Make $1000 Per Sale - I Have A High-Ticket Item Looking For IM List.

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Have an IM list and want to make some cash...

"Make $1000 Per Sale...
And Your List Will Love You For It...

If you have an IM list and want to make a huge chunk of cash, without really doing any work. Then listen up. Because I have stumbled into something very cool. And I think it can make us both a lot of money.

But first my name's Andy Wilson, and I'm a copywriter.

Which is actually what I want to talk to you about.

Help Your List
And Make A Huge Profit

You see, about a month ago - I did a series of video critiques for various sales pages.
The videos were between 30-90 minutes long - And I dug really deep into these people's sales pages - I revealed quick ways to turbocharge the sales letter. And pointed out sales killing boogey-monsters.

The results are fantastic. This guy named Lee experienced a triple in conversions (250% boost).

Another buddy of mine (his name is CJ) had sites that were making no money at all - but with just 30 minutes of my advice, turned in "hundred dollar a day" type sites.

Basically everybody was ecstatic about their results.

Which got my greed glands going...

How awesome would it would be to have people submit their sales pages? And their most burning questions about copywriting, and conversions...

And then have me answer their questions live, and tune-up and supercharge their sales pages in front of everybody.

It would be a ton of free value, and there's a good chance your subscribers will totally love it - because this webinar is almost 100% content...

Now here's the part where we make money...

At the end of this webinar - there will be an invitation for people to work more closely with me, and have me directly handle their advertising and copywriting needs.

Since this is a high ticket item (my fees run into the thousands of dollars), not too many people are going to buy. Which is totally fine, because we're only looking to convert a small number of them (I'm thinking 1-3).

I Get One Client
You Get $1000 Dollars

Since it's your list, you'll get a cut.

For every person that goes orders through the webinar (we can set up tracking) - You get $1000.

Even if we only convert 1-3 people - you're looking at 1-3 grand. (not to mention all the goodwill you'll score among your subscribers.)

Obviously we'd need to work out some of the finer details. But if you're at all interested in this, please contact me as soon as you can (preferably right after you've finished reading this).

My email is - or you can pm me here on the forum.

From there we can schedule a call over skype (my skype id is andywilson2222). Where we can share visions, and handle the logistics.

Please let me know quickly - whether you want in on this. Because I'd like to get this rolling as soon as possible.


P.S. You might be wondering if I have samples, and stuff. I absolutely do - and you can see them at And you can see some of the video critiques (that I mentioned earlier) here I hope to talk to you soon, please respond as soon as you can.
#hey #highticket #item #list #make #promote #sale

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