Are "Like and Share" contests on facebook illegal?

by 6 replies
Someone tried telling me I wasn't allowed to do this on FB. After a quick Google search, I could only find articles from 2013.

Whats the truth?

- Louie
#social media #contests #facebook #illegal #like and share
  • what kind of contest is it? What is the prize and how do they get it? Contests where they have to pay to participate are illegal in most states, but if it is a competition of skill (who can do the most) I don't know of any states where that is illegal. You can always ask a lawyer to be sure in your area, but again I have never heard of it being illegal to ask for likes or shares or ask others to ask their friends for likes or shares
  • If you are making the best oiled boobs contest, such obviously violate their tos.
    You can make any contest that from common sense doesn't relate to nudes, racism, alcohol, fraud and stuff like that.
    Keep in mind that children also visit facebook and the administration is very strict because of that.
    Point : E. Promotions

    And of course :

    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • Funny answers

    The contest I ran was a "like and share to win a christmas tree and a bag of candy" contest. So no nude or inappropriate stuff. Haha.

    It's a small plastic table Xmas tree, and the contestants are local, so I'll be delivering the prize personally.

    @ProxyDatabase, this was actually pretty interesting.
    "3. Promotions may be administered on Pages or within apps on Facebook. Personal Timelines and friend connections must not be used to administer promotions (ex: “share on your Timeline to enter” or “share on your friend's Timeline to get additional entries”, and "tag your friends in this post to enter" are not permitted)."

    If I'm understanding this correctly, then Facebook IS actually saying that we cant ask people to "like and share" to enter to win?? But I feel like every page does this.
    • [2] replies
    • Your friend is not true friend of yours then. Happy holidays.
    • It may be that the loophole could be they do not have to share to enter but it is appreciated...
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