Keys of a good Twitter Campaign

Profile picture of DavidGWelch
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
4 replies
A good Twitter marketing campaign must be focused on looking for becoming viral, virality is what will let you grow your business and gain more followers.
Twitter is the perfect network for going viral, users there tend to share other users content in a more frequent way than they do in other networks, and this is because the platform is designed for that, a retweet is an extremely easy thing to do, but how do you get viral?

Here are some advices:

1. Find Your Influencers: Every niche has influencers, and they are the ones that hold the key for getting viral, what you need to do is to get an RT from one of them, after that just lay down and watch as your tweet gets viral.
How do you find your niche s influencers? You can use for finding them between your audience, Klout Score is also a very good tool for finding big users.
2. Test Your Tweet Times: If you are an experienced Twitter user you know that the results sometimes depend on the moment you tweet, so its very important you find the ideal time for doing it for your campaign, all the audiences are different so you need to know when is the best time for yours.
For doing this you can use for tracking the times when your links have better engagement, you can also use Twitalyzer for getting a lot of data on your engagement and your audience behaviour.
3. Pay attention to patterns: Use the tools Ive described before to find patterns in your engagement, which of your tweets are more successful? The long ones? The ones with links or images? The ones that include hashtags? This is all valuable information you can use to optimize your campaign and get better results.
4. Manage your expectations: This is very important, not all tweets are destined to success, in fact, most of them just get lost into oblivion, some research has shown only 6% of the tweets are retweeted, and only a fraction of that achieves virality, so you need to be patient and consistent, and dont give up after a few bad days.
#campaign #good #keys #twitter
  • Profile picture of the author gregorybair
    Profile picture of gregorybair
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    David, I have found pretty good luck tracking my campaigns using the activity dashboard.

    I have been able to follow the campaign performance monthly (even weekly) and most important have been able to track organic and promoted tweet engagements.

    Then I can see all of the metrics for the campaigns and export them to an excel file and track and analyze them.

    Always interested in learning more ways to increase conversions. Thanks.
  • Profile picture of the author intellg
    Profile picture of intellg
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Try to participate in trending twitter hashtags and create unique hashtags relevant to your brand that others could also hop in. During weekends, try tweeting something surprising, inspiring, heartwarming and positive-- relevant to your brand.
  • Profile picture of the author Paul Wilson
    Paul Wilson
    Profile picture of Paul Wilson
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hi David,

    As an affiliate I don't have my products to market. Do you have any suggestions on how to set up a successful aff campaign on Twitter?
  • Profile picture of the author laraku
    Profile picture of laraku
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Share more types of content that people like to share on twitter: facts/statistics, images, and quotes. Do some keyword research about your niche to find topics that resonate with your audience. As much as possible, find a fact that is uncommon or about breaking stereotypes and assumptions. Check out trending hashtags relevant to your niche too.

    Since many marketers are pressed for time, this image tool from buffer can help since it also contains images you can use.

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