Calling all 500+ sub IM List Owners, This is a sweet deal to make $$$ AND build your list.

Profile picture of LaneB
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
3 replies
I have an idea. I have a WSO out that's converting at a solid 7%.

As proof look go to this link:WarriorPlus

Just find "Outsourcing Jedi Master" by LaneB

If you need help getting started as a WSO affiliate watch this video:

The WSO is at:

Anyway, what do you say to mailing a solo to your list as an affiliate, with a commission of 50%. All you have to do is sign up via the 1st link.

I'll give you a solo to my list for whatever else you'd like to promote after 3 other affiliates make their mailing giving you a much larger list to mail to.

What do you say?

#$$$ #500 #build #calling #deal #list #make #owners #sweet

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