Can You Explain Facebook To Me Like I'm 5?
I am really clueless when it comes to using facebook as a means of funneling customers to my site; I really don't see how effective it would be for a small relatively unappealing niche store.
For example, let's say I sell coasters for drinks. I assume I'd start a campaign where I target people who look like they might drink and therefore use coasters.
If I imagine I am one of these people:
- I see an ad for a blue coaster, I don't click it because I don't need a coaster
- I see a really cool picture of a blue coaster on a table made from a ford f-150 engine, so I click it, and maybe I even like the coaster sites fb page, but I still don't buy a coaster. Because I don't need one.
- I see a really interesting ad that goes to a blog post regarding how coasters prevent 400,000 drink rings on tables per year, save baby pandas lives, and feed 1 african child per year. I like but I still don't buy the coaster because I don't need on at that exact moment in time.
Now I can see how ad campaigns with cool/interesting/wow ads about their topic can work really well for hype products, weight loss products, products/store where people will have to keep buying from each week/month, products that undercut their competition in price, and for really cool products that lead to impulse buys.
Where I can see facebook helping for everyone is trust. If someone falls onto my site from google via a buyers intent query (ie: buy coasters), then having a nice populated facebook page would help that customer feel your site is trustworthy/high quality.
But for a small niche store that sells relatively uninteresting products to a niche market, how can facebook really help lead to more sales? I'm not seeing how ad campaigns/facebook in general would really help in my case.
Can someone fill me in on how I can make fb work well with my store, and use it as a funnel for sales?
Ryan Tran -
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