Should I be getting more website visits with 1500 new subsribers a month?

by amunt
9 replies
I'm getting only 60 new website visits a day, from around 1500 new youtube subs a month. I have over 100,000 subscribers in total, but it's been going a while so most of those aren't active.

My videos (language learning) get good comments and a lot of likes and I upload regularly. Should I be getting more website visits? Anything else you can do apart from upload good content, use the cards etc , that I can do?

#1500 #month #subsribers #visits #website
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  • Profile picture of the author Katknip
    Can I ask what you've done to generate that many followers? I know it's off topic, but I'd love any feedback you can give me.
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    • Profile picture of the author amunt
      Originally Posted by Katknip View Post

      Can I ask what you've done to generate that many followers? I know it's off topic, but I'd love any feedback you can give me.

      I didn't do anything apart from upload a few videos, which people seem to rate. Ironically, since I have made a more concerted effort, my overall views have plummeted - not very encouraging from YouTube.
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      • Profile picture of the author Katknip
        That seems to be the way things happen. Hope it turns around for you.
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    • Profile picture of the author Katknip
      So I was thinking, do you have a CTA or anything? Are you giving your community a reason to visit your website, like different material they won't find on your YouTube channel? Maybe at the end of your videos just say something like, "if you like this, be sure to check out my website for more language learning tools." We have some resources and videos on our website you might find useful: Let me know. I'm always looking to hear feedback.
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  • Profile picture of the author Castor Troy1
    You can get more subscriber by doing these things, such as:

    -> Share your video with different social media.
    -> You can research your keywords
    -> Share it in different forum site

    These are some ways which are very effective for getting more visitors to your website. Hope this might be helpful for you.
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  • Profile picture of the author ryanbiddulph
    Hi A,

    How much do you engage your subscribers? Via their comments? Or if you are not getting engagement, start chatting these people up in the comments field of your video, and on your blog. Engagement will boost your traffic numbers.

    Ryan Biddulph helps you to be a successful blogger with his courses, manuals and blog at Blogging From Paradise
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  • Profile picture of the author TMacD
    If someone is subscribed to your channel, then they are probably seeing a push notification each time you upload a video. That push notification is essentially an ad, with an image and copy (your video title.) So the question I would ask is, "is this ad attractive to my audience?" Invest some time, thought and research into what image and copy will make your audience HAVE to click your push video's push notification.

    Care to share a link to your channel?
    Daily videos from a successful, handsome entrepreneur.
    Daily TMacD
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  • Profile picture of the author Shin Wilson
    In addition, not all traffic is equal. Let's say you work for a small M/E/P design firm in Indiana. You post an article on your corporate blog called, "7 Twerking Secrets from Miley Cyrus's VMA Performance." You get 100,000 visitors that day. Pretty good, right? Not really.
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  • Profile picture of the author Herewegoagain
    Hey, Amunt

    With the limited amount of information you've shared, you might want to check some of the following steps that you may or may not have implemented:-
    1. Are there clickable links to your website from your YouTube channel and on the YouTube videos?
    2. Are you embedding your videos onto your website? This also helps boost your website ranking in Google, which in turn, could generate more traffic. It can also convert visitors more easily into paying customers.
    3. Are you offering a free download in your videos? This could help drive traffic to your website, as well as build yourself an email list for future email marketing purposes.
    4. Do you optimise all of your videos for SEO purposes?
    5. Do your social media platforms link back to your website?
    6. Have you considered collaborating with others in your niche, such as guest blogging, where you can direct that other business owner's subscribers to your website?

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