
          Actschwlly, the risin' cost of homelessness gonna 'fect us all less'n we blind to how climbit ishoos & nashnlist non-negotiabyools gonna sway our actschwaahn from TOGETHAH to APART (plus minusness of limbs & all sensibility).

          Yeah bcs I a Princess, an' I dreamt alla this up as a thought exercise while I prayin' for frahgs.

          Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11793435].message }}
          • Originally Posted by Princess Balestra View Post

            Actschwlly, the risin' cost of homelessness gonna 'fect us all less'n we blind to how climbit ishoos & nashnlist non-negotiabyools gonna sway our actschwaahn from TOGETHAH to APART (plus minusness of limbs & all sensibility).

            Yeah bcs I a Princess, an' I dreamt alla this up as a thought exercise while I prayin' for frahgs.
            Zackly one day latah, same is troo -- tho mebbe kinda double.

            "ZO K," say Mom. "We have a delightfully convenient bunker-STROKE-nirvana to accommodate both our present needs and our future desires like we were shopping for DREAM SHOES.

            The hell we should pay heed to THE YANNO LAME."

            Only it was naht Mom said this ...

            was a frahg.

            Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

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  • Profile picture of the author Zoheb M
    I'd say as long as we are building a business asset, which is an investment as well, we are more certain to get what we deserve long haul.

    designing $100 landing pages, and talking business philosophy...

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    • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
      Originally Posted by Zoheb M View Post

      I'd say as long as we are building a business asset, which is an investment as well, we are more certain to get what we deserve long haul.
      I don't know about "deserve", probably just a semantics difference, but I agree with your idea of building an asset and an INVESTMENT as well, so thanks.

      In all marketing we hear of PROBLEMS being one of the main points, as in, what problem does your product solve for your customer? And that is certainly ONE way to see things.

      When using money as a goal, a target to get to, another good thought is to have it as a BY-PRODUCT for your service to others.

      Whether or not you solve a problem for them, or just make their life better in some way, shape or form, if you start from a concept of GIVING, or making an exchange of value.

      Now, HOW do I get to that 100 dollar an hour figure? (or 1000 an hour if that is your goal)...another way to create a path to get there is by building it backwards from the goal.

      What does 100 dollars an hour look like? Maybe one sale an hour. Maybe 10 sales of ten dollars, maybe one 800 dollar sale a day, or even one 4,000 dollar sale a week.

      By using DOLLARS as goals, it helps you think clearly about what the transactions need to look like, how many, and how often.

      It helps you define your Avatar (Ideal Customer) and pinpoint their location and how you might best interact with them. All these things can be done on paper before one needs to actually begin.

      One of the more respected old Warriors, Paul Myers, had an assessment, or starting point guide, I just checked, it is still available at talkbiz dot com/goals/Worksheets.pdf and would make a nice starting point if you are lost, or clueless.

      Take a few to discover what you already have, know, and can use, and then you can begin to build a machine which will perform the tasks in the manner you teach it to do.

      And if 100 dollars an hour seems way out of your reach, then shoot for 100 a day, or even half that to get started and adjust your activity as you learn.

      But if you start from a well thought out plan of action, after making inventory assessments of what you have already in place, you can take the fastlane to success and begin to build your assets as you invest your time and energy in doing it.

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  • Profile picture of the author DABK
    A study from 2010 (https://www.forbes.com/sites/johnjen...ess-after-all/) says money buys happiness if you make less than 75k (112000 or so in today's money).

    That comes to 54/hour if you work 40 hours a week, and get paid for each hour).

    So, if you want a typical life, you should shoot for 54.

    Turns out, Americans, on average, think they need 1.463 million in savings to retire comfortably.

    Add inflation of at least 2% a year (so, multiply 112000 by 1.02 to know what you need to retire in 1 year. Multiply that result by 1.02 if you want to retire in 2 years.

    Deduct your current savings from the number you came up with. Divide that number by the number of years you have to work. Now, you know how much you need to save for retirement each year.

    Add to that the 112000 you need a year to live comfortably. Now you know how much you need to earn each year. Divide that by the number of weeks you are willing to work each year. Divide that by 40 (or whatever number of hours you want to work each week) and you will know how much you need to earn for every hour you work.
    I am willing to bet that, unless you are 18 or younger, you will come up with a tad more than 100/hour.

