Tracking People Who go to Page But Don't Convert

1 replies
Hi there,

I'm relatively new to Wordpress and Facebook ads. I'm running an ad campaign that directs people to a landing page, in which they download an eBook, which then puts them into an email marketing campaign I have running.

I would like to then run another ad later, targetted at the users have clicked on the ad, but have not filled in the form to download the eBook.

Is this possible, and how?

#convert #page #people #tracking
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    Hi Tom,

    Yes, of course you can do that. It's called a Remarketing campaign.

    1. First you need to add the Facebook Tracking Pixel to your Landing Page.

    2. Next, you create a custom audience for people that have visited your landing page, but not your conversion success page.

    3 Create a Remarketing campaign targeting your new custom audience.

    What are Custom Audiences from your website?

    Custom Audiences from your website is a targeting option that matches people who visit your website with people on Facebook, using the Facebook pixel. You can then create an ad to show to that audience.

    You can create a Custom Audience from your website for any group of visitors that you'd like to reach with targeted Facebook ads. For example, you can run a campaign to reach people who visited a product page but didn't complete a purchase to encourage them to go back to the website to do so. Or, you can create an audience of everyone who's visited your website in the past 30 days.

    Don Burk
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