Need Help Building a Funnel for Real Estate Seller Leads through Facebook
Video 1 - Price (I will show them the best way to accurately price their home).
Video 2 - Presentation (Will go over how their home should look, discuss repairs, improvements, landscaping, cleaning, etc...)
Video 3 - Promotion (Show them my "89 Point Marketing Plan," which they could use for themselves if they wanted to sell it on their own)
My goal for this is to give them lots of value, but to ultimately come to the conclusion that it is a lot of work to sell their house, they can't do it on their own, and to view me as the expert and use me as their real estate agent to sell their house.
Thoughts and suggestions on this would be greatly appreciated!
Also, I need help figuring out how to take them from the lead magnet to actually signing a listing agreement. What do you suggest?
MichaelSouth -
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dustinbwhite -
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MichaelSouth -
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Christian Lowe -
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dustinbwhite -
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Christian Lowe -
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missmystery -
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Shirleycouture -
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