    My numbers are post-tax numbers.
    Originally Posted by GordonJ View Post

    Almost 60% of adult Americans make 20 dollars an hour, and these people are still considered in the average or median income.

    About 10% make over 100 dollars an hour.

    What is the value you put on your one hour of work time? I suggest you shoot for 100 bux an hour for your time and effort.

    According to Co-Pilot AI: :

    Digital Marketing Salaries in the U.S.:
    The average base salary for digital marketers in the United States ranges from approximately $63,648 to $77,381 per year1.
    However, when considering hourly rates, Internet Marketers specifically can earn varying amounts.
    Hourly Rates for Internet Marketers:
    According to ZipRecruiter, as of April 2024, the average hourly pay for an Internet Marketer in the U.S. is $33.422

    These are some general stats found via search, do you have an hourly amount you shoot for, or in other words, what is the VALUE you put on one hour of your IM time?

    I suggest setting the bar at least 100 dollars an hour, and I'll give my reasons if any one is interested or has a different opinion. I know there is a perspective that doesn't figure hourly rates, as many Freelancers do GIGS or jobs...but might it be helpful to know what your dollar (compensation) per an hour of your time might be? Anyone?

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    • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
      DABK, in high school, I excelled at Dummies Math, after pert near failing Algebra and Geometry...so they halted any advanced math studies for me and sent me to BUSINESS MATH, which at the time was considered remedial.

      I found I could add and subtract, and with a new fangled calculator, divide and multiply too.

      I suspect your findings to be right on, most will find the 100 an hour (US citizens) to be a bit short of their hopeful retirement goals. And if inflation continues, maybe far short for the younger folk.

      As context, it was used as a line in the sand, a marker. A goal. There are several Warriors who would worry if they only made 100 an hour, something would be terribly wrong in their business.

      Thanks for the article, I found it very interesting. I clipped this from the article:

      They theorized that the plateau occurs because satisfying basic needs is challenging at lower income levels, and those daily challenges negatively impact happiness. Lack of money is associated with stress, poorer health, less leisure time, and greater emotional pain. But once people make enough to move beyond meeting their basic needs and can afford things like a house and a car, take vacations, and gain financial security through savings, making more money doesn't move the happiness needle.

      We've witnessed this here at WF, some Warriors soared to 100k, and they were giddy, why not be? But some were unable to sustain this, and fell rapidly below that, and I can assume with the article in mind, so did their happiness level.

      Using money as a goal is, I believe, a good way to organize one's IM activity, sort of like a golf score card, you know where you stand after each hole, while in pursuit of target score.

      Thanks for the link, I have gone down the rabbit holes of all the studies they have linked to, to see whether or not I am really happy (Ha!).

      We see daily that new Warriors want to make money. We seldom see why they want it? And even less than reasons why, we seldom see what they have to offer to receive it.

      After doing all your calculations, I'm headed to Walmart to see if they have any greeter positions available.


      Originally Posted by DABK View Post

      A study from 2010 (https://www.forbes.com/sites/johnjen...ess-after-all/) says money buys happiness if you make less than 75k (112000 or so in today's money).

      That comes to 54/hour if you work 40 hours a week, and get paid for each hour).

      So, if you want a typical life, you should shoot for 54.

      Turns out, Americans, on average, think they need 1.463 million in savings to retire comfortably.

      Add inflation of at least 2% a year (so, multiply 112000 by 1.02 to know what you need to retire in 1 year. Multiply that result by 1.02 if you want to retire in 2 years.

      Deduct your current savings from the number you came up with. Divide that number by the number of years you have to work. Now, you know how much you need to save for retirement each year.

      Add to that the 112000 you need a year to live comfortably. Now you know how much you need to earn each year. Divide that by the number of weeks you are willing to work each year. Divide that by 40 (or whatever number of hours you want to work each week) and you will know how much you need to earn for every hour you work.
      I am willing to bet that, unless you are 18 or younger, you will come up with a tad more than 100/hour.
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  • Profile picture of the author NillBraun
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    • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
      Originally Posted by NillBraun View Post

      This is a very complex question because we need to determine whether intellectual work should be valued the same as physical labor, and which is more challenging. Of course, $20 is too little, but it seems to me that there won't be any changes in the near future
      My question was; What is the value you put on your one hour of work time?

