Calling all IMer's in the dating Niche (must read)____________

2 replies
Alright Im kind of new in the dating niche right now so I would like to do some guest blogging with you guys to hopefully help build my list, in exchange I will sell some of your products to my list. If anyone is interested in getting paid then reply asap!
#calling #dating #imer #niche #read
  • Profile picture of the author nuclear81
    Profile picture of nuclear81
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Email me - I think we can help each other out.
    • Profile picture of the author mph
      Profile picture of mph
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      I don't know if your proposal is still open. If it is, then I'd love to do a joint venture with you.

      I have this quality product in the "inner game" sub-niche called Radical Inner Game:

      You can have a look at my product here: Radical Inner Game

      So what's makes Radical Inner Game a unique product on this niche?

      We simply took all the existing products on the market, reviewed them, distilled and boiled down their core ideas and beliefs and turned them into hypnotic suggestions. It's a short, automatic, effortless technique that delivers real results - and delivers them fast. It'll slash the learning curve and slowly turn guys into naturals.

      Sales copy was carefully written by one of the top copywriters in the
      seduction niche and, we are CONSTANTLY tweaking and fine tuning
      our sales copy for best conversions for our affiliates and JV partners.

      Take a quick look at this unique affiliate page that has all the details
      and tools you will need to make this Joint Venture most profitable for
      you and easier, just below:

      Affiliates - Radical Inner Game

      Currently, we have THREE ways for you to make extra money with-
      out lifting a pinky finger for 65% commissions, and they are:

      Hypnosis Pack #1: ONE "Inner Game" Audio CD - $97 (commission $67.20)

      Hypnosis Pack #2: THREE "Inner Game" Audio CD - $127 (commission $88.90)

      Hypnosis Pack #3: FIVE "Inner Game" Audio CD - $147 (commission $102.90)

      You'll be provided with ALL the affiliate tools needed (emails, banners,
      blog posts, articles, product reviews, ppc ads, etc) at:

      Affiliates - Radical Inner Game

      If you're interested write me at the email below:



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