I'm Looking To Promote Your Webinar To My List

Profile picture of jbode
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
1 replies
Hey Warriors, I'm interested in promoting internet marketing related webinars to my list (they can be automated or even a replay)

Please send me a private message with your webinar details (past replays ideally) so I can assess if it's right for my list

I look forward to making BIG money with you!
#list #promote #webinar
  • Profile picture of the author DanDasilva15YearOldIM
    Profile picture of DanDasilva15YearOldIM
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I am VERY interested. I have about 3 recoreded webinars and they have a really good conversion rate. Email me at jigglemusic (at) gmail.com fr more info
    Next time you're at a McDonald's Playplace and someone asks you, "Aww which one is yours?" Say, "I haven't picked one out yet..."

    Im selling 2 adwords accounts with $100 in each account for $30! $200 value! PM me only!

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