      We know what the world thinks...a ditch digger, or grave digger perhaps may make a minimum wage and a Noble Prize physicist may earn millions.

      Physical labor...an NBA basketball player, average salary is over 10 million dollars a year.

      The owner, who mostly thinks about what to do, averages 30 million a year and has no expiration date, so physical labor takes its toll on the ability to earn.

      We can find out what the world thinks our time is worth, but how we value it, how much we see it being worth is all about perspective as it relates to intent.

      But, be it physical or intellectual work hour, it is really about what the market will pay, isn't it? We see so many newer copywriters (intellectual creators) charging so little for this service while the top dogs get 100 X that money for the same time.

      I don't find it complex at all, we each get to determine our own answer.

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  • We all gotta be enablin' catalysts of SUMTHIN', I guess.

    An' the mortal burnout of our spussific energies an' valyoo generatin' stuffs gotta stack up the kudos, treats, an' pony farms along the way.

    Else'n we bound steada unbound.

    Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

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  • Profile picture of the author nicenet
    You can make $100 per hour if you are a tutor, it's possible. Whatever the mind believes, it can conceive- Napoleon Hill.
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  • Profile picture of the author spartan14
    Well i am agree with you but to charge 100$ per hour you need to know your thing
    And sometimes you need to leearn for many years ,maybe more than a decade to be so specialized in that skill to ble able to charge so much
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11793536].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
      Originally Posted by spartan14 View Post

      Well i am agree with you but to charge 100$ per hour you need to know your thing
      And sometimes you need to leearn for many years ,maybe more than a decade to be so specialized in that skill to ble able to charge so much
      100 an hour. A goal. Income. Money.

      See, by thinking "but to CHARGE $100 per hour" puts a way and means on it. I didn't say that.

      The 100 could be 20 sales of 5 dollar cheet sheets, and have nothing to do with TIME, especially labor.

      Charging a per hour rate for services NEVER gets most people above survival and it is a constant job of finding new clients to serve. NO, that is a lot of slop and mess.

      It is better to set up a business where one does not charge a per hour rate, but rather has a model that makes offers which many people will pay for and then use leverage to do it.

      This hourly rate thinking is a problem in my opinion, and just a backwards way to set up a business, when today, there are so many easier choices available.

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      • Profile picture of the author Jason Kanigan
        Originally Posted by GordonJ View Post

        100 an hour. A goal. Income. Money.

        See, by thinking "but to CHARGE $100 per hour" puts a way and means on it. I didn't say that.

        The 100 could be 20 sales of 5 dollar cheet sheets, and have nothing to do with TIME, especially labor.

        Charging a per hour rate for services NEVER gets most people above survival and it is a constant job of finding new clients to serve. NO, that is a lot of slop and mess.

        It is better to set up a business where one does not charge a per hour rate, but rather has a model that makes offers which many people will pay for and then use leverage to do it.

        This hourly rate thinking is a problem in my opinion, and just a backwards way to set up a business, when today, there are so many easier choices available.

        Setting a money target is key.

        It helps you decide what you should be doing. Where should you put your attention, energy, effort? If you can't see a way for it to make your money target in the time given, it's not for you.
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        • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
          Originally Posted by Jason Kanigan View Post

          Setting a money target is key.

          It helps you decide what you should be doing. Where should you put your attention, energy, effort? If you can't see a way for it to make your money target in the time given, it's not for you.
          Here, at WF, where the main topic is Internet Marketing (business-making money)...it just stands to reason that setting a money target should be something we all do, right?

          And it should tell us where to put our time and attention and energy. This, however, requires a bit more of a thinking process. So, let me share one of mine, as to whether or not a project should be pursued. This is an initial step early on.

          So, for me, right now, it is about lottery and SCRYING. Something I have done for decades.
          Scrying (per wiki) involves gazing into a medium, hoping to receive significant messages or visions that could offer personal guidance, prophecy, revelation, or inspiration.

          Having dozens of things to stare at, many crystals among them, I first asked copilot, at bing, about scrying, crystal balls, etc. And then went to several other AI to ask the same things. So, this ten minutes or so, yielded some baseline.

          Then, I went to Amazon, and searched for Crystal Balls. A 20 dollar ball had 100+ sold in the last month, and over 5,000 reviews. A higher priced one, at 60 dollars, had 50+ sold in last month, and over 1,000 reviews.

          This small amount of data told me what? Over 5k dollars a month, from just 2 of the many, many vendors selling these kinds of things. Then, I looked for books and read the negative reviews on the top 3...this gave me insight into what the market might want.

          Then, I searched for books on winning the lottery, and the closest thing is, MANIFEST YOUR MILLIONS, with 100+ sold last month and over 1k reviews.

          All of this data collection, which took maybe 10 mins of time...gave me a partial answer as to the MARKET for such things. Next to ebay, where I found one seller who has sold 2836 crystal balls for 11 bux and another seller with a 100 dollar ball and 129 sold.

          That was all of 10 mins. Then on to etsy, where I spent almost 20 minutes looking through dozens of vendors selling tons of crystal balls, and all things like it.

          So, in less than an hour, I have a decent idea of what is being sold, who and where, how much, the top end, the bottom and the demand. Having been a member of some lottery sites for a decade and a half, I know that market place.

          I am posting this as an EXAMPLE of how to spend a LITTLE bit of time figuring out your market before you make a commitment and just waste a lot of time, like with a blog that no one really cares about.

          See, I can find DEMAND, and sales, and a niche, where folks spend money, I don't have to create one, or find one, I'm already in that parade (lottery players, scyrers) so there is no learning curve involved, just research enough to know there is a market and where and how to INTERSECT with them.

          I've used this process for a long time, and it is well worth while to spend a little time on locating your buyers before you begin your IM ventures. Hope you found it helpful.

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          • Originally Posted by GordonJ View Post

            Then, I went to Amazon, and searched for Crystal Balls. A 20 dollar ball had 100+ sold in the last month, and over 5,000 reviews. A higher priced one, at 60 dollars, had 50+ sold in last month, and over 1,000 reviews.
            As I recall, Bethany Wiccasplatz had a cool $60 ball offah gowin' a few years back.

            Likely I still have the ad sumplace ...

            Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

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    • Profile picture of the author DABK
      You need to know something.
      You do not, necessarily, need to study it for years.

      Disassociate $100/hour from your effort.

      No, it requires effort, but it does not to involve you or your time.

      Think systems. You spend time and effort to set up systems, not so much to run them.

      One way of getting mortgage broker leads is to network, meet with ton of people.

      Another way is to pay for ads that get people to call you.

      Another way is to buy ads that send people to your site or Facebook or LinkedIn page, which is the wide part of your funnel. At some pont, without additional effort or time from you, some call or email you. But ready to apply. So, to get one all the way to a closing, so you get paid, you have to speak to 4 or 5 not to 25 or 30.

      You could do the above, and the person they call is not you, but a closer. You only talk to the ones that are buying.

      You can take the above and add loan originators who work for you. You get a lot less per sale (you have higher costs), but you could do it with a lot less work and time or the same amount of time and effort but your outfit closes a lot more loans than you could ever do alone.

      You can go from having 4 or 5 sales a month, making 20k after expenses to your outfit having 200 sales (closings a month,) with you making 120k a month.

      Originally Posted by spartan14 View Post

      Well i am agree with you but to charge 100$ per hour you need to know your thing
      And sometimes you need to leearn for many years ,maybe more than a decade to be so specialized in that skill to ble able to charge so much
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  • Profile picture of the author raynic
    .. oh man, that's a whole lot of financial freedom most IMers dream of.
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    • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
      Originally Posted by raynic View Post

      .. oh man, that's a whole lot of financial freedom most IMers dream of.
      Yes, it is for many. And what we find here at Warrior is many continue to DREAM, because they never lay the foundation for financial freedom. If building a house can be used as a metaphor, a lot has to be cleared, a PLAN and blueprint created, and either help or TIME.

      I have a neighbor who took 4 years to build his dream house, in this very established neighborhood, one of the oldest in the city. It took 4 years because he did almost everything himself.

      Having the money to hire help, permits allowing, it would have been a 90 day project.

      Beautiful house. Great result. And we see similar results in IM, if you have to do everything yourself because you can't afford to hire help, you must PLAN ON spending time to execute your blueprint, if you even bothered to have one.

      With funds, it Can BE expedited, but may not be because we chose the goof ball guru to follow, rather than find tested and proven blueprints which fit our needs.

      And it is a good goal, for many Warriors, maybe it would mean financial freedom, but for a few here right now, it would mean they are either retired, on vacation, or have let their businesses grow weeds. It is just a number.

      We all get to choose what that number is, and if it is a BIG dream for anyone, they should lower it into achievable increments, and that also begins with a good PLAN OF ACTION to take one to their goal.


      P.S. As a NOT musician, the closest I get to hitting a C-note is taking out my wallet and punching Ben Franklin in the nose. So...if I had any music talents, I'd be the Norman Greenbaum of the WF, a one hit wonder, who sings the same ol song year after year...

      Rinse and Repeat.
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  • Profile picture of the author Eaglewing6
    100$ and hour is great you can make a lot of money
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    • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
      Originally Posted by raynic View Post

      .. oh man, that's a whole lot of financial freedom most IMers dream of.
      Originally Posted by Eaglewing6 View Post

      100$ and hour is great you can make a lot of money
      The second one has been lost to me in the translation. So, I'll use it as a means to make a general statement about new Warriors in general, and many Warriors overall.

      Everyday, we get new people and the one thing they do NOT do is, come with good questions...and it could be because they don't know what to ask, so they come here with what is the BEST or What is the FASTEST, or What is the EASIEST...those type of questions which are for the most part, totally useless.

      I think most older Warriors would agree it isn't a very well run site from users perspective, we can only assume it makes money from a corporate angle...and that is what they should care about.

      But it is poorly organized and arranged, and so much of the help and wisdom of the ages, including the early years of some very big time IM gurus included...is hard to find, and in truth, not much effort on the noobies part to find it...so, we have to address the same questions, week, month and year after year.

      IF anyone new to the WF really wants to expedite their success, you must learn how to ask the right kind of questions. But at the same time, be prepared to answer some too.

      Yes, we know you come here to learn HOW TO MAKE MONEY WITH IM, that is the basic premise of the forums, and yes, you will find some useful, practical and applicable information here, if you look for it.

      See, 95% come WANTING, asking what and how they can GET. And for at least two decades, some of us have asked, WHAT DO YOU BRING WITH YOU?

      What do you have to offer to the marketplace in general? And if the answer is NOTHING, then you have a lot of work ahead of you. But even then there are shortcuts to learning, if you can make a suitable choice based on your wants and needs, and not just trying to get rich quick.

      So, learn HOW to ask the right kinds of questions. For example, in this thread I give an arbitrary number, $100 an hour, but it could be any number you want...this roughly translates in USA to around a pre tax of $200,000.00 which puts an American citizen in the upper 5% of income earners. That is still a very long way from millionaire, or even BILLIONAIRE as so many new Warriors apparently dream about.

      But it can be financial freedom. Or it could be prison of daily grind activity that eats your lunch and drains your soul.

      How can I make 100 an hour? REPLY: What do you currently have to offer?

      And we go from there. The value you find here is going to be in direct proportion the questions you ask, and if you learn to ask good questions, you will find it is, indeed, a shortcut to achieving your goals. Any questions??

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  • Profile picture of the author max5ty
    A 100 an hour is one way to look at it.

    I'd suggest maybe a monthly goal.

    Sometimes when someone is starting with online marketing they might spend 20 hours a day working on something. Then, after they get established and have everything set up maybe only spend a couple of hours a day on their thing.

    So, my suggestion would be a monthly goal.

    Plus, I think it depends on where you live.

    I know there are people in some countries that $500 a month is a fortune. Here in the U.S. it's not great.

    So I think overall, a monthly goal would be a better thing to aim for.

    Just my thoughts.

    Thanks for your post. It brings up a lot of interesting thoughts.
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    • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
      The takeaway, hopefully, to new Warriors, or even ones who struggle is or should be:
      So, my suggestion would be a monthly goal.

      A minute, hour, day, month or year...a buck, or 500,000...are maybe not as important as the GOAL, which should provide the motivation to start, continue and keep at it until it is achieved. g

      The fight I make is often against the pros like you, who are master persuaders and influencers via copywriting. Not against you or any given person, but against the use of hype, hyperbole, and influence...getting a prospect to quick, easy, and BUY.

      It is like my battle I once waged against golf club makers, who sold clubs to people who just wanted to BUY their success, and not work for it.

      Maybe an athlete, especially baseball infielders, come to the game of golf with transferrable skills, but they too can NOT quickly and easily master the game.

      Likewise, with IM, as you state: they might spend 20 hours a day working on something. Then, after they get established and have everything set up maybe only spend a couple of hours a day on their thing.

      They might. But most don't. And why should they when at every turn they encounter IM Guru ads which tell them how easy it all is. All they have to do is buy the funnel cakes, or the cotton candy, and consume their products and then, I reckon, they poop out gold??

      Anything, for most of us, the 98% of the ungifted, untalented, and often unimaginative have to put the TIME in...to master the basics; be they in golf with grip, stance, swing and mental attitude or with IM with Prospect, Product, Intersection, Transaction.

      The GOAL is everything.

      And it is nothing without a clear idea of what it is, and an executed and adjusted plan of action to bring it to reality.

      What it is for me, is an answer to the question, what do you want and why? When a new Warrior can answer THOSE simple, BASIC questions, it builds a platform to stand on to be able to create GOALS, and the numbers; dollars, hours, days, whatever...have a time schedule directly related to the goal.

      Just as one can't instantly jump to 100 an hour via spend (buying systems, software), they can't get to 500,000 a month without first building the foundation for that to happen.

      Now, I'm just treading water here, with this thread, it really doesn't matter what you and I think, although it would behoove a newbie to do so (and the opinion of other Warriors too, albeit, not the goofballs)...

      What should be important to any new Warrior is THEIR GOAL, and once that is made clear, the ways and means to reach it...their answer, is probably buried beneath the thousands of forum posts buried deep in the WF history. Ah, but excavation sounds like work doesn't it, better to just ask

      What is the best, fastest, easiest way for me to make a lot of money without doing anything?

      After all, isn't that the most popular of all WF newbie questions?


      Originally Posted by max5ty View Post

      A 100 an hour is one way to look at it.

      I'd suggest maybe a monthly goal.

      Sometimes when someone is starting with online marketing they might spend 20 hours a day working on something. Then, after they get established and have everything set up maybe only spend a couple of hours a day on their thing.

      So, my suggestion would be a monthly goal.

      Plus, I think it depends on where you live.

      I know there are people in some countries that $500 a month is a fortune. Here in the U.S. it's not great.

      So I think overall, a monthly goal would be a better thing to aim for.

      Just my thoughts.

      Thanks for your post. It brings up a lot of interesting thoughts.
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  • Profile picture of the author Princess Balestra
    Seems anythin' goes, far as horizons mattah.

    Dreams & deaths equal, I guess.

    (Check yr mortality from crib to drib; she will venture unto you always maxo of kiss.)

    Dollahs an' movies.

    Spoons an' bloo days.

    An' from outta alla this effervescence of theeings, all impossibility spins.

    In a dreamo you cain't catcho.

    & so you say, "What is this I watcho?"

    uh huuhmn...

    uhn zaint prussisely this MOMENT I remembahed Bethany Wiccasplatz!

    Kinda so like yanno!

    She is heyirre, for anywan pressyuhscento ...


    Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

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  • Profile picture of the author max5ty
    I do think online marketing has changed over time.

    The way a lot of marketers are building a list now isn't the old funnel thing where they would give away something to get someone to sign up.

    Now, a lot of marketers are using newsletters. A newsletter is pretty much expected every week. They offer an easy way to push a product without sounding too desperate.

    I talked about Beehiiv before where you can start for free...up to like 1000 subscribers. After that many subscribers, hopefully, you're making some money. Plus, you push other newsletters in your category and earn money...and others do the same for you.

    The whole site was started by a couple of guys who had actually built a huge newsletter previously.

    I think if I were going to start internet marketing these days, I'd start with building a newsletter. Pick a niche that you knew you could get followers and go from there.

    Just an idea.
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    • Profile picture of the author ziyad
      Originally Posted by max5ty View Post

      Pick a niche that you knew you could get followers and go from there.

      Do you really think would work? This is just like building your own newsletter but on another platform. Other than getting a cross promotion or referral benefit, are there other considerations.

      Ali Ziyad

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  • Profile picture of the author cintasejati
    Is it still working for 2024 with more challenge in many industry today
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  • Profile picture of the author Eaglewing6
    That's great
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  • Profile picture of the author shahrukhkhan1
    great work.